Broken Screen

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Broken Screen touring exhibitions open call

Within its 10 year activities anniversary LPEP La Paternal Espacio Proyecto through its programs PAPO (Paternal Art and Politics) and SirveVerse LAB, together with the project “Ratio Aspect”, calls to participate in “Broken Screen” with contestatary pieces of art in single-channel technology (video, net art, apps, memes, gif, stickers to chat, VR, etc)

The deadline to register the works is 29 February 2020_23:59 hrs. Submit the entries filling the FORM:

Queries to [email protected] / Subject: Broken Screen.

“Broken Screen” is an invitation to raise awareness about the meaning and use of images by our society;  also to visualize and interpret the problems that affect us. The proposal is to ask about what is seen and what is not seen, open eyes and dare to the system.

The works topic’s must have a critical sense of resistance or counter-information, especially  around socio-political, socio-economic, gender, environmental and educational issues.

We look for contestatary works into new media technologies.


To participate, your works must be submitted in any possible format to be played in single-channel broadcast screen  ( as monitor / videobeam / mobile screens as tablets, phones , VR glasses,  etc.); Videos, net art, apps, memes, chat stickers, gifs are supported. Videos can be documentary, fiction, experimental or animation.

Productions can be in spanish or english. in case of other languages must have spanish or english subtitles.

Authors and collectives from anywhere in the world can submit a maximum of 3 works.

Those Artist selected will be informed by e mail, about the schedule of the exhibitions.

The selected works to be exhibit must be sent in a digital file in the best possible quality using wetransfer, drive, or similar platform.

The first exhibition of the selected works will take place at La Paternal Espacio Proyecto, located in the Paternal neighborhood (Buenos Aires, Arg) and then will have some replics in venues as the Cultural Center of Cooperation, LAC - Television by other means, El Blanco - Experimentation and artistic synthesis, and other cultural spaces.

Information and disinformation as a controlled system of slogans by the powerful others, rules our society. " We are not asked to believe but to behave as if we did " (Deleuze)



ASPECT RELATIO PROJECT (Relación de Aspecto)

The research project, curatorship and exhibition of contemporary Latin American videoartivism "aspect ratio" has been carried out and presented since 2012 in different venues with the support of some cultural institutions and independent spaces such as the Telefónica Foundation, aecid, the Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center Lima, LPEP La Paternal Espacio Proyecto Bs As, "El Parqueadero" of the Museum of the Bank of the Republic of Colombia in Bogotá, the Technological University of Pereira UTP, Caja de Cristal and La Multinational Quito Ecuador, The gallery of the  Superior Academy of Arts in Bogotá ASAB, La Mutante gallery, Gira Mundo casa Rio de Janeiro Brasil, La Verdi Buenos Aires Argentina, Henestrosa Library and The Painters Museum of Oaxaca MUPO &Transverso contemporary art gallery Oaxaca de Juárez México, the Rodrigo Soler Acapulco Cultural Center, among others.

LPEP La Paternal Espacio Proyecto

Since 2009 LPEP realize in self-managed and collaborative ways, projects that link artistic practice with social reality. Artists, professionals and neighbors from the Barrio de La Paternal participate in them. To date, more than 400 artists have offered their works to more than 4,500 visitors. We made exhibitions, art residences, round tables, workshops, laboratories, open calls, and participate in different cultural centers such as the Recoleta Cultural Center, CMD, SESC Itaquera (SP-Brazil), Casa Tres Patios (MED-Colombia) among others. In addition to working with artists we currently develops projects with universities, municipalities, neighborhoods and cultural organizations.

PAPO and SirveVerse LAB are two LPEP action research programs.

PAPO (“Paternal Art and Politics”) is a program of activities and meetings that consists of: talks, discussion tables, improvement and follow-up workshops, open call for public actions and neighborhood meetings. It takes as its axis of work and reflection the link between art and politics understood as fields of active sociability.

SirveVerse LAB (SV) was born in 2009 as a research, realization and production program carried out by a group of multidisciplinary artists approaching ways to intervene different communication platforms and emerging technologies from experimental perspectives.

Galería de imágenes: 

international open call , contestatary video and new media
international open call , contestatary video and new media

Fecha límite: 

Sábado, Febrero 29, 2020 (Todo el día)

Email de contacto: 

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