Últimas noticias

  • Xcèntric: Anne Rees-Mogg. Sentimental Journey

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    Anne Rees-Mogg (1924-1984) fue una entregada profesora de arte y una activa defensora del cine en 16 mm. Sus películas tratan sobre el tiempo, la memoria, las relaciones personales y el descubrimiento de la cinematografía. Esta sesión presenta un conjunto de trabajos que esbozan un breve y personal recorrido por la historia del cine: desde los dispositivos precinematográficos de la linterna mágica a un tutorial poético sobre cómo hacer películas experimentales, pasando por la fotografía y los estudios del tiempo y del movimiento de Muybridge.


    De Jueves, Febrero 2, 2017 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Febrero 3, 2017 - 19:55


  • Concrete Happenings: Frames of Resistance - Vostell and Friends in 16mm

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    Frames of Resistance explores Wolf Vostell and other Fluxus filmmakers’ use of film as political interventions into the built environment and the media landscape. Vostell proposed this list of films to be shown during his visit to the MCA in January 1970 when he supervised the production of Concrete Traffic. Screening are Vostell’s films Sun in Your Head (1963), Starfighter (1967), and others.

    Presented by UChicago Arts, the Department of Cinema and Media Studies, and the Film Studies Center.


    De Viernes, Febrero 3, 2017 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Febrero 4, 2017 - 18:55


    Logan Center for the Arts - Chicago, Estados Unidos
  • Process Experimental Film Festival 2017 - Call for entries

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    Process is the first experimental film festival in The Baltics dedicated to experimental, analog filmmaking. Taking place on the 22nd to 25th of March in Riga, Latvia, the festival will provide four days of intensive program consisting of film screenings, talks, discussions, lectures and expanded cinema performances. We welcome the submission of experimental short films where the use of celluloid has been part of the filmmaking process.


    Lunes, Febrero 20, 2017 (Todo el día)


    Kino Bize - Riga, Letonia
  • Austrian Film Museum - In Person: Robert Beavers

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    "The goal is for the projected image to have the same force of awakening sight as any other great image."

    Over five decades, American filmmaker Robert Beavers (*1949) has come closer to this self-set goal than anyone else in his métier. Those fortunate enough to have experienced the complete retrospective of Beavers' work organized by the Austrian Film Museum in the autumn of 2010 are familiar with the sensory intoxication and the intensity of visual and aural experiences these works give rise to. They offer an immersion into the beauty and intelligence of craft – both when it comes to the places and activities recorded by Beavers (anywhere between Florence and Massachusetts) and in relation to his own film craft shining in the projection.


    Miércoles, Marzo 8, 2017 - 20:15
    Jueves, Marzo 9, 2017 - 20:15


    Austrian Film Museum - Vienna, Austria
  • Urban Research: Private Affair

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    In the times of public intrusion into the private sphere, right wing populists and religious fundamentalists threatening the freedom of expression and diversity, and conservative politicians pressing for control and surveillance, the expressions of private life become a political affair again. Related to the slogan of 1968 "The personal is political", the here presented films talk about personal or private affairs in relation to the public sphere and the urban space.


    De Jueves, Enero 26, 2017 - 21:00 hasta Viernes, Enero 27, 2017 - 20:55


    Z-Bar, Berlin - Berlin, Alemania
  • 2017 West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival

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    2017 West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival Call for Entries
    Festival Dates March 24 – March 26, 2017.

    The West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival invites imaginative, well-crafted and compelling works in film, video, animation and virtual reality. We impose no rules or restrictions governing content or artistic approach. Rather, we celebrate creative and innovative approaches to expression, medium, concept and narrative, in both traditional and non-traditional forms.


    Miércoles, Marzo 1, 2017 (Todo el día)
  • BUNGALOW by Alex MacKenzie

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    Iris Film Collective is pleased to present the inaugural installation of IN HOUSE, a year-long series of film and light installation at the Falaise Fieldhouse (3434 Falaise Avenue, Vancouver BC, Canada) by Collective members.

    BUNGALOW is a site-specific installation by Alex MacKenzie on view every evening from 6-9pm at the Fieldhouse from February 13 through the 26th, 2017.


    De Lunes, Febrero 13, 2017 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Febrero 26, 2017 (Todo el día)

