
  • Directors Lounge Screening: Dagie Brundert - going all natural

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    Dagie Brundert makes films like some singer songwriters compose songs: with an almost weekly regularity, inspired by the small occurrences of everyday life and always blended with the joys of life and with her own charm. For the artist, who committed herself mostly for super-8 film, simplicity is a must. Simplicity of means, low budget in production and improvised settings.


    De Domingo, Diciembre 13, 2015 - 20:00 hasta Lunes, Diciembre 14, 2015 - 19:55


    Z-Bar, Berlin - Berlin, Alemania
  • Another Experiment by Women Film Festival - 6th year

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    Another Experiment by Women Film Festival promotes and screens moving images in any media, made by women, that encourage critical thinking and dialogue. AXWFF is looking for experimental shorts made by WOMEN that present their own vision of movie making — we want to see something different and unique — challenge us to rethink what “experimental” means on your terms, outside of any standard form. By “film” we refer to a moving image, made with any media, that presents a transformative action or thought. Work that that has been shot by the artist and is under 20 minutes, has a better chance of being accepted as we have limited screening time.


    Viernes, Febrero 19, 2016 (Todo el día)
  • Never Twice: Live Expanded Cinema Performance

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    December 11, 2015 – January 10, 2016
    With Lary 7, Bradley Eros, Barbara Hammer, Ken Jacobs, Rose Kallal, Andrew Lampert, Bruce McClure, Joel Schlemowitz

    Microscope is extremely pleased to present “Never Twice”, an exhibition of live moving image performance in the context of what is usually referred to as expanded cinema: works free from the constraints or presenting alternatives to the traditional theatrical screening setting – single projection on a screen before an audience. The title of the exhibit, a reference to the quote from Heraclitus “one cannot step into the same river twice”, emphasizes the ephemeral character of this art form, one always intrinsically connected to a “here” and “now”, a multi-sensorial experience that although it may be performed again, it cannot ever be replicated.


    De Viernes, Diciembre 11, 2015 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Enero 10, 2016 (Todo el día)


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • EXcinema presents The Spaces Between Cities

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    A world premiere presentation. EXcinema commissioned twenty films by international experimental filmmakers spread across four continents to create one feature length road film. The Spaces Between Cities is a collaboration made in the form of an exquisite corpse. Each film connects randomly to the next by way of a series of prompts creating a continuous road trip, or journey that will connect these different parts of the world. Shooting locations include: Seattle, the cascade mountain range, WA; Portland, OR; Porta Costa, San Jose, Colma, New Almaden, Huntington Drive in L.A.


    De Martes, Diciembre 8, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Miércoles, Diciembre 9, 2015 - 18:55


    Grand Illusion Cinema - Seattle, Estados Unidos
  • Ricardo Nicolayevsky: Retratos en Movimiento

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    El Centro de Cultura Digital rinde homenaje a Ricardo Nicolayevsky, artista cuya obra es un punto de referencia en la experimentación audiovisual y la confluencia del cine y las artes escénicas. Abarcando diversos géneros y prácticas que van desde el cabaret, la composición musical, el performance, y la improvisación, la producción de Nicolayevsky descubre las formas promiscuas de la imagen en movimiento, generando ambientes audiovisuales delirantes y experiencias que buscan subvertir las maneras habituales de ver y crear cine.


    De Miércoles, Diciembre 16, 2015 (Todo el día) hasta Jueves, Enero 7, 2016 (Todo el día)


    Centro de Cultura Digital - Mexico D.F., México
  • Fuori Formato – Focus on Austrian Avant-garde with Johann Lurf

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    After an homage to Peter Tscherkassky and Eve Heller, curated by Atelier Impopulaire for the last edition, Fuori Formato, the short film section of Filmmaker Festival (Milan), continues its exploration of Austrian Avant-garde under the guide of young experimental film talent Johann Lurf, who will be in Milan as artist in focus and guest curator. A selection of his films dedicated to the analysis of spaces and architectures will be presented in a personal programme and then discussed with the artist in a masterclass.

    A to A: Perspectives on Austrian Avant-garde is a three-part programme focusing mainly (with few significant exceptions) on the last two decades and on younger generations: not a comprehensive mapping, but a personal voyage through essential works and minor episodes in the ever-lively scene of Austrian experimental cinema. Included there is a special micro-programme of experimental film trailers, with two foreign special guests (Ken Jacobs and James Benning’s trailers for the Viennale) and the world premiere of Norbert Pfaffenbichler’s Short Film, consisting of only four frames.


    Viernes, Diciembre 4, 2015 (Todo el día)
    Sábado, Diciembre 5, 2015 (Todo el día)
    Domingo, Diciembre 6, 2015 (Todo el día)


    Spazio Oberdan - Milano, Italia
  • Book Launch -- John Porter's CineScenes

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    the8fest small-gauge film festival proudly presents the launch of: John Porter’s CineScenes: Documentary Portraits of Alternative Film Scenes Toronto and Beyond, 1978-2015

    About the book:John Porter’s CineScenes is the first volume to spotlight Toronto native John Porter’s legendary photographs of alternative film culture – its “celebrities,” places, and rituals – taken across a span of nearly 40 years. This soft-cover, 144-page book features over 200 beautifully reproduced b&w and colour photos by Porter, and includes essays by Scott MacDonald, Nicole Gingras, Dot Tuer, and Tess Takahashi.


    Miércoles, Diciembre 9, 2015 - 20:30


    Cinecycle - Toronto, Canadá
  • Del trazo al píxel: Más de cien años de animación española

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    El Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB) y Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) presentan el programa audiovisual «Del trazo al píxel. Más de cien años de animación española», que se proyectará a lo largo de ocho sesiones, entre el 3 y el 13 de diciembre, en el Auditorio del CCCB. El programa de cine, comisariado por Carolina López, traza un amplio recorrido a través de una selección de las obras de referencia de la animación española de todos los tiempos.

    El ciclo incluye piezas desde 1908 hasta nuestros días, haciendo hincapié en las piezas históricas menos vistas y los cortometrajes de autor más independientes, algunos de los cuales gozan de un amplio reconocimiento internacional. Para ello se han restaurado y digitalizado obras que eran «invisibles» o de difícil acceso, y se han proporcionado los mejores materiales posibles en cada caso.


    De Jueves, Diciembre 3, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Viernes, Diciembre 4, 2015 - 18:55
    De Viernes, Diciembre 4, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Diciembre 5, 2015 - 18:55
    De Sábado, Diciembre 5, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Domingo, Diciembre 6, 2015 - 18:55
    De Domingo, Diciembre 6, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Lunes, Diciembre 7, 2015 - 18:55
    De Jueves, Diciembre 10, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Viernes, Diciembre 11, 2015 - 18:55
    De Viernes, Diciembre 11, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Diciembre 12, 2015 - 18:55
    De Sábado, Diciembre 12, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Domingo, Diciembre 13, 2015 - 18:55
    De Domingo, Diciembre 13, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Lunes, Diciembre 14, 2015 - 18:55


  • Reflecting Sculptures

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    You can read the history of statues as the history of power. When a statue is symbolically brought down after a revolt, this means the end of a regime, whether it is a tsaar or a dictator in the Middle-East. In this program we investigate the relation between a state and the power it represents.


    Lunes, Diciembre 7, 2015 - 20:30


    OFFoff Cinema - Ghent, Bélgica
  • OFFoff-ON: Amarger / Iimura / Lootens / Abdul-Hamid / Rosefeldt / Calvo / Raetz / Alhamwy / Lizène

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    A program bringing together a number of audiovisual gems from all corners of the world, exploring the relationship between unpretentious, poetic action and its conveyance through the medium of video. Punctuations of reality, invitations to share the gaze through small objects, actions and thoughts. Please join us on this venture!

    In the presence of Shalan Alhamwy and Gwendolyn Lootens


    Miércoles, Diciembre 2, 2015 - 20:30


    OFFoff Cinema - Ghent, Bélgica
