
  • Club des Femmes: Her Image Fades as Her Voice Rises

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    Join us for a dynamic and timely re-staging of Circles’ inaugural film programme ‘Her Image Fades as her Voice Rises’ (1982), with films selected by Lis Rhodes and Felicity Sparrow. A selection of four films by four filmmakers made across time and different generations of women filmmakers placed in dialogue with each other.

    Circles, founded in 1979, was the first feminist film and video distribution organisation in the UK that emerged out of a heightened moment in the 1970s narrative of London’s feminist film history, politics and collective activism in which the Women’s Liberation Movement played an influential part. Cirlces provided an essential role in the promotion and distribution of exclusively women filmmakers, supporting filmmaking that varied from political and social documentary to more experimental practice.


    Martes, Noviembre 29, 2016 - 18:30


    The Photographers’ Gallery - London, Reino Unido
  • OFFoff Cinema: Moldy and infected

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    In 1927, Jan Cornelis Mol, who was then director of the Fruitveiling, made "From the realm of crystal", an early example of the use of time-lapse photography in film. Using microscope and macro lens Mol makes a stunning film that shows the biological and chemical crystals. This work was picked up by the avant-garde artists who saw this film as the example of the absolute film. In the famous Studio 24 in Paris the work was even shown as an expanded work with three projectors!


    De Lunes, Noviembre 28, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Martes, Noviembre 29, 2016 - 19:55


    OFFoff Cinema - Ghent, Bélgica
  • Push and Pull: Films by Lilli Carré and Alexander Stewart

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    With Alexander Stewart in person

    Lilli Carré and Alexander Stewart are acclaimed artists, filmmakers, designers, animators and curators. They have each created unique and substantial bodies of work, utilising a diverse range of techniques including drawn, digital, photocopied and computer generated animation as well as live action film, ceramics, printmaking and comics. This final programme in the Edge of Frame Weekend is an opportunity to see a selection of their extraordinary moving image works, produced both individually and collaboratively.


    De Domingo, Diciembre 11, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Lunes, Diciembre 12, 2016 - 19:55


    Close-Up Cinema - London, Reino Unido
  • Edge of Frame: Journeys into Experimental Animation

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    A special day of screenings, celebrating the vibrant field of experimental animation.

    From bold personal visions to intricate and visually stunning formal experiments, this expansive screening programme mixes contemporary animation by British and international artists with classic and rarely seen historical works. Showcasing animation at the cutting edge of moving image practice, the programme reveals connections and threads running through the many forms of experimental animation.


    De Sábado, Diciembre 10, 2016 - 11:30 hasta Domingo, Diciembre 11, 2016 - 17:55


    Whitechapel Gallery - London, Reino Unido
  • Edges: an Animation Seminar

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    This seminar – part of the Edge of Frame Weekend – will address the questions of where experimental animation practice sits – at the ‘edges’ – in relation to independent animation, visual arts, histories, institutions. The seminar will do this not through the usual presentation of papers, but by asking artists, curators and academics to offer propositions and provocations, citing up to three works that illustrate their case.


    De Viernes, Diciembre 9, 2016 - 14:00 hasta Sábado, Diciembre 10, 2016 - 13:55


    Whitechapel Gallery - London, Reino Unido
  • Edge of Frame: Elemental Animation

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    A programme of works which use the material of film itself as a canvas. These visceral, vibrant films feature camera-less techniques such as scratching, painting and printing onto the filmstrip, subjecting film to decay and decomposition, and affixing materials such as letraset or insects to its surface. The remarkable visions created through these diverse approaches fill the frame with dynamic textures and colour, and many will be presented on 16mm and 35mm prints. Seen in the cinema, these works achieve a powerful effect, immersing us in strange and previously unseen worlds, and displaying the breadth and scope of abstract film.


    De Viernes, Diciembre 2, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Sábado, Diciembre 3, 2016 - 19:55


    Close-Up Cinema - London, Reino Unido
  • Bill Brand: La preservación como acto creativo

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    Crater-Lab presenta un seminario sobre creación y preservación de películas en pequeño formato (16mm y super8), con el cineasta Bill Brand con 2 sesiones de proyecciones y el taller De la Preservación a la Creación, que tendrá lugar del 24 a 26 noviembre 2016. Este programa se ha realizado en colaboración con Revista Lumière.


    De Jueves, Noviembre 24, 2016 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Noviembre 26, 2016 (Todo el día)


    Crater Lab - Barcelona, España
  • Dreamlands: Expanded - Takahiko Iimura / Joel Schlemowitz

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    The 1981 performance “Circle and Square” by Takahiko Iimura, New York-based Japanese film and video pioneer, evolved from the artist’s interest in exposing the apparatus of projection and the materiality of image and light begun in the mid-60s. The work commences with the projection of a long loop of black 16mm film leader suspended from the ceiling. The artist punches a hole on the film’s surface and as it loops through the projector’s gate, a single white circle of light pierces the darkness. With each subsequent punch the film builds before the viewer’s eyes into a cascade of white circles before reaching its abrupt and revelatory conclusion.


    Viernes, Noviembre 18, 2016 - 19:30


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • WORM.Filmwerkplaats presents: The Scent of Colour

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    WORM.Filmwerkplaats brings to Filmhuis Cavia the Berlin based artists Deborah S. Phillips and Klara Ravat. Both work with a variety of media, but their common ground is 16mm filmmaking. The Scent of Colour encompasses recent and early works - 16mm films and expanded cinema performances. Phillips’ research descends deeply into the essence of the colours red, blue and green, explored through their chemical, linguistic and musical properties, while Ravat’s work focusses on the sense of smell as research, creating media and odour artworks combined with analogue filmmaking.


    De Sábado, Diciembre 3, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Domingo, Diciembre 4, 2016 - 19:55


    Filmhuis Cavia - Amsterdam, Holanda
  • Dreamlands Expanded: Barbara Hammer - Evidentiary Bodies

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    Artist and queer cinema pioneer Barbara Hammer premieres her new performance and multi-disciplinary work “Evidentiary Bodies”.

    Armed with portable, fixed and live projectors and cameras, the artist moves about the space projecting video onto inflated balloons, photographic prints, x-ray scans of her own body, as well as onto the bodies of the audience members. One person extends to many and many people extend to one, challenging the concept of the proscenium screen and the stable audience. The performance also includes live sound by Norman Scott Johnson on cello.


    Lunes, Noviembre 14, 2016 - 19:30


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
