Open Call! Addis Video Art Festival 3rd Edition

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Promedio: 4 (3 votos)

International video art festival in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
December 27th 2019 to January 1st 2020 

Submission Deadline: April 1st 2019


The border between Ethiopia and Eritrea has reopened after 20 years of shutdown following a war with more than 80000 fatalities. These sister countries were once a unified nation, sharing history, culture and language, the only two countries in the world to follow the thirteen month Julian calendar.

In response to this historic moment the festival seeks videos shorts that examine ideas and interpretations of 'Mutual Periphery'. 

For more information please visit:

Regulation and Guidelines

  • Open to national and international artists
  • Submission deadline April, 01 2019
  • Free submission
  • Theme: ‘Mutual Periphery’
  • Single channel videos only
  • Works must be made within the past 3 years
  • If the work uses a language other than English, it must be subtitled in English
  • Maximum duration 15 minutes
  • Two works may be submitted per artist/ requiring a separate entry form per submission /Download entry here:
  •  Selected artist will be notified by June 1st at which point a screening copy will be requested


Addis Video Art Festival intends to provide a platform for innovative video art in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The festival will screen throughout the city in a variety of locations including street corners, rooftops, public centers and art centers. By sharing video art in both conventional and non-conventional settings, the festival will reach both the artist community and the everyday passerby. The festival aims to create a dialogue between local, and international artists by encouraging digital media culture.

Fecha límite: 

Lunes, Abril 1, 2019 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

De Viernes, Diciembre 27, 2019 (Todo el día) hasta Miércoles, Enero 1, 2020 (Todo el día)

Email de contacto: 

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Fecha límite: 

Lunes, Abril 1, 2019 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

De Viernes, Diciembre 27, 2019 (Todo el día) hasta Miércoles, Enero 1, 2020 (Todo el día)