[news]: DVD releases from Cult Epics

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Imagen de Marcos Ortega

[url=http://expcinema.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=69&I... DVD releases from Cult Epics[/url]

[url=http://expcinema.com/site/index2.php?option=com_jce&task=popup ]
[/url][url=http://www.cultepics.com ][b]Cult Epics[/b][/url], has announced its upcoming releases in DVD:

 - [i][b]Un Chant d'amour[/b][/i]: At last, [b]Jean Genet[/b]'s poetic masterpiece in a complete and restored version. This 2 DVD limited edition will feature the complete version, with a video introduction by [b]Jonas Mekas[/b] and audio commentary by [b]Kenneth Anger[/b], The second DVD 
includes [i]GENET a Documentary[/i] (1981) by Antoine Bourseiller, [i]JEAN GENET an Interview[/i] (1982) by Bertrand Poirot-Delpech. A must. February 28. 29,95 $.

- [b][i]Cinema of Death[/i][/b] compiles recent films dealing with death and the extreme. The films included are: [i]
Adoration[/i] ([b]Olivier Smolders[/b], Belgium/1987) is the true story of a Japanese man's love [br /]
crazed obsession for a woman, which ends in cannibalism; [i]Dislandia[/i] ([b]Brian M. Viveros[/b], [br /]
USA/2005), a disturbing observance of Lindsey - a child existing in an indistinguishable [br /]
time and place, haunted by surrealist visions;  [i]Pig[/i] ([b]Nico B[/b], USA/1999), a poetic film in
which we see the subconscious of a killer transform into abstract forms and material, all
deriving from his suffering and desperation; [i]Hollywood Babylon [/i](Nico B, USA/2000), an homage to Kenneth Anger's Hollywood Babylon,
shot at the Museum of Death, California;  [i]Le Poem[/i] ([b]Bogdan Borkowski[/b], France/1986), an actual
autopsy of a human body accompanied by the poem 'The Drunken Boat' by Arthur Rimbaud. March 27. 29,95$.

Imagen de Marcos Ortega
[news]: DVD releases from Cult Epics

[url=http://expcinema.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=69&I... DVD releases from Cult Epics[/url]

[url=http://expcinema.com/site/index2.php?option=com_jce&task=popup ]
[/url][url=http://www.cultepics.com ][b]Cult Epics[/b][/url], has announced its upcoming releases in DVD:

 - [i][b]Un Chant d'amour[/b][/i]: At last, [b]Jean Genet[/b]'s poetic masterpiece in a complete and restored version. This 2 DVD limited edition will feature the complete version, with a video introduction by [b]Jonas Mekas[/b] and audio commentary by [b]Kenneth Anger[/b], The second DVD 
includes [i]GENET a Documentary[/i] (1981) by Antoine Bourseiller, [i]JEAN GENET an Interview[/i] (1982) by Bertrand Poirot-Delpech. A must. February 28. 29,95 $.

- [b][i]Cinema of Death[/i][/b] compiles recent films dealing with death and the extreme. The films included are: [i]
Adoration[/i] ([b]Olivier Smolders[/b], Belgium/1987) is the true story of a Japanese man's love [br /]
crazed obsession for a woman, which ends in cannibalism; [i]Dislandia[/i] ([b]Brian M. Viveros[/b], [br /]
USA/2005), a disturbing observance of Lindsey - a child existing in an indistinguishable [br /]
time and place, haunted by surrealist visions;  [i]Pig[/i] ([b]Nico B[/b], USA/1999), a poetic film in
which we see the subconscious of a killer transform into abstract forms and material, all
deriving from his suffering and desperation; [i]Hollywood Babylon [/i](Nico B, USA/2000), an homage to Kenneth Anger's Hollywood Babylon,
shot at the Museum of Death, California;  [i]Le Poem[/i] ([b]Bogdan Borkowski[/b], France/1986), an actual
autopsy of a human body accompanied by the poem 'The Drunken Boat' by Arthur Rimbaud. March 27. 29,95$.

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