Chicago Seen Accepting Submissions (No Fee)

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Promedio: 2.3 (3 votos)

Chicago Seen (A Community Event Produced by Chicago Filmmakers)

We are seeking work produced in the Chicago area or made by local filmmakers to screen as part of the Chicago Seen Screening Series. Films of ALL genres are welcome to submit— insane comedies, touching dramas, high-energy music videos, odd animation, hot topic documentaries, neighborhood portraits, and any mind-expanding experimental visions.

Accepted films and video projects may screen in-person for a single show and/or be available to stream for one week on CF’s website through a private Vimeo showcase. A suggested donation is requested to view the program. Proceeds will be split between selected filmmakers and CF.

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis for programming consideration throughout the year. Filmmakers will be notified about selection as screenings are confirmed.



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