
  • Tank TV - Vertrautes Terrain

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    Vertrautes Terrain - Contemporary Art in/about Germany
    A collaboration between www.tank.tv and ZKM

    21st May 2008 – 30th June 2008 / 14th September - 30th September 2008

    Tank TV - Vertrautes Terrain

    Artists on www.tank.tv
    include: Bankleer, Com&Com, Danica Dakic, Sven Johne, Dias &
    Riedweg, Alexandra Gerbaulet, Laura Horelli, Korpys/Löffler, Macellvs
    L., Antje Majewski, Sascha Pohle, Özlem Sulak, Hito Steyerl and Florian

    is pleased to collaborate with ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany) to exhibit film
    and video work from their forthcoming exhibition 'Vetrautes Terrain'. tank.tv
    will open its show simultaneously with ZKM, on May 21st, to become part
    of the 'resonance space' of the exhibition. Bringing video work out of
    the gallery space and making it available to an international audience
    we hope to widen the scope of this timely focus on national identity.

    Art" or "Art from Germany", a label that has exhibition tradition, is a
    fiction – owing to the fact that, in most cases, national political
    determinations have little or anything to do with artistic practice. In
    spite of this, country-specific questions relating to the search for
    history, genealogies or tendencies represent a constant factor in art
    history and the art business: the general exhibition is its most common

    Local backgrounds and national events are beginning to be seen as
    essential and identity defining whilst national identities appear to be
    levelling out. The place of the 'national' is becoming confused and
    fraught with tensions in contemporary culture, not least because no
    formal, measured thematic-cultural analysis of the idea of 'Germany'
    has taken place.

    It is against this background that the project 'Vertrautes Terrain –
    Contemporary Art in/about Germany' conceives itself, namely, as a
    resonance space within which the differentiated examination of works by
    international artists, who reflect on Germany in distinctly different
    ways as a historical, art, and social sphere can be carried out. The
    focus on the German context refers to an "imaginary cartography", which
    seeks to trace those concerns dealing with form and content, the
    symptoms and the virulent features in art as set against the backdrop
    of their socio-political presence.

    of history, memory, cultural location, identity, biographic references,
    structures, symbols, references of forms, clichés and the politics of
    representation form the basis of the project: what interests artists
    among the various nationalities today? In which connection do
    references to Germany appear? Does there emerge from an "identity of
    doubt" (Hans Belting) an arbitrarily disposed thematic volatility in
    works of art? What aesthetic and artistic qualities do those works
    possess, which make reference to German culture, history, persons or
    places? Which roles do historically established quality seals and
    current hypes (from Romanticism to the "Leipziger Schule") play in
    international perception?

    The exhibition is characterized by shared and changing images of what the concept "Germany" signifies.
    Vetrautes Terrain is curated by Gregor Jansen and Thomas Thiel.



  • Stuttgarter Filmwinter 2008

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    filmwinter08.jpg21. Stuttgarter Filmwinter

    Festival for Expanded Media

    17. January - 20. January 2008


    The 21st Filmwinter Stuttgart, Festival for Short and Experimental Film and Media Art is taking place from 17.- 20. January 2008. The Filmwinter Stuttgart takes up developments and impulses within the international filmmaking and artistic scene and offers an initial public platform. For the first time Media Space will be an independent section within the overall Filmwinter programme.

    Seven Competition Programmes show the best films competing for the "Norman 2008", the "Team Work Award" and the Wand 5 Honorary Award. 75 films were selected out of the 1,400 submissions in the field of film and video. An international jury -- Pia Maria Martin (Germany), Torsten Zenas Burns (USA), and Mário Micaelo (Portugal) -- will select the winners.

    Further highlights of the Short Film Supporting Programme are the first presentation of Italian artist Roberta Torre's body of work, with the artist being present at all screenings, a presentation of the Swiss Super8 film scene curated by Kilian Dellers, and Pop in Video Art -- a selection showing works of video art and from the huge amount of video clips such as among others "How does it make you feel?" -- music: Air, "Smiley faces" -- music: Gnarls Barkley, and "Bonnie & Clyde" -- music: Brigitte Bardot & Serge Gainsbourg.

    The Experimental Film Programme HHORRRAUTICA curated by Torsten Zenas Burns representing our sexual evolution, and APPORTMANTEAU curated by Torsten Zenas Burns and Darrin Martin presenting video works that take up a language on a bumpy path.

    In the competition category Media in Space international artists compete for a prize of 2,500 Euros. The spectrum ranges from classic video installations to interactive environments and media sculptures.
    The 10-day long exhibition, featuring artist such as Peter Bogers and Daniel Aschwanden among others, is held in co-operation with exhibition spaces Kunstbezirk -- Galerie im Gustav-Siegle-Haus, fluctuating images e.V., and gez. -- Raum für Urheber.

    Artistic works in the field of Net Art, Virtual Communities, Interactive Forms of Narration, and Artistic Software compete for the "Online Prize". 14 works, among others by ubermorgen.com, can be seen at terminals at Filmhaus Stuttgart during the time of the festival. The winners will be selected by renown artists Birgit Brenner (Germany), Markus Huemer, (Germany), Szabolcs KissPál, (Hungary).

    As part of Media Space a scientific Symposium on the topic "Playgrounds
    -- Children, Media, Space"- will be held at Filmhaus Stuttgart from 18.
    --20. January 2008, exploring the relations of adolescents and Media as an expanded parlour game.

    A comprehensive Festival catalogue will be published.

    All programmes, texts and dates can be found at http://www.filmwinter.de

    The Filmwinter Stuttgart and Media Space are held and organized by Wand 5 e.V. founded in 1987 as an initiative of filmmakers, architects and art historians. The aim of the organization is to offer an international platform to independent film and media culture.


  • Tank TV: The whole world

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    The Whole World

    Curated by Ian White

    1st January 2008 – 1st March 2008


    is a list of lists: a programme of artists' film and video and an interactive online exhibition.

    Both a formal device and a political strategy,
    film and video that deploys a list as part of its structure often does
    so with political intent: to subvert hierarchies, to undermine
    rationalism or to reveal contradiction. In contemporary culture the
    pop chart's Top 10 has been replaced by an ever-expanding craze for
    "Top 100s" of everything from Hollywood genres to celebrity gaffes. The Whole World attempts to wrestle back

    the initiative…

    A selection of artists' film and video that
    feature lists or different kinds of taxonomies - visual, audio or
    textual – are presented as an online exhibition of extracts. Works by
    Dalia Neis, Uriel Orlow, Jean-Gabirel Périot, Michael Robinson and
    Valerie Tevere take as their subject such wildly diverse lists as
    depictions of saints, everything on Ebay, magazine advertising, our
    mediated world, protest, violence and war, the pages of National Geographic magazine and the words spoken by people on
    the streets of New York. Text scrolls across the
    screen, images flash past, immersive landscapes ultimately
    disintegrate. Many things are logged and something is undone.

    At the same time, viewers are invited to contribute to
    programme by uploading their own video list, be that an extract from an existing work or something made specially for the purpose, to compile a unique, exponential collection: an extraordinary list of lists, of
    the world as we know it – the whole

    The Whole World is situated somewhere between

    absurd and obsessive enterprises of Flaubert's eponymous characters
    Bouvard and Pecuchet (they hopelessly collect and explore until,
    exhausted, they revert to their original jobs as copy clerks) and the Japanese animated game Katamari in which players roll all matter – objects, buildings, landscapes,
    world itself - into snowballing globes of stuff. The Whole

    is ridiculous and irreverent, ambitious and viral.

    Dalia Neis, Saints, 2005 / Jean Gabriel Periot, 21.04.02, 2002 / Uriel Orlow, Everything in Red, Yellow, Blue and Green, 2006 /
    Michael Robinson, You Don't Bring Me Flowers, 2005 / Valerie Tevere, When I Say / Valerie Tevere & Angel Navarez, Freque
    ncy Allocations / Martha Rosler, Semiotics of the Kitchen, 1975

    Submitted work will be selected to join
    The Whole World as well as
    tank.tv's programme on the CASZartscreen in Amsterdam.


  • Artists' Television Access' Year-end Party and Benefit

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    Join us for a night of magic and mystery at the ATA Electric Revival
    year-end party, as we invoke the wild spirit of invention and channel
    dreams and delusions from the ether through various forms of technology...

    Friday, December 7, 2007
    8pm - Midnight, Admission $10-50.
    All proceeds benefit ATA!

    Artists' Television Access
    992 Valencia Street (at 21st)
    San Francisco, CA 94110

    In the main gallery:

    • DayV Jones, videollusionist extraordinaire, dazzles the house with
      images from his moving picture trove
    • DJX-1138, the Bay Area's only all-analog sci-fi DJ, electrifies the
      atmosphere with his collection of far out tunes
    • Lee Montgomery, founder of Neighborhood Public Radio, conjures old
      spectres in a new video installation, from the project "Broadcast

    Downstairs in the inner sanctum:

    • Craig Baldwin, legendary mad cinema scientist, shares celluloid gems
      from the Other Cinema archive in his subterranean laboratory
    • Low Speed Duplicating, free-spirited Japanese sound duo, beckon spirits
      from the earth with savage and sublime psychedelic noise


  • LFF 2007: Avant-Garde Weekend

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    lff07.jpgLa edición de este año del London Film Festival nos trae de nuevo su fin de semana de cine de vanguardia, Experimenta. En la última semana de Octubre, se podrán ver diversos programas de cortos, comisariados por Mark Webber, sobre temas como la identidad, la percepción poética de la naturaleza o la revisitación del pasado. A destacar, nuevas obras de Ken Jacobs, Peter Hutton y Robert Beavers, nuevas versiones restauradas de los filmes de Carolee Schneemann Fuses y Kitch’s Last Meal y un taller práctco con David Gatten 'sobre el uso del texto en la cinematografía de 16mm'.


  • Retrospectiva de Michael Snow en LFF 2007

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    king_lucca_2007_351_x_600.jpgTras la edición del año pasado, que contó con retrospectivas de Stephen Dwoskin y Kenneth Anger, la edición de 2007 del Lucca Film Festival presentará una retrospectiva integral de la obra de Michael Snow. Junto a la retrospectiva fílmica que se realizará en el festival, habrá otra retrospectiva paralela, que incluirá trece de sus proyecciones y videoinstalaciones, en la Fundación Ragghianti, Lucca, del 29 de Septiembre al 4 de Noviembre de 2007.
    El festival contará además con otras dos retrospectivas de los filmes de Guy Debord y Aldo Tambellini. La edición 2007 del LFF 2007 se celebrará del 28 de Septiembre al 6 de Cotubre en la cuidad de Lucca , Italia.


  • Onion City Experimental Film Festival

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    Onion Film FestivalLa decimonovena edición del Onion City Experimental Film and Video Festival (Chicago), tendrá lugar este año del 14 al 17 de Junio. Este festival, comisariado por el Chicago Filmmakers group presentará once programasa lo largo de sus cuatro días de duraciòn con filmes de Luther Price, Ken Jacobs, John Smith y Mark LaPore además de contar con las obras y la presencia de los cineastas Jessie Stead y Jackie Raynal.

    Seguid leyendo para ver el programa completo.


  • Ganadores del 13er Media City Festival

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    Media CityEl 13er Media City Festival de cine experimental y video-arte, celebrado en Windsior, Ontario (Canadá), ha anunciado los ganadores de la edición de este año. El jurado estaba integrado por Helga Fanderl (Alemania), Christophe Bichon (Francia) y Bart Testa (Canadá).

    Los ganadores son:

    Gran Premio: At Sea de Peter Hutton, EEUU, 16mm, 55:00, 2007

    Segundo Premio: Song and Solitude de Nathaniel Dorsky, EEUU, 16mm, 21:00, 2006

    Tercer Premio: ex-aequo para There by Robert Todd, USA, 16mm, 9:30, 2006) y Qualities of Stone de Robert Todd, EEUU, 16mm, 11:00, 2006)

    Menciones honoríficas:

    - untitled piece for four projectors from the Crib and Sift series de Bruce McClure, EEUU, 4x 16mm, 12:00, 2006

    - The General Returns from One Place to Another de Michael Robinson, EEUU, 16mm/video, 11:00,2006 y Pack de Ton van Zantvoort, Holanda, video, 3:30, 2005

    - Panni de Nicky Hamlyn, Inglaterra, 16mm, 3:00, 2005

    - Silk Ties de Jim Jennings, EEUU, 16mm, 9:30, 2006

