
  • Screening night: Kate McCabe #195

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    American filmmaker Kate McCabe will come to Spektrum to present some films that have been highly influental for her own work.

    Originally from Philadelphia Kate McCabe studied Experimental Animation at CalArts, where she now is assistant of legendary US-american filmmaker Pat O'Neill. Since 1995 McCabe's films have travelled the globe and she finally managed to find some time to come to Berlin. When not making books or chasing lightning storms with her camera, Kate works on her sketch comic 'Mojave Weather Diaries'. She says "When I work with film, I play with light and time, rhythm and shadow."


    Miércoles, Septiembre 7, 2016 - 20:30


    SPEKTRUM - Berlin, Alemania
  • Barbara Hammer’s Visionary Lesbian Cinema

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    Barbara Hammer in person

    We are thrilled to host Barbara Hammer who is perhaps the greatest and most prolific living “first generation” lesbian experimental filmmaker. Uncompromising and innovative,  a visual artist working primarily in film and video, Barbara Hammer has made over 80 moving image works in a career that spans 40 years. Tonight we will screen a program of Hammer’s films that sample her trailblazing political and aesthetic practice from the 1970’s to the present. Films will include Dyketactics, No No Nooky TV, Sanctus, Maya Deren’s Sink and more.


    Miércoles, Septiembre 28, 2016 - 19:30


    Exploded View Gallery - Tucson, Estados Unidos
  • Another Experiment By Women Film Festival

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    Another Experiment By Women Film Festival (http://axwff.com & http://axwonline.com) screening

    - Thunderbolt (Heidi Phillips, Canada, 16MM to digi, 3:30)
    Light explodes out of the darkness engulfing a young woman as she tries to find her way through the storm.


    De Miércoles, Septiembre 21, 2016 - 18:00 hasta Jueves, Septiembre 22, 2016 - 17:55


    Anthology Film Archives - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Balagan presents... Formal Subversions: Films from Cologne, Germany

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    Buoyed in part by the Academy of Media Arts (Kunsthochschule für Medien, or KHM), Cologne has become an epicenter of experimental film and video within Germany. This program, organized in collaboration with Cologne-based filmmakers Lina Sieckmann and Miriam Gossing, presents nine works from the Cologne/Bonn region viewed through the lens of “formal subversion”. All included works somehow undermine basic elements of their form, structure, or the medium itself to reveal unforeseen creative potentials .


    De Martes, Septiembre 6, 2016 - 19:00 hasta Miércoles, Septiembre 7, 2016 - 18:55


    Coolidge Corner Theatre - Brookline, Estados Unidos
  • Temporal Currents: Experimental Film and Sound at the Metropolitan Waterworks Museum

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    Balagan and Non-Event once again team up to present… Temporal Currents: Experimental Film and Sound at the Metropolitan Waterworks Museum.

    Conceived as a sort of “live installation,” this event seeks to exploit the peculiarities of the old pumping station as a non-traditional cinema space and concert venue, breathing new life into its 130-year-old brass and iron machinery by means of multiple 16mm and video projections, as well as the sonic explorations of local experimenters. Roughly a dozen members of the burgeoning AgX Film Collective will present new works specially created for the space, informed by its history and architecture, and in dialogue with its intended function and design. Projectors will be placed throughout the facilities, shining abstracted and figurative imagery onto its many curved and textured surfaces, obstructed and shaped by the geometry of its numerous valves, pistons, and gears.


    De Viernes, Septiembre 16, 2016 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Septiembre 17, 2016 - 18:55


    Metropolitan Waterworks Museum - Boston, Estados Unidos
  • Hybridity and the Performative Hand-made: Montreal Independent Cinema

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    filmkoop wien presents:
    Hybridity and the Performative Hand-made: Montreal Independent Cinema

    Sonya Stefan presents current Montreal filmmakers and video creators who are exploring hybrid techniques and the hand-made. Each artist defines their own unique process, either by hands-on film, video manipulation or via performance-based techniques such as Hamish Fulton-esque walking trajectories shot along a man-made path leading to a lake. Experimental and animation works make up this program.


    Lunes, Septiembre 12, 2016 - De 19:00 hasta 21:30


    filmkoop wien - Vienna, Austria
  • Close-Up: Storm De Hirsch - Goodbye In The Mirror

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    First of their new strand of screenings at Close-Up, and programmed by Arindam Sen, Rattis Books presents Storm De Hirsch's rarely screened Goodbye in the Mirror on a beautiful 16mm print, "A dramatic feature shot on location in Rome. Centred around the adventures and illusions of three girls living abroad, the film explores their restlessness and personal involvements in assuming the role of woman as hunter".


    De Viernes, Septiembre 16, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Sábado, Septiembre 17, 2016 - 19:55


    Close-Up Cinema - London, Reino Unido
  • Incluso el silencio es causa de tormenta

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    Después del estreno de su útima pieza de Cine Expandido en el festival LOOP de Barcelona, Luis Macias y Adriana Vila realizarán una gira por varios países para presentar “Incluso el silencio es causa de tormenta”. Una performance fílmica en directo con dispositivos de proyección analógica, diapositivas y película 16mm filmadas e intervenidas con procesos fotoquímicos, copiado óptico y revelados artesanales, combinados con sonidos de campo y electroacústicos, en una actuación única de experimentación visual y sonora. Una experiencia perceptiva desorbitante, hipnótica, violenta y sutil.


    De Viernes, Septiembre 9, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Sábado, Septiembre 10, 2016 - 19:55


    Centro de Cultura Digital - Mexico D.F., México
  • A Wilderness of Mirrors: Films by Paul Clipson

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    LOMAA is pleased to present a selection of stunning works by San Francisco-based filmmaker Paul Clipson, displaying his unique vision to transform the everyday into phantasmagoric celluloid landscapes. Hosted in partnership with Forest City Gallery.

    Admission by donation


    De Miércoles, Agosto 31, 2016 - 19:00 hasta Jueves, Septiembre 1, 2016 - 18:55


    Forest City Gallery - London, Canadá
  • Experimental Ethnography III – Feminism, Colonialism and Anthropology: Chick Strand

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    The third film program in the series Experimental Ethnography at Cinemateket presents Feminism, Colonialism And Anthropology - three films by Chick Strand (USA, 1931-2009).

    Chick Strand's accomplishments as an artist spanned more than three decades. In the early 1960s, with a new anthropology degree in hand, she turned her attention to ethnographic filmmaking. Her early work focused on Meso-American cultures explored through the language of the experimental documentary.


    De Domingo, Septiembre 11, 2016 - 18:00 hasta Lunes, Septiembre 12, 2016 - 17:55


    Swedish Film Institute - Stockholm, Suecia
