Últimas noticias

  • FILMont Media Project: Hand Made Movies

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    The FILMont Media Project is excited to announce its inaugural online screening event and fundraiser for the Media Project's 3D printed PPE production efforts, tomorrow, May 15 at 7pm (EDT). Join us as we screen work produced in our community film workshop, along side a selection hand-crafted cinema from Nicole Baker, Peter Rose, Eric Theise, Quinn Thomashow, and Josh Weissbach.


    De Viernes, Mayo 15, 2020 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Mayo 16, 2020 - 18:55


    FILMont Media Project - Philmont, Estados Unidos
  • Fracto presents: Sandra Davis / Chick Strand Digital Screening

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    Dear Fracto Friends,

    After the success of our Bruce Baillie-Chick Strand digital screening, we have decided to hold another streaming event, this time showing work by Chick Strand and Sandra Davis.

    We once again ask for a small donation to help us recoup the rental costs. That said, the screening is free for all to enjoy and share. Thank you for your generosity.


    De Jueves, Mayo 14, 2020 (Todo el día) hasta Jueves, Mayo 21, 2020 (Todo el día)
  • LUFF Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival 2020 - Call for Entries

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    Over the last 18 years, Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival (LUFF) has been going to great - but exciting - pains to rub its audiences the wrong way and to offer original and off-the-wall programming. LUFF’s objective is to fuse music and cinema together into a chemistry of weirdness, drawing from a wide range of avant-garde artists and innovative creations which in most cases have never before been seen in Switzerland.

    Fecha límite: 

    Viernes, Mayo 15, 2020 (Todo el día)
  • ATELIER 105: Second commission of 2020

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    In October 2014, Light Cone introduced the Atelier 105 artist residencies, dedicated to the video-based post-production of films that fall within the realm of experimental cinema, with the aim of supporting approximately 10 projects per year. The residency is intended for the work-flow of experimental filmmakers, and, therefore, eligibility criteria are deliberately kept open.

    Fecha límite: 

    Lunes, Junio 1, 2020 (Todo el día)
  • Call for One Minutes

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    Call for one minute artists moving image for One Minutes. The tenth in the series curated by artist/curator Kerry Baldry will be selecting latest works, preferably from this year. The programme will be screened online during the month of August. Please send work or link to [email protected]

    Deadline June 30th 2020.


    Fecha límite: 

    Martes, Junio 30, 2020 (Todo el día)
  • Underneath the Floorboards visual arts night

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    Underneath the Floorboards is a visual arts, experimental film night held in London buzzing artistic area of Hackney.

    Our showcase is open to artists and filmmakers from all around the world whose work has an experimental, non-linear narrative form. We want to see variety, whether it be experimental film, video art, visual art, experimental documentary or animation.

    No bias, no prejudice, we don't care if you didn't study in the most prestigious art schools. We want to see unique work of an artistic nature, which creates its own language.

    Fecha límite: 

    Domingo, Septiembre 20, 2020 - 12:30
  • Moving Image Artists Journal Issue 2 - Nature & Landscape

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    We are very excited to announce the publication of the second issue of Moving Image Artists Journal! This issue is dedicated to moving image art & experimental film that explores the themes of nature & landscape.

    Articles by Daniel & Clara, Scott Barley, Peter Treherne, Seán Vicary, Al Brydon, Autojektor, Chris Lynn, Amy Cutler, Karel Doing, Katie Grace McFadden, Joe Banks, Yvonne Salmon, James Riley, and Toby Tatum.

