DOBRA - Festival Int'l de Cinema Experimental 2020

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Promedio: 3 (1 voto)

In the face of death, it is urgent to reaffirm life. Cinema is an incurable contagion, it transforms us forever and with each film once again. We are in the dark and we do not know where we are going. In this sick world, art has become a basic item, a daily necessity for the maintenance of life.

Experimentation is today an act that asks us for a radical imagination. How do we reinvent the world? How will we be able, in social distancing, to stay together ritualizing our lives and our dead? How will the experience of art provide us with the encounter of bodies again? Presenting new forms and propositions is a permanent practice of the experimental cinema. In 2020, in its 6ª edition, DOBRA - International Festival of Experimental Cinema reaffirms this reinvention power by calling artists to send their films, as points of light on this journey through the dark night.

We will continue to fold the margins and cross the limits. In a world that dies of suffocation, we affirm once again that films matter, encounters matter, and the experimental cinema is a power that imagines and builds incessant ways of living.

Calls will be open for the 2020 edition until July 10th and experimental films will be accepted made in all formats and gauges, finalized from January 2019. Submission is free and should be made through the link:

Due to the pandemic and to strengthen the necessary self-care practice that the moment calls for, the Festival will take place online, on September 8th to 22th. The selected works will be available for a limited time on the online platform of the Cinemateca do MAM-RJ, which is expanding its actions to the digital world in the year in which it celebrates 65 years of existence. We believe in the democratic potential of virtual access and we are happy to make our programming more widely available.

We look forward to receiving your films!

Fecha límite: 

Viernes, Julio 10, 2020 (Todo el día)

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