Open Call 2022 8 Video Festival nodoCCS

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Promedio: 3.5 (2 votos)

Video as art opens portals to other realities and to the experiences of others.

The 8th nodoCCS Video Festival returns to its on-site proposal in the city of Caracas, reaffirming its intention to "sustain and inhabit spaces" to generate encounters in a fragmented world.

The experience of the past years inspired us to go beyond the exhibition space and expand the physical locations of our projections, to generate global dynamics, new ways of collaborating and above all to articulate our work to this new reality.

This year's program will feature new dynamics of selection and arrangement of the works, exploring the metaphor of the portal as a curatorial form through which, on the one hand, we try to get in touch with specific modes of experience, histories, communities and world-building practices, and, on the other hand, we reflect on the preconditions, thresholds, regulation and the fundamental function of video as a gateway to other realities. In thinking about video as a portal and world-building practice, questions of access and exclusion must inevitably be addressed. What creates permeability? Who is addressed? Who has access and how is access governed? And who possesses the material and immaterial resources to be able to create portals and the worlds behind them in the first place?


Fill out the form to be part of the 8th nodoCCS Video Festival 2022

8th nodoCCS Video Festival CALL FOR ENTRIES

Open until OCTOBER 22nd 2022

A maximum of 1 video per artist or collective of any theme and in any language, preferably subtitled in Spanish and English. The duration of the video should not exceed 6 minutes.

The selected works will be part of the programming of the 8th nodoCCS 2022 Video Festival, which will take place in 2022 in different spaces and formats, both online and in person.

When you agree to participate, you acknowledge that the videos will be presented to a wider audience and you agree to be part of the new spaces and initiatives developed by nodoCCS to expand its visibility. They may be included in international curatorships that will travel to different cities with which we collaborate annually.

2. The works will be selected by a jury of international specialists coordinated by nodoCCS to be screened during the exhibitions and festivals.

3. The submission of the works implies that the artists authorize the projection of their works by the means that nodoCCS considers for its diffusion. The copyright of the work is the exclusive property of the artist who has made the work and who, in case of being selected by nodoCCS, allows its exhibition and diffusion. The screenings will always be free of charge.

4. PRESELECTION: The videos must be online, either in open, or in private version with password access.

5. SELECTION: Selected artists will be contacted by email in November 2022 and will be asked to send a digital file in the highest quality format, preferably MOV HD or MP4 HD.

6. COST: The participation in the call for entries will have a non-obligatory open price that we will take as a donation to be able to carry out the management tasks, support the invited artists and collaborate with the installation costs of the festival. Therefore, there will be a donation option starting at $5.00.

7. The sending of the material implies the acceptance of these rules and any aspect not contemplated in these regulations will be resolved by nodoCCS.

Fecha límite: 

Sábado, Octubre 22, 2022 (Todo el día)

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Fecha límite: 

Sábado, Octubre 22, 2022 (Todo el día)