
  • CGAI: Larry Gottheim

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    Larry Gottheim nació en 1936, en Nueva York. Aprendió de forma autodidacta a manejar su cámara de 16mm., comenzando a filmar en los años 60 y convirtiéndose muy pronto en uno de los realizadores más importantes del cine de vanguardia americano. Desde finales de los años 60, su serie de películas, todas ellas concebidas a partir de tomas formadas por un único plano, comienzan a densificar las construcciones en torno a la relación entre el sonido y la imagen, especialmente a partir de mediados de los años 70 y, posteriormente, su cine se alza como el cine de la presencia, de la observación y del compromiso con una conciencia profunda. Mientras se aproximaba a los motivos paisajísticos, a las formas del diario y al montaje –como colección– fílmico, la obra de Gottheim sigue siendo única en sus intensas investigaciones en torno a las paradojas centradas en una experiencia directa y sensual que entra en colisión con las estructuras complejas de la repetición, de la anticipación y de la memoria.

    Gottheim estuvo al frente del Departamento de Cine en Binghamton (Nueva York), y fue profesor allí durante más de tres décadas. Este departamento, extremadamente influyente, atrajo a los artistas con más talento, a los académicos y a los cineastas de la época, incluyendo a Ken Jacobs, Hollis Frampton, Peter Kubelka o Ernie Gehr, entre muchos otros. En los años 90, Gottheim también trabajó como director, durante una breve época, de la New York Film-maker’s Cooperative. Las películas de Gottheim se encuentran en las colecciones de los museos y en los archivos de muchos lugares del mundo, y un programa de sus primeras películas restauradas se presentó en el New York Film Festival en 2005.

    Comisariada por Revista Lumière


    Martes, Marzo 18, 2014 (Todo el día)
    Miércoles, Marzo 19, 2014 (Todo el día)
    Jueves, Marzo 20, 2014 (Todo el día)
    Viernes, Marzo 21, 2014 (Todo el día)


  • BORDERLAND - The entropy of identities

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    BORDERLAND – The entropy of identities international video art screening will be held in Almeria (Spain) at Museo de Almería on the 13th of March 2014 and at MECA Mediterráneo Centro Artístico on the 27th of March 2014; and in Granada (Spain) at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Granada, on the 23rd of April 2014. Forty-six artists have been selected to take part in the exhibition.

    Entropy is conceptually defined as the measure of the level of disorder in a changing system. Starting from this fascinating concept, each person can be considered as a changing system, as the same as for a specific culture, city or country, until the whole universe. All these systems are subjected to a process of continuous inner evolution which overcome their own boundaries to contaminate and crossbreed each others. Borders of this evolving systems get more and more fleeting, and their identities turn out fluid, multiple and changeable. These continue changes find in the inevitability of evolution their measure of order.


    De Jueves, Marzo 13, 2014 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Marzo 14, 2014 - 19:55
    De Jueves, Marzo 27, 2014 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Marzo 28, 2014 - 19:55
    De Miércoles, Abril 23, 2014 - 20:00 hasta Jueves, Abril 24, 2014 - 19:55
  • Early Monthly Segments #61: 5th Anniversary Screening

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    To celebrate our fifth year anniversary we’ve given ourselves the challenge of programming (and projecting) an evening of double projections!

    Vanessa O’Neill’s sublime Suspension uses rephotography, tinting and superimposition to turn a westward view of the Pacific Ocean into a sublime interplay of waves, light and grain. Malcolm Le Grice’s classic Berlin Horse is a film that explores the possibilities of the loop, taking a short fragment of a silent film and subjecting it to a series of colour processes amplified by the phased music of Brian Eno. Daichi Saito’s Never a Foot Too Far, Even is a contemporary expansion, superimposing a section of a Kung-Fu action film into a perceptual play, accompanied by a violin composition by Malcolm Goldstein. Tonight’s screening of Visions in Mediation #2: Mesa Verde, Stan Brakhage’s vision quest to the ruins of the Ancient Peublo cliff dwellings in Southwestern Colorado is amplified by a second print given to Kate MacKay from the filmmaker as a gift. And finally, a third projector will be sparked to present For My Crushed Right Eye, Toshio Matsumoto’s ode to the social unrest and expansion of the late sixties, all of which threatened to burst out of the frame.


    De Lunes, Marzo 17, 2014 - 20:00 hasta Martes, Marzo 18, 2014 - 19:55


    Gladstone Hotel - Toronto, Canadá
  • Magic Lantern Presents: Body/Voice

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    It is often noted that men and women inhabit space very differently, as evidenced by the popular Tumblr account, Men Taking Up Too Much Space on the Train. Photo after photo show male passengers with legs maximally splayed and arms raised to grasp a Very Important Newspaper, while women demurely cross their arms and legs with visible signs of discomfort. It doesn't take a professional philosopher or sociologist to realize that this stark contrast between spatial expansion and contraction is not a fact of biology but a set of learned behaviors. For most women, something has broken in the unifying chain of consciousness/body/world; an institutionalized double standard ensures that men enjoy the lion's share of free, unhindered, fluid movement in space.

    The films in this program demonstrate various ways in which women filmmakers have sought to engage more fully with their world, oscillating between the savage critique of social norms and the affirmation of new powers and pleasures. It goes without saying that cinema, with its disjuncture of image and sound, its capacity for metamorphosis and even the grotesque, is one of the most powerful tools we have for the reconfiguration of body and voice.

    Curated by Seth Watter


    De Jueves, Marzo 13, 2014 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Marzo 14, 2014 - 19:55


    Cable Car Cinema & Cafe - Providence, Estados Unidos
  • Judith Barry: …Cairo stories

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    Created from a collection of more than 200 interviews Judith Barry conducted with Cairene women between the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the beginning of the Egyptian Revolution in 2011, …Cairo stories is a series of short video monologues. The selection of stories chronicles personal experiences of women from a variety of social and economic classes in Egypt and expands the artist’s concerns with notions of representation, history, subjectivity, and translation – particularly as these ideas circulate across cultures.

    The original interviews were conducted in simultaneous translation to maintain fluidity and integrity of tone and meaning, and Barry considers them to be collaborations between her and the subjects. The vast source material was then ‘vetted’ by a diverse range of Cairene women. The emotional integrity of each woman’s story is the crux of this project; the translators and interviewees remained active participants in both the narrative arc of their stories and the development of the project. In the gallery, a selection of 15 narratives is performed by actors, highlighting that all stories, including those we tell ourselves, are ultimately fictions.


    De Jueves, Abril 10, 2014 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Mayo 31, 2014 (Todo el día)


    waterside contemporary - London, Reino Unido
  • Xcèntric: Robert E. Fulton. Un territorio en la mente

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    Cineasta, aviador y músico norteamericano, Robert E. Fulton (1939-2002) murió en un accidente aéreo con su propia avioneta en Pennsylvania. Fue un artista de una complejidad y profundidad poco común. Trabajó como camarógrafo aéreo y como director de fotografía en diversos documentales, entre ellos los de su amigo Robert Gardner. Sus enigmáticas y laberínticas películas están llenas de una desafiante poética que evoca cierta prosa metafísica. Fulton es un acróbata y un agitador, y mezcla imágenes e ideas creando insólitas sobreimpresiones que transmiten un sentido lírico muy personal. Su cine es el de un aventurero, capaz de descubrirnos el deslumbrante paisaje de un nuevo mundo.

    - Vineyard IV, 3 min
    - Swimming Stone, 14 min
    - Starlight, 1970, 5 min
    - Path of Cessation, 1974, 15 min
    - Aleph, 1982, sin sonido, 17 min
    - Wilderness: A Country in the Mind, 1984, 20 min.


    De Jueves, Marzo 13, 2014 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Marzo 14, 2014 - 19:55


  • Kinoplaylist: Laida Lertxundi y Alberto Cabrera Bernal

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    Como parte del ciclo El Cine Revelado

    Laida Lertxundi y Alberto Cabrera Bernal son dos cineastas que optan por el formato celuloide como medio de expresión. Así la tradicional videoplaylist, donde un determinado personaje comparte sus vídeos favoritos de internet ante un auditorio, se transforma aquí en una sesión hipnótica denominada kinoplaylist, en la que armados con sendos proyectores de 16mm cambian la red por, físicamente, el cine. Una propuesta novedosa con proyecciones cruzadas, en la que compartirán sus propias películas, las películas inspiradoras de otros autores y una sorpresa final que supone una colaboración específica entre los dos artistas para este proyecto.


    Domingo, Marzo 2, 2014 - 18:30


    CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo - Móstoles, España
  • Choreographies of Creation and Destruction

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    Joshua Churchill, John Davis and Greg Pope In Person
    Presented in association with ShapeShifters Cinema and Stanford University’s Thomas Welton Stanford Art Gallery

    In Apparent Motion 2012—the performance cinema centerpiece to that year’s Crossroads film festival—British artist Greg Pope brought down the house with the 16mm Cipher Screen, his two-projector masterwork of erasure and construction. For a follow-up appearance Pope returns to the Bay Area for a series of expanded cinema performances with live sound collaboration at Stanford University, ShapeShifters Cinema and Cinematheque. Tonight’s program features Pope’s his dual-slide projector piece Celluloid, a slide projector-based flicker film, a “celluloid ghost,” a proto-cinematic excursion through the detritus of industrial cinema. Live soundtrack to Celluloid to be performed by local electroacoustic ensemble Voicehandler. Single-channel films by Pope—including Mass Observation, Moon Walk and Incidence Room—will also screen. Preceding Pope is the Bay Area’s own John Davis with his sound/image amalgams and live slo-motion image analysis, presented with the live sonic accompaniment of Joshua Churchill. (Steve Polta)


    Sábado, Marzo 1, 2014 - 19:30


    Center for New Music - San Francisco, Estados Unidos
  • AXWFF: The Ghost Thing

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    The Ghost Thing, an AXWFF Screening

    Reviewed by Joel Schlemowitz in Boog City Issue 87, p8: “Haunted Landscapes Poetic and Experimental Cinema Screenings” 

    - The Broken News Series – Part 1: Disaster (Lori Felker, USA, 4.00 minmin.)
    - Missing Green (Joey Huertas aka Jane Public, 9.48min.)
    - Melt In The Shade (Kyoungju Kim, USA, 6.00min.)
    - No. 1515 (Carolyn Radlo, USA, 5.37min.)
    - Gowanus Haze (Margaret Rorison, Brooklyn, 5.41min.)
    - The Time That Remains (Soda Jerk, Australia, 12.00min.)
    - The Deep Dark (Laura Heit, USA, Music: Emily Lacy, 7.07min.)
    - 2198 ghosts in the sun people in the sea (Yvette Granata, USA, 3.20min.)

    For Complete Information: http://axwff.com

    AXWFF promotes and screens films made by women that: are experimental or feature alternative forms, or that may contain themes and issues distinct to women and girls.

    AXWFF works to inspire others to make and hone their own experimental work to be shared in a public forum.


    De Miércoles, Marzo 5, 2014 - 18:00 hasta Jueves, Marzo 6, 2014 - 17:55


    Anthology Film Archives - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Bozar: Bruce McClure/Els van Riel

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    18h - Els Van Riel / Chiyoko Szlavnics / Johan Bossers
    - Gradual Speed (Els Van Riel, 2013, 16mm, b&w, 50')
    With links to the tradition of structural film making, the work by the Brussels based film-and videomaker, Els Van Riel, explores the fundamental elements for cinema: time, light and the matter of analogue cinema itself.
    “Gradual Speed is a work on and for black and white 16mm-film seen as matter, and at the same time as a metaphor for everything we cannot grasp”. (Els van Riel)

    - Concert: Constellations I-III for Piano & Sinewaves (Chiyoko Szlavnics, 2011, 15’). Piano. Johan Bossers.
    The soundtrack for Gradual Speed was created in collaboration with Chiyoko Szlavnics (CAN/DE). She studied music at the University of Toronto, and privately with the composer James Tenney. Her approach relies on drawings as the basis for her compositions and on observations of the interactions between electric and sine waves and the sounds produced by instruments. Her Constellations will be interpreted by the pianist Johan Bossers (BE), co-founder of Champ d’Action, and active in the ensembles Ictus, QO-2, Spectra and I Fiamminghi.

    20h - Bruce McClure
    - A Leak in the Thatch (Bruce McClure, 2014)
    Projector performance for two modified projectors and two bi-packed film loops
    The performances of Bruce McClure (US) are immersive physical experiences with obvious hallucinatory characteristics. Stretched in time they develop an intensity on the level of light and sound, texture and color, blur and flicker while exploring the interference of the images, though McClure (trained as architect) never loses the spectator and the surrounding space out of sight. The sound of the projectors can take on monstrous proportions, deformed by pedals, often used for electrical guitars…. As if the spectator and the cinematic space are sucked into the epicenter of the cinematographic apparatus itself, in the heart of the machine, in a burst of light and the sputtering of the engine. “To me, it’s an experience of nature like a rainy day or being overwhelmed by vertigo in an assault of snow blindness.”


    De Sábado, Marzo 8, 2014 - 18:00 hasta Domingo, Marzo 9, 2014 - 18:55

