
  • UnionDocs: Shirley Clarke Tribute

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    Bridges-Go-Round (Shirley Clarke, 1958)Shirley Clarke Tribute
    Saturday, January 30 - 7:30pm
    322 Union Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211
    Suggested donation $7

    Discussion with filmmakers Donna Cameron, Jonas Mekas (founder of Anthology Film Archives and founding member of The Filmmakers' Coop), and film critic-programmer Cullen Gallagher.

    This event is part of a monthly screening series with The Film-Makers’ Cooperative, and focuses on the legacy of American filmmaker Shirley Clarke, thirteen years after her death.

    - BRIDGES-GO-ROUND by Shirley Clarke (USA, 1958, 7 minutes, 16mm. Color, Music by Louis & Bebe Barron; Teo Macero)
    American filmmaker Shirley Clarke, with whom Cameron worked one-on one from 1987-1990 on their collage portrait work Shirley Clarke in Our Time, created this masterpiece of experimental dance film using Manhattan’s Bridges. In this film Manhattan Island becomes a maypole around which its bridges, detached from moorings, execute a bewitched and beguiling dance. The filmmaker has magically set them dancing to two different music tracks- an electronic score by the Barrons and a jazz score by Teo Macero. Each track affects the viewer’s response to the imagery of the film differently.

    - SHIRLEY CLARKE IN OUR TIME by Donna Cameron (USA, 1987-1993,63 minutes, 16mm to Amiga Toaster technology to 1? and betaSP video tape, Color, Sound, New DVD release: 2010)


  • Close-up: Histories of the Avant-Garde Part IV

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    Close-up: Histories of the Avant-Garde Part IV
    February 23th 2009, 20h
    The Working Men’s Club, 44-46 Pollard Row, E2 6NB, London. Ticket: £5/£3 Close-Up members
    Doors open at 7.45 pm
    Presented by Close-Up and The Dog Movement


    Five American masters all explore dailiness, film as a stage for performance, and most importantly the possibilities of using music with equal importance to image in tonight’s screening.


  • Close-up: Histories of the Avant-Garde Part III

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    Close-up: Histories of the Avant-Garde Part III
    January 26th 2009, 20h
    The Working Men’s Club, 44-46 Pollard Row, E2 6NB, London. Ticket: £5/£3 Close-Up members
    Doors open at 7.45 pm
    Presented by Close-Up and The Dog Movement

    PASSAGE THROUGH: A RITUAL by Stan Brakhage + MUSICAL STAIRS by Guy Sherwin

    A chance to see one of Brakhage’s most important sound films for the first time in London alongside Guy Sherwin’s Optical Sound film Musical Stairs.


    De Martes, Enero 26, 2010 - 20:00 hasta Miércoles, Enero 27, 2010 - 19:55
  • Light Industry: Naomi Uman - The Ukranian Time Machine

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    Light Industry: Naomi Uman - The Ukranian Time Machine
    Tuesday, February 18, 2010 at 7:30pm
    220 36th Street (between 2nd and 3rd Avenue), 5th floor
    11232, Brooklyn, NY, USA

    Light Industry presents an evening of new work by Naomi Uman, who over the past two decades has produced one of the most accomplished bodies of contemporary 16mm filmmaking. A hybrid of lyrical and documentary forms, hers is a cinema equally attuned to the unique textures of small-gauge celluloid and the subtleties of cultural difference.

    Based for many years in California and Mexico, Uman recently relocated to Eastern Europe. In 1906, her great-grandparents emigrated from rural Ukraine to the United States; a century later, she made the same journey in reverse, ultimately settling into the tiny, remote village of Legedzine, where she has lived for the past four years. Initially arriving without knowledge of the local language, Uman eventually discovered that the rhythms of culture there, centered around age-old patterns of labor and leisure, continue in much the same way as in her ancestor’s time.

    Uman’s ongoing process of observing and coming to understand life in Legedzine is chronicled in her Ukrainian Time Machine project, a cycle of 16mm films that continue to explore the hand-made, intimately subjective mode seen in her earlier works. With Kalendar, Uman recounts her own process of learning Ukrainian words through a visual primer of her early impressions; for Unnamed Film, she documents the villagers’ everyday activities and resilient resourcefulness. On This Day presents quick, joyful sketches of a wedding, while Clay studies a small factory where men make bricks from the same local clay their forebears have used for building since the 4th millennium BC. Throughout the cycle, Uman’s subject matter parallels her own artisanal practice, valorizing the tactile and hard-won pleasures of work.

    Selections from The Ukrainian Time Machine:

    - Kalendar, 2007, 16mm, 11 mins
    - Unnamed Film, 2008, 16mm, 55 mins
    - On This Day, 2008, 16mm, 4 mins
    - Clay, 2008, 16mm, 15 mins

    Followed by a conversation with the artist.

    A former private chef to Gloria Vanderbilt, Malcolm Forbes, and Calvin Klein, Uman long ago traded in her egg-beater and oven mitts for a 16mm bolex. Her award-winning films have screened widely at major international festivals as well as The Guggenheim Museum, The Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Museo de Art Moderno in Mexico City. Milking & Scratching: Handmade Films by Naomi Uman, a collection of five early works, was released on DVD in 2006 by Peripheral Produce.

    Tickets - $7, available at door.


  • Modos de habitar

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    Modos de habitarPaisajes domésticos: interiores y exteriores de casas donde cohabitan las variaciones de la luz con los objetos, los niños y la cámara en un determinado tiempo. Lugares donde la cámara opera como un instrumento, con sus diferentes posibilidades fílmicas compone mosaicos del espacio doméstico: diferentes modos de ver el espacio íntimo y de habitarlo.

    Ventana, Claudio Caldini. Argentina, 1975, vídeo, 4 min.


    Domingo, Enero 24, 2010 - 18:30
  • Hipérboles del grano

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    Hipérboles del granoConjunto de películas que reduce al mínimo la expresión y movimiento cinematográficos. Magníficas emulsiones a diferentes escalas de aumento que exageran las partículas que componen la masa fílmica: pequeños puntos de luz y campos de color. Los minimales movimientos que se manifiestan en la superficie de la imagen son como las corrientes de granos de arena en un desierto.


    De Jueves, Enero 21, 2010 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Enero 22, 2010 - 19:55
  • Ben Russell: Rune

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    Carmen II by Melanie SchiffBen Russell: Rune
    January 23, 2010 - February 20, 2010
    1716 S Morgan #2F, Chicago, IL 60608
    Opening reception: Saturday 6-9 pm, January 23rd, 2010

    - Ryan Fenchel
    - Joshua Manchester
    - JT Rogstad
    - Melanie Schiff
    - Deborah Stratman

    Private viewings by appointment*
    *The performance of "Doyen: nothing of you is left as it once was" by Joshua Manchester will be presented at approximately 8:00pm during the opening reception.

    About the show:
    Oh, Necromancy! Oh, Runic Magic! Oh, blótspánn and hlautlein! Oh, Germanic Paganism! With earthquake and sorrow and windows shuttered, this New Decade looks to be as dark as the last and the last and the last before that, and it is in such times (as in those early times of Odin) that we must turn our eyes skyward and acknowledge our ignorance of the world, acknowledge that whatever cannot be readily understood must be sorcery. We must consult our Lindholm amulet, fit our Greymoor Ring tight 'round our finger, and leaf through Sigrdrífumál until we find these words: "Certain is that which is sought from RUNEs / That the gods so great have made / And the Master-Poet painted"

    We read further: "if high on a tree / I see a hanged man swing / So do I write and color the RUNEs / That forth he fares / And to me talks." And at last we understand - ART IS OUR DIVINATION. And so emboldened, we use magical staves to collage paper and ink on our walls (ROGSTAD), we perform lithomancy to aid in the photographic documentation of invisibility (SCHIFF) and cleromancy for the video record of flight and phenomena (STRATMAN), we use our percussive instruments to chant galdr (MANCHESTER), and we produce a modern-day Kylver Stone in the form of a sacred animal (FENCHEL).

    If the present of now is the future of everything, then the blind seers at BEN RUSSELL have ordained that all shall gather in one glorious sumbel, a celebration for what is and for what is to come. ART is the way forward - the RUNEs within these apartment gallery walls have already prophesized as much.

