[news]: 2*TIE 2007

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Imagen de Marcos Ortega

[url=http://expcinema.org/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=103&... 2*TIE 2007[/url]
This year's edition of the [url=http://www.experimentalcinema.org]International Experimental Cinema Exposition[/url]  doubles as to the already announced expo in Montevideo, Uruguay at the end of the year, a new exhibition in Montreal, Canada will be held the weekend of November 2nd-4th.[br /]
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This expo will be organized by the Montreal collective [b]Double Negative[/b], and will feature three programmes of over thirty films, curated by TIE founder Christopher May. Filmmakers as Jeanne Liotta, Michael Robinson, Robert Todd, Daichi Saito and Johnathan Schwartz will be present to introduce and discuss their films.[br /]

Imagen de Marcos Ortega
[news]: 2*TIE 2007

[url=http://www.expcinema.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=... 2*TIE 2007[/url]
This year's edition of the [url=http://www.experimentalcinema.org]International Experimental Cinema Exposition[/url]  doubles as to the already announced expo in Montevideo, Uruguay at the end of the year, a new exhibition in Montreal, Canada will be held the weekend of November 2nd-4th.[br /]
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This expo will be organized by the Montreal collective [b]Double Negative[/b], and will feature three programmes of over thirty films, curated by TIE founder Christopher May. Filmmakers as Jeanne Liotta, Michael Robinson, Robert Todd, Daichi Saito and Johnathan Schwartz will be present to introduce and discuss their films.[br /]

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