CTAO exhibition season 2023-2024

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CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium accepts artists submissions to participate in the next exhibition season 2023-2024 featuring three group exhibitions at our CTAO exhibition room in Lavagna, Italy:

Next deadline: 30 November 2023 (flexible)
"Art of Freedom 2" - Group exhibition, free theme
2nd edition of the exhibition cycle and Best Art of Freedom recognition
Accepted artworks: bidimensional, wall installed, including video art; tridimensional with limitations

International participants may consider to avoid shipping costs and let us provide local printing for reproducible artworks and monitors for video artworks.

For all details and the successive thematic exhibitions "Conceptual Matters" and "Primal Noesis" visit: http://ctao.eu/calls.html

Alternatively, video, film, animated and digital artworks can be submitted to the "Art of Freedom 2" group exhibition through a contest in the FilmFreeway platform at this link: https://filmfreeway.com/CONTEMPORARYArtObservatorium


Thursday, November 30, 2023 (All day)

Submission fees: 

Submission fees are charged

Contact Email: 


Brad SMith's picture


SUbmission is not free. there is an 11 dollar submission fee

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