Crumbs in the bed.

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Imagen de Drew Burgess

Flash player 8.00 or higher required.

This is a small scene which will be part of my upcoming website
I was trying to create a kind of claustrophobic atmosphere, and describe a situation where my mind is working in overdrive
maybe because of to much sensory stimulation, Coffee, T.V ect, I am unable to move or do anything productive.
This piece is an attempt to describe a decadent feeling that results from being completely idle for a long time.

Imagen de Drew Burgess
Crumbs in the bed.

Flash player 8.00 or higher required.

This is a small scene which will be part of my upcoming website
I was trying to create a kind of claustrophobic atmosphere, and describe a situation where my mind is working in overdrive
maybe because of to much sensory stimulation, Coffee, T.V ect, I am unable to move or do anything productive.
This piece is an attempt to describe a decadent feeling that results from being completely idle for a long time.

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