
  • Kino Palais: Martin Klapper

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    Kino Palais, with the collaboration of Pablo Mazzolo and Benjamín Ellenberger, present a special programme with films of the renowned Czech experimental filmmaker Martin Klapper. Screened in their original format and with the presence of the artist.

    "A selection of my films from the period 1992-2002, documenting different approaches and efforts to find a new cinematic vocabulary, using found materials, in-camera edit and a wide variety of radical techniques (many of them my own inventions) to re-work the surface of the film itself. These techniques include overlays, scratching, printing, colouring, tinting, painting, Batik or hand-made development, including various chemical and mechanical treatments. All films are the original prints in Super 8 mm and 16 mm "(Martin Klapper).


    Saturday, August 15, 2015 - 19:00 to Sunday, August 16, 2015 - 18:55


    Palais de Glace - Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Screens/Selves/Séance: Experimental Films of Tzuan Wu

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    Screens/Selves/Séance: Experimental Films of Tzuan Wu is a series of solo screenings of experimental filmmaker Tzuan Wu. The title refers to the inward-looking, self- conscious yet self-reflexive tendency of experimental cinema. Filmmakers in the history of Experimental/ Avant-garde cinema tend to investigate into the self/selves to achieve a personal vision(s) on/against the world. Learning through the lens of the heretics, the Hermetics, the punks, and the other, these no-budget works represent the first 10 years of Tzuan’s filmmaking on the path of his cross disciplinary cinematic pedagogy with hybrid influences.


    Thursday, August 13, 2015 - 20:00 to Friday, August 14, 2015 - 19:55


    CultureHub - New York, United States
  • Joseph Cornell: White Magic Filmmaker

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    Joseph Cornell was a cinephile, film collector, filmmaker and pioneering American assemblage artist. He called his work ‘white magic’ to distinguish it from the darker arts of the surrealists with whom he had a dialogue. From the late 30s onward he reworked Hollywood movies, travelogues and education films to create touching, sophisticated edits and juxtapositions. The first programme includes Rose Hobart which Dali accused Cornell of stealing from his dreams, and the newly rediscovered The Wool Collage. The second programme shows collaborations with other experimental filmmakers such as Stan Brakhage and Larry Jordan. Gnir Rednow and other titles here draw on material shot by Cornell’s collaborators which he then edited and reworked according to his particular aesthetic.


    Thursday, September 3, 2015 - 18:00 to Friday, September 4, 2015 - 17:55


    BFI Southbank - London, United Kingdom
  • Argentine Experimental Filmmakers

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    The series "Argentine Experimental Filmmakers", curated by Claudio Caldini will start next August 7 at 20h, and will continue every Friday of August, at the MAR Auditorium. Each screening will be introduced by Caldini and include several films organized under four concepts: Concrete forms; Signs of life; Landscapes in trance; and Light and time.

    "Experimental film, avant-garde, nonfiction: definitions and categories are insufficient to describe a practice that involves multiple ways of perceiving (and thinking) through film images. These films made outside of production infrastructure are individual works that reinvent the gaze in every experience. They require of the viewer a similar provision in its responsiveness," explains Caldini on the cycle.


    Friday, August 7, 2015 - 20:00 to Saturday, August 8, 2015 - 19:55
    Friday, August 14, 2015 - 20:00 to Saturday, August 15, 2015 - 19:55
    Friday, August 21, 2015 - 20:00 to Saturday, August 22, 2015 - 19:55
    Friday, August 28, 2015 - 20:00 to Saturday, August 29, 2015 - 19:55


    Museo MAR - Mar del Plata, Argentina
  • Recycled and Borrowed: Videos by Roger Beebe

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    Microscope Gallery is very pleased to welcome filmmaker and curator Roger Beebe back to New York and the gallery, this time for a rare program of his video works. The night features the debut of Beebe’s just completed “REVERSED RITES/RIVER RIGHTED”, which as indicated by the title re-reverses “River Rites” by Ben Russell; New York premieres of “Congratulations (One Step at a Time”), which will be playing pre-show, and of “Historia Calamitatum (The Story of My Misfortunes), Part 2 “The Crying Game”; as well as a handful of earlier works made during the past decade or so, including “Touch Me Karakoke” (2008) and “Dirty Harry and the Hendersons” (1998).


    Friday, August 7, 2015 - 19:00 to Saturday, August 8, 2015 - 18:55


    Microscope Gallery - New York, United States
  • La Imagen en Llamas/Images in Flames: A Survey of Uruguayan Cinema

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    Curator/Historian Ángela López Ruiz and filmmaker Eduardo Darino In Person

    With cinematic traditions almost as old as the film medium itself, Montevideo, Uruguay, was, for much of the 20th Century a vibrant hub in the international filmmaking community. Inspired by an adventurous annual film festival—Festival de Cine Experimental y Documental—which exposed local artists to works by (among others) Stan Brakhage, John Grierson, Bert Hanstraa, Peter Kubelka, Arthur Lipsett and Norman McLaren (many of whom appeared in person), Uruguayan filmmakers had, by the 1960s, created a large body of independent and non-commercial experimental film work, much of which was archived at Cinearte Sodre, a major Latin American film archive. Tragically, fires in the early 1970s destroyed both this archive and this festival’s home venue, casting the history of this movement into obscurity. For this very rare screening, film historian/curator Ángela López Ruiz will appear in person to discuss this lost history and the efforts to document this era and preserve this history.


    Monday, August 17, 2015 - 19:30


    Artists' Television Access - San Francisco, United States
  • Show & Tell: Xander Marro

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    Xander Marro (American b. 1975) has been living the good life in the feminist sub-underground for too many years to count on her long bony fingers. She draws pictures (usually narrative), makes movies (usually not narrative), produces plays with elaborate sets and costumes (usually narrative, but confusing), and then makes stuff like quilts and dioramas (probably narrative?). Her work is often about spiritual relationships to the material stuff of this world. Co-founder of the Dirt Palace in 2000 AD (feminist cupcake-encrusted netherworld located along the dioxin filled banks of the Woonasquatucket River, which is to say in Providence, RI, USA). Her studio (and heart) is there still.” –X.M.


    Thursday, August 6, 2015 - 19:30


    Anthology Film Archives - New York, United States
  • Usurp Zone5 Film Festival

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    Usurp Art Gallery presents the Usurp Zone5 Film Festival (14 – 17 August 2015).
    Extraordinary screenings, exhibitions and a film soundtrack turntable night.

    Usurp Zone5 film festival features more than 80 experimental films by artists and filmmakers from over 15 countries, including Argentina, India, Jordan, Peru, Spain and South Africa. Think - abstract, absurd, activist, animated, asemic, clandestine, collage, conceptual, cut-ups, environment, experimental, glitch, graffiti, graphic, identity, kinetic, outsider, paracinematic, performance, plunderphonic, poetry, radio, rebellious, sci-art, scores, scratch, silent, sonic, subterranean, subversive, surreal, synesthetic, typographic, video art...


    Friday, August 14, 2015 - 18:30 to Monday, August 17, 2015 - 22:30


    Usurp Art Gallery & Studios - London, United Kingdom
  • Toying with String: Ute and Detel Aurand/Julia Feyrer and Tamara Henderson

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    Ute Aurand’s trilogy of films Toying with String I-III (Fadenspiele I-III) was made in a spirit of artistic spontaneity and improvisation with her sister, the painter Detel Aurand, between 1999 and 2013. Filmed inside the artist’s studio and outdoors in forests, fields, and mountains, they feature various natural and manmade materials invisibly manipulated to create images in a constant state of metamorphosis. This aspect of the sisters’ films serves as a bridge to the work of Vancouver artists Julia Feyrer and Tamara Henderson, who will show a selection of films from their collaborative and separate practices.


    Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - 19:30


    DIM Cinema - Vancouver, Canadá
  • Peephole Cinema: Spacetime Singularities

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    New works by Bradley Eros, Sarah Halpern, Andrew Lampert
    Guest curated by Elle Burchill and Andrea Monti (Microscope Gallery, Brooklyn)

    Spacetime Singularities is a program of new moving image works made for the occasion of Peephole Cinema by Bradley Eros, Sarah Halpern and Andrew Lampert. The works, hand shot by each artist in the darkness – of a cave, a nightclub and on the streets of NYC in the wee morning hours – collapse sensations and sounds into a single focus viewing experience in which stalactites appear as sonograms, Kenneth Anger conducts a ceremony on the theremin, and liquid nitrogen tanks become ticking time bombs in the city’s rain-slicked streets. – EB & AM

    Reception / BBQ (bring something for the grill)


    Friday, July 24, 2015 - 19:30


    UnionDocs - New York, United States
