[news]: Peter Rose`s works available on DVD

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Imagen de Marcos Ortega

[url=http://expcinema.org/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=88&I... Peter Rose`s works available on DVD[/url]
[url=http://www.peterrosepicture.com][b]Peter Rose[/b][/url] has just announced the release, in a self-published edition, of 2 DVDs contaning nearly the entirety of his work.[br /]
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- [b]VOX 13[/b] will contain remastered versions of all his films and videos concerning language: [i]Siren [/i](1990), [i]Genesis [/i](1991), [i]The gif[/img]
(1993), [i]Foit Yet Cleem Triavith [/i](1988), [i]Digital Speech[/i] (1984), [i]Secondary Currents[/i] (1982), [i]SpiritMatters [/i](1984), [i]Metalogue [/i](1996), [i]The Pressures of the Text[/i] (1983), [i]Understory [/i](1997), [i]Babel [/i](1987), [i]The Darkening[/i] (2000), and [i]Sleeping Woman[/i] (1992). NTSC, 120 min., 40 US$.[br /]
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- [b]Selected Works[/b] will contain remastered versions of the more purely visual material: [i]The man who could not see far enough[/i] (1981), [i]Analogies: studies in the movement of time[/i] (1977), [i]Incantation [/i](1970), [i]The Geosophist’s Tears[/i] (2002), [i]Rotary Almanac[/i] (2000), [i]Pneumenon [/i](2003), [i]Odysseus in Ithaca[/i] (2006), and [i]Omen [/i](2001). NTSC, 90 min., 40 US$.[br /]
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These DVDs can only be acquired [url=http://www.peterrosepicture.com/contact.php]contacting[/url] the artist.

Imagen de Marcos Ortega
[news]: Peter Rose`s works available on DVD

[url=http://www.expcinema.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=... Peter Rose`s works available on DVD[/url]
[url=http://www.peterrosepicture.com][b]Peter Rose[/b][/url] has just announced the release, in a self-published edition, of 2 DVDs contaning nearly the entirety of his work.[br /]
[br /]
- [b]VOX 13[/b] will contain remastered versions of all his films and videos concerning language: [i]Siren [/i](1990), [i]Genesis [/i](1991), [i]The gif[/img]
(1993), [i]Foit Yet Cleem Triavith [/i](1988), [i]Digital Speech[/i] (1984), [i]Secondary Currents[/i] (1982), [i]SpiritMatters [/i](1984), [i]Metalogue [/i](1996), [i]The Pressures of the Text[/i] (1983), [i]Understory [/i](1997), [i]Babel [/i](1987), [i]The Darkening[/i] (2000), and [i]Sleeping Woman[/i] (1992). NTSC, 120 min., 40 US$.[br /]
[br /]
- [b]Selected Works[/b] will contain remastered versions of the more purely visual material: [i]The man who could not see far enough[/i] (1981), [i]Analogies: studies in the movement of time[/i] (1977), [i]Incantation [/i](1970), [i]The Geosophist’s Tears[/i] (2002), [i]Rotary Almanac[/i] (2000), [i]Pneumenon [/i](2003), [i]Odysseus in Ithaca[/i] (2006), and [i]Omen [/i](2001). NTSC, 90 min., 40 US$.[br /]
[br /]
These DVDs can only be acquired [url=http://www.peterrosepicture.com/contact.php]contacting[/url] the artist.

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