Submerged - A montage of underwater shots

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Imagen de Anonymous

I just joined this forum and i think its a great idea!
So thanks for the invite.

Heres a short video which is a montage of a few different underwater
shots. Its really all about the procedure of making this film for me, rather than the end result. It was great to work in such a different environment and the amazing things you can do underwater.

I feel that what i have done with this is nothing compared to the possibilities, however i thought it was pretty good for a first go!



Imagen de Anonymous
Submerged - A montage of underwater shots

I just joined this forum and i think its a great idea!
So thanks for the invite.

Heres a short video which is a montage of a few different underwater
shots. Its really all about the procedure of making this film for me, rather than the end result. It was great to work in such a different environment and the amazing things you can do underwater.

I feel that what i have done with this is nothing compared to the possibilities, however i thought it was pretty good for a first go!



Imagen de Drew Burgess
Submerged - A montage of underwater shots

Submerged was defiantly intense, the best thing about it is that I can't really describe the feeling it gave me.
It had a kind of suffocating, claustrophobic feel at times, but then there were some moments that were soothing and quite tranquil also, maybe like someone who has drowned and then has an out of body experience, I don't know because I've never really drowned or had an out of body experience, but like I say I can't really explain the feeling it gave me.
The soundtrack frustrated me, but I guess it was supposed to, that shrill noise really stressed me after a while, I couldn't take it in the end and I turned the sound down (sorry but I am a very nervous person).

Anyway I thought both the visual and soundtrack were really strong and I think Submerged is a Fantastic piece.

Thanks for posting it here, and looking forward to see more of your work.

Imagen de Anonymous
Submerged - A montage of underwater shots

Thank you,
Its really nice to hear from others on how they feel when seeing this piece.

When it was in the exhibition, it was projected onto the cielling of a small blacked out room which was hung with black material from cielling to floor and the projection screen flat on the roof was white material which was draping down rather than flat and taught. You could only fit about 5 people comfortably in the room and you had to look up to the cielling the whole time to view it. Along with the strain of looking up for a long period and the soundtrack, it created an intense situation which, from the feedback i had heard, had created a whole other dynamic for the piece.

So for you to be there in the room it would have been quite claustrophobic and with the piercing of the soundtrack you wouldnt have wanted to stay in there. HOWEVER, ironically, thats what made people stay in there and suffer through the whole thing.

Imagen de Anonymous
Submerged - A montage of underwater shots


An image of 'submerged' in the gallery environment...

Imagen de Anonymous
Submerged - A montage of underwater shots

I can imagine the discomfort felt while experiencing this piece, which is never necessarily a bad thing. I thought the colours used in some of the shots were interesting too.

Imagen de Anonymous
Submerged - A montage of underwater shots

some really interesting effects created by the light through the water. I like muchly!

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