
  • Courts métrages de Patrick Bokanowski

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    eluparcettecrapule présente :
    Courts métrages de Patrick Bokanowski
    en présence de Patrick et Michèle Bokanowski
    Jeudi 17 décembre à 20 h 30 au Studio - 3 rue Général Sarrail, Le Havre, France

    - La Plage (1991, coul, 14' 00)
    - La Femme Qui Se Poudre (1970-1972 , n&b , 18' 00)
    - Déjeuner Du Matin (1974, coul, 12')
    - Éclats D'orphée (2002, coul, 4'35)
    - Battements Solaires (2008, sonore, 18'40)

    entrée : 4 euros


    Jueves, Diciembre 17, 2009 - 20:30


    Studio - ,
  • Fuera de formato: Fluxus II

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    Fluxfilm No. 16: Four, Yoko Ono

    Fluxfilm No. 17: 5 O’Clock in the Morning (1966), Pieter Vanderbiek

    Fluxfilm No. 18: Smoking (1966), Joe Jones

    Fluxfilm No. 19: Opus 74, version 2 (1966), Eric Andersen

    Fluxfilm No. 20: ARTYPE (1966), George Maciunas

    Fluxfilm No. 21: (untitled) (1966), Alyson Knowles


    De Jueves, Diciembre 17, 2009 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Diciembre 18, 2009 - 19:55
  • Short films by Curt McDowell

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    "Curt was curt, cute, controversial, and not celibate,” wrote his former friend and collaborator George Kuchar. McDowell (who died in 1987) was a key San Francisco underground filmmaker whose work is rarely revived. Bawdy, funny and sometimes explicit, this program of some of his best short films are infused with joy and fearless intensity of raw emotion.


    Jueves, Diciembre 17, 2009 - 19:30


    Yerba Buena Center for the Arts - San Francisco, Estados Unidos
  • Oporto apresenta #17: Unedited Material From The Star

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    Unedited Material From The Star by John Latham
    16 mm, color, sound (optical), 12', 1960
    Saturday, December 19, 2009, 11 pm

    John Latham (1921 - 2006) is definitely a pillar for the british contemporary arts. Starting as a painter and sculptor in the late forties, he soon moved these mediums to conceptual fields and social practices. In the fifties Latham developed an holistic system where art emerges as a visual language, the most accurate meaning to approach time and matter. This new time-based theory, termed "Flat Time" becomes a unifying philosophical structure capable of ordering the Universe and human behavior.
    "Unedited Material From The Star" is an animated documentary of the production of another piece, "Film Star". The film presents debris of literature agglomerated over a grav-
    ity field, the canvas. The result is a flickering book-wreckage site shaped as a bright nonlinear star

    "Unwritten echoes from a neighboring star" - Alexandre Estrela

    Oporto is a studio and a non-profit screening room located in Lisboa. Occupying the former Merchant Sailors Union headquarters, Oporto projects from time to time a single unique experimental video or film. The programme is exquisite and extremely slow.The selection of the pieces screened is made, not only on the basis of the work itself, but also on an overall idea of an exquisite corpse . The space is directed by artist Alexandre Estrela, in cooperation with designers and associate program managers Antonio Gomes and Claudia Castelo a.k.a. Barbara Says and artist Miguel Soares. Sponsored by GAU- Gestão de Audiovisuais.


  • Thomas Demand at Teatro Lara

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    Thomas Demand
    Rain / Lluvia (2008)

    December 15, 2009 6pm - 11pm

    Teatro Lara
    Corredera Baja de San Pablo 15

    Rain patters onto the stage in the venerated Teatro Lara in Madrid.

    It takes a while to realise that no water is falling: these are raindrops animated by hand!


    De Martes, Diciembre 15, 2009 - 18:00 hasta Miércoles, Diciembre 16, 2009 - 19:55


  • Manipulated Image #9: GUTTURAL!

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    Manipulated Image #9: GUTTURAL!

    Friday, December 18, 7-9 pm
    Santa Fe Complex
    624 Agua Fria St
    Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501, USA

    Participating artists:
    - Wilfried Agricola deCologne (Germany)
    - Niclas Hallberg, in collaboration with Stina Pehrsdotter (Sweden)
    - Paulo R. C. Barros (Brazil)
    - Hey-Yeun Jang (New York City): will discuss her work and premiere a new video
    - Martin Back (Santa Fe): will discuss his work

    Curated and hosted by multimedia and video artist, Alysse Stepanian


  • Fuera de formato: Fluxus I

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    En torno al dadaísmo y a la figura de John Cage, el movimiento Fluxus nace, informalmente organizado por Georges Maciunas, entre 1961 y 1962, haciendo dialogar la música, las artes plásticas y visuales, la literatura y la acción performativa. A lo largo de dos sesiones, se presentará la antología más completa de los films Fluxus, integrada por piezas de duraciones muy diversas realizadas entre 1963 y 1970 por autores tan dispares como Nam June Paik, el propio Maciunas, John Cavanaugh, Yoko Ono, Robert Watts o Paul Sharits.


    Domingo, Diciembre 13, 2009 - 18:30
