Últimas noticias

  • Colección Privada: La Escena en Super 8 y 16mm en España

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    En los últimos quince años, las ciudades españolas han visto florecer comunidades heterogéneas dedicadas a mantener la cultura del cine analógico. A través del intercambio de materiales, la influencia mutua, las proyecciones informales y la amistad, tres generaciones de cineastas se entremezclan en Madrid, Barcelona, Coruña y San Sebastián en un momento extraordinario para el cine poético español.


    De Sábado, Mayo 13, 2023 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Mayo 14, 2023 (Todo el día)
  • Master Class Experimental & Personal Filmmaking by Rouzbeh Rashidi

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    Master Class EXPERIMENTAL & PERSONAL FILMMAKING by Rouzbeh Rashidi
    June 26 – 30, 2023, Berlin Art Institute, Berlin, Germany

    ‘Experimental & Personal Filmmaking’ is a 5-day intensive immersive on-site program at BERLIN ART INSTITUTE from June 26 – 30, 2023 that exposes you to alternative film and video history, artist practice, and methods. In addition, it provides you with the knowledge to begin making your own experimental media.


  • Notes after Long Silence. On Austrian and American Structural Film

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    In the early 1960ies, a number of filmmakers emerged in the United States and Europe to produce remarkable films that challenged any previous formal tendency in avant-garde filmmaking. The Structuralist filmmakers— including Peter Kubelka, Tony Conrad, Paul Sharits, and Kurt Kren––arranged their shots according to mathematical principles, attempting to produce non-narrative and non-illusionist films to oppose the cinematic apparatus.


    Jueves, Mayo 4, 2023 (Todo el día)
    Sábado, Mayo 6, 2023 (Todo el día)
  • Cinédoc's cineclub: Refle-x-périmental #2 - Traits/Portraits

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    The second program of Refle-x-périmental is dedicated to cine-portraits. It proposes an exploration of gestures of cinematographic (self)representation based on multiple intersections of the gaze.

    From self-portraits (Snow, Unglee) to family (Schefer, Satake), familiar (Mekas, Baillie), or even domestic (Rey) portraits, along with political portraits (Glowczewska, Schefer), these films question the relationship between the filmmakers and their subjects.


    Martes, Mayo 2, 2023 - 20:30


    Reflet Médicis - Paris, Francia
