Archivio Aperto 2024 - The Art of Memory

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Archivio Aperto is the festival dedicated to the rediscovery of small-format film heritage - private, amateur, experimental, artist’s cinema - and their reuse, organised by Home Movies – Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia.

Now in its 17th edition, the festival has since 2022 had a competitive section dedicated to documentary and experimental works that focus on the reuse of archives and family memories. This is accompanied by an extensive programme of festivals, meetings, workshops, live performances, and installations on the theme of memory, micro-history, autobiographical narration, family archives and small communities, where the interweaving of individual stories and public history is most dense. A true archive laboratory in motion, Archivio Aperto is the most important event in Italy for viewing, educating and reflecting on the public use of private memories.

The 17th edition of Archivio Aperto is called The Art of Memory and it will take place from October 24 to 27, 2024 in Bologna (Italy).

CALL FOR FILMS - The competition of the 17th edition of Archivio Aperto is open to films of any genre – found–footage, documentary, experimental, video-essay, crossing over into fiction and animated cinema – on any medium and of any length, that focus on the memory and the archive, through the re-use of images and research that narrates the interweaving of individual stories and public history.

Submit your film via FilmFreeway until 20th July 2024:

For any information, please send an e-mail to [email protected]

Fecha límite: 

Sábado, Julio 20, 2024 (Todo el día)

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Fecha límite: 

Sábado, Julio 20, 2024 (Todo el día)
To event remaining 31 days