
  • Scratch Projection: Le Corps Désiré

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    scratch_corpsScratch Projection: Le Corps Désiré
    Tuesday 9 February 2010, 20.30h, 6 €
    Cinéma Action Christine
    4, rue Christine, 75006 Paris, France

    The sensitive body is source and place of desire, the body is desiring and desirable, that is to say, subject and object of desire. The works presented today explore and question the representation of the body in experimental cinema from the 60s to today.


    Martes, Febrero 9, 2010 - 20:30
  • TIE at ICA/Boston

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    TIE at ICA/Boston
    Saturday, February 20, 1:30 PM
    Tickets: $10 general admission; $8 members, students, and seniors.

    The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston (ICA) presents a new edition of TIE, The International Experimental Cinema Exposition – a one-day screening of experimental films by innovative and renowned avant-gardists on Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010 at 1:30 PM.

    This two-part program, curated specifically for the ICA, illuminates the continuing vitality of experimental cinema with 16mm and 35mm films, several of which are world premiers. The show includes a section of films by Boston artists. Filmmakers in both parts join TIE curator, Christopher May, to answer questions.


  • John Smith - Solo Show

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    John Smith – Solo Show
    19 March - 13 April 2010
    Open daily 10am – 5.30pm. Closed: 1 - 6 April.
    Royal College of Art Galleries, Kensington Gore, London SW7 2EU
    Private View: 18 March, 7pm-9pm
    Free admission

    Public information: www.johnsmithsoloshow.com

    Tel: 0207 590 4444

    For the first time in the 18-year history of the RCA Curating Contemporary Art MA programme, final year students have decided to present a solo exhibition as their graduate project. Opening on 19 March, this will be the largest UK show by the pioneering East London based artist and filmmaker John Smith.

    Much loved for their wit, formal ingenuity and use of storytelling, Smith's films are as much influenced by the humour of Monty Python as the theories of avant-garde filmmaking. Acknowledging that much of Smith’s work has rarely been shown in a gallery context, a comprehensive selection will be shown together in the RCA galleries.  

    This exhibition offers an opportunity for Smith to return to the RCA where he began making films as a student in the 1970s.  The artist will work closely with the students to create an exhibition that reveals the multiple sensibilities which run throughout his practice.   Rarely seen early films will be shown in the company of more recent work and the exhibition design will emphasise the narrative and structural devices used within Smith’s work. A programme of talks and events will complement the show, providing a focused, in-depth reflection upon individual works.

    Accompanying the exhibition will be a new catalogue on Smith’s practice with critical texts, an extended interview with the artist and a visual essay.  A second publication will follow in June focusing on the solo show as an exhibition format.  Comprised of research through interviews and historical analysis it will also reflect on the making of the exhibition and include documentation of Smith’s work.


  • Contra el tiempo I

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    Contra el tiempo IMás allá de las historias narrativas, que respetan un tiempo lineal, el cine ha buscado otras formas temporales, acelerándolo, ralentizándolo o invirtiéndolo.


    Domingo, Febrero 7, 2010 - 18:30
  • Directors Lounge 2010 - Media Art Festival

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    Directors Lounge 2010From 12th until 21th February 2010, daily from 6 pm with open end.
    Opening: Sunday, 11. February at 8 pm
    Location: Meinblau e.V., Pfefferberg, Christinenstr. 18/19, D-10119 Berlin, Germany

    Web: http://www.directorslounge.net

    At the same time as Berlinale reaches their 60th year, Directors Lounge celebrates her 6th anniversary this February, in 2010. Starting off in 2005 as a spontaneous self-organized place for friends of experimental media arts and for stressed-out film ticket hunters, the small festival has grown to an international platform for exceptional film and media shows. Directors Lounge has presented artists and their works on fairs and exhibitions, features single artists in monthly screenings in Berlin and presents selected works on the web. However, the media art festival in February still is the very heart and core of Directors Lounge, and should not be missed.


  • Oporto apresenta #18: What is the sound of one hand clapping?

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    Oporto apresenta #18: What is the sound of one hand clapping?"What is the sound of one hand clapping?" by Liliane Lijn
    16 mm film, color, sound, 14', 1973
    Camera : Roger Coward and Pip Benveniste; Editing : Liliane Lijn; Sound: Rolf Gehlhaar
    Saturday, February 6, 2010, 11 pm


    De Sábado, Febrero 6, 2010 - 23:00 hasta Domingo, Febrero 7, 2010 - 22:55


    Oporto - Lisboa, Portugal
