
  • Elementos de la pintura

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    Esta sesión de cine experimental tratará de describir diversos aspectos de la relación entre el cine y la pintura: Veremos obras de artistas que continúan su investigación pictórica a través de las imágenes en movimiento, homenajes y citas, y más, en un camino de convergencia entre la abstracción y materismo, la exploración de la plasticidad y la revelación de los elementos constitutivos de la representación cinematográfica.


    De Martes, Marzo 3, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Miércoles, Marzo 4, 2015 - 18:55


    Institut Francilien d'Ingénierie - Noisy-le-Grand, Francia
  • LUX Salon: Jean-Paul Kelly

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    Whether working with video, photographs or drawings, the work of Toronto-based artist Jean-Paul Kelly (b. 1977) explores the relationship between “materiality and perception”. Kelly poses questions about the limits of representation by examining complex associations between found photographs, videos, and sounds from documentaries, photojournalism, and online media streams.

    At LUX, Kelly will present his most recent works The Innocents (2014, UK premiere), Movement in Squares (2013) and Figure-ground (2013), which will be screened in dialogue with a selection of films and videos from the LUX collection by artists such as Norman McLaren, Lewis Klahr, Steve Reinke and James Richards. The screening will be followed by a conversation between Kelly and Erika Balsom.


    De Martes, Marzo 10, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Miércoles, Marzo 11, 2015 - 18:55


    LUX - London, Reino Unido
  • Xcèntric: Riddles of the Sphinx

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    In Riddles of the Sphinx, a key work of the British cinema of the seventies, Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen use a new formal structure to analyse the way women were represented in the cinema. Based on the critical articles and research of the two filmmakers, the film returns constantly to women and the place of maternity in society, not as a visual image but as a theme for investigation. This content cannot be addressed by the aesthetic parameters established by traditional cinematographic practice, instead involving formal research in which, using multiple voices, Mulvey and Wollen seek to construct a different relation between the spectator and the female subject.


    Domingo, Marzo 8, 2015 - 18:30


  • Ten Years In The Sun

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    Dublin-based experimental filmmaker Rouzbeh Rashidi has become recognized as one of the most radical and uncompromisingly independent talents in contemporary underground cinema. Eschewing traditional narrative, he roots his style in the poetic interaction of sound, image and atmosphere. Visually and sonically hypnotic, his films provide uniquely intense sensorial experiences that question everything you ever took for granted about cinema.

    Ten Years in the Sun is Rashidi’s most extreme and ambitious film to date. In it, several bizarre characters are entangled in obscure private obsessions, conspiracies and perversions that flicker on the verge of incoherence against the context of vast cosmic disaster. In an absurdist and fragmented plot, Nicholas Fox (Dean Kavanagh) seeks to make contact with the legendary villains Scorpio (Rashidi himself) and Boris Remy (Maximilian Le Cain) through the intercession of the insane Sergeant-Major Barrett (John Curran), while Herr Käferholz (Jann Clavadetscher) becomes so engrossed in his erotic fixations that he experiences humankind’s most primal state of existence. At the same time, the universe collapses into a random series of incompatible image systems


    De Viernes, Marzo 27, 2015 - 18:00 hasta Sábado, Marzo 28, 2015 - 17:55


    The Lighthouse Cinema - Dublin, Irlanda
  • Oporto apresenta #37: Calculated Movements by Larry Cuba

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    Back in the sixties when computers were about to make their colossal breakthrough in the territory of art, Henry Flynt coined the term concept art for a new art-form based in mathematics. For digital pioneers such as Stan Vanderbeek, John Whitney or Larry Cuba, the computer was "the supreme mathematical instrument", a new media meant to trigger aesthetic intuitions. Tonight we will present what could be considered a pure form of conceptual work (by Henry Flynt's standards). We are screening the digital masterpiece Calculated Movements, a vectorial animation created by Larry Cuba while programming the wireframe structure for the infamous Star Wars' Death Star.


    Viernes, Marzo 6, 2015 - 22:30


    Oporto - Lisboa, Portugal
  • David Hall: Video Art Pioneer

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    The Video Art pioneer David Hall (1937–2014) who passed away in October 2014 was a crucial figure in British art of the post war period. His work across sculpture, film, video and installations pioneered new areas of practice and played a crucial role in the first chapter of video art in the UK. An impassioned teacher and influential advocate for video art, Hall was the co-organiser of The Video Show 1975, the first major international show of artists’ video in the UK. He was also co-founder of London Video Arts (now LUX) and a member of the Artist Placement Group and founded the first time based media course at Maidstone College of Art in 1972. His works has been exhibited and collected internationally. Hall was as adept working on his Television Interruptions for broadcasters from the BBC to MTV as he was presenting his work at the world’s leading museums and exhibitions, from Documenta to the Centre Pompidou.


    Jueves, Marzo 5, 2015 - 18:30


  • Laida Lertxundi - Landscape Plus

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    El 3 de marzo a partir de las 20h. presentaremos el Fanzine Espacios de Libertad, que hemos editado desde Playtime Audiovisuales, y que recoge una serie de textos e imágenes de la cineasta Laida Lertxundi. Para la presentación contaremos con la presencia de Laida, quién además compartirá con todos los presentes una sesión de las que ella denomina Landscape Plus, en la que podremos ver varias obras suyas, junto con otras de diferentes cineastas, seleccionados por ella, como Michael Robinson o Alee Peoples.

    La presentación será en Espacio Labruc - C/ La palma, 18 [M] Tribunal - Madrid con entrada gratuita.


    De Martes, Marzo 3, 2015 - 20:00 hasta Miércoles, Marzo 4, 2015 - 19:55


    Espacio Labruc - Madrid, España
  • Jonas Mekas: 365 Day Project - Part Two

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    Microscope Gallery is extremely pleased to announce the screening of Part Two “February” from the “365 Day Project” by Jonas Mekas. This is the second of 12 monthly programs taking place this year as part of the screening premiere of the complete and nearly 38-hour video project.

    Part Two (Days 32 – 59) highlights include: a visit to La Ciotat where the Lumière brothers filmed their first movie, a Nina Hagen concert, Jonas in the snow of his native Lithuanian, news of Britney Spears shaving her head, Ornette Coleman practicing in his studio, the set of Scorsese’s “Departed” and much dancing and singing. Mekas will hold a Q&A after the screening.


    De Viernes, Febrero 27, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Febrero 28, 2015 - 18:55


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Maxime Rossi, Real Estate Astrology

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    Pursuing Max Ernst’s marks in Sedona, the French artist Maxime Rossi explores the particular landscape of Arizona and the bewitching appearance of its extensive and stony desert which has profoundly marked the spirit and the work of the surrealist artist in exile. By looking for a Hopi ruin once inhabited by Ernst, Maxime Rossi offers with Real Estate Astrology (2015) a hallucinatory journey tinted by a surrealistic survey in which astrology and mysticism seems to fill the paradoxes of history. Invited by the film department of the Centre Pompidou to design this screening, the artist has imagined from the horoscope chart of this event a partition on which the evidences he gathered during its ghost hunt in Capricorn Hill will be presented. 


    De Miércoles, Febrero 25, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Jueves, Febrero 26, 2015 - 18:55


    Centre Pompidou - Paris, Francia
  • La belleza es el Resplandor: Gonzalo Egurza

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    La idea del cine, asume su esencia híbrida en la exploración autodestructiva de sus límites para conformar una imagen autorreflexiva sobre el propio medio.

    El video proporciona el medio ideal para la construcción de diálogos en los que se intenta encontrar esas grietas que el cine deja encriptadas y así dar paso a la creación de nuevos procesos de construcción audiovisual.

    Este programa traza un recorrido por algunos trabajos de Gonzalo Egurza en Video, Super8, 16mm y 35mm, que intentan establecer diálogos sólo posibles entre el cruce de formatos.


    De Viernes, Marzo 6, 2015 - 20:00 hasta Sábado, Marzo 7, 2015 - 19:55


    Zumzeig Cinema - Barcelona, España
