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Imagen de Drew Burgess
Submerged - A montage of underwater shots

Submerged was defiantly intense, the best thing about it is that I can't really describe the feeling it gave me.
It had a kind of suffocating, claustrophobic feel at times, but then there were some moments that were soothing and quite tranquil also, maybe like someone who has drowned and then has an out of body experience, I don't know because I've never really drowned or had an out of body experience, but like I say I can't really explain the feeling it gave me.
The soundtrack frustrated me, but I guess it was supposed to, that shrill noise really stressed me after a while, I couldn't take it in the end and I turned the sound down (sorry but I am a very nervous person).

Anyway I thought both the visual and soundtrack were really strong and I think Submerged is a Fantastic piece.

Thanks for posting it here, and looking forward to see more of your work.

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