
  • The 53rd Ann Arbor Film Festival Tour Day 1, Digital Program

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    The Film and Media Studies Program and the Visual Studies Workshop welcome the Ann Arbor travelling film festival tour for the first time in Rochester with Program Director, David Dinnell in person. 

    The 16mm program includes 13 new films from Austria, the UK, Canada, and the United States including Things, the most recent work by Ben Rivers; The Peacock by Andrew Kim; Mark Toscano’s The Song Remains the Same; Accent Grave on Ananas by Vancouver artist Tamara Henderson (with sound by Dan Riley) and three works receiving the 53rd AAFF Best Cinematography Award - vindmøller by Margaret Rorison, A Symptom by Ben Balcom, and Blue Loop, July by Mike Gibisser. Other works include new films by Friedl vom Gröller, Mary Helena Clark, Robert Todd, Jennifer Reeves, Jonathan Schwartz, and Sarah Christman.


    De Jueves, Enero 28, 2016 - 18:00 hasta Viernes, Enero 29, 2016 - 17:55


    Hubbell Auditorium - Rochester, Estados Unidos
  • DIM Cinema: The Nine Muses

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    DIM Cinema opens its 2016 season with Ghanaian-born British artist-filmmaker John Akomfrah’s epic film about the African diaspora to postwar Britain. Conceived as a gallery piece based on Homer’s Odyssey, this retelling of Telemachus’s search for his lost father, Odysseus, grew into a feature-length cinematic work structured as a song cycle, with each musical chapter named after one of the nine muses.  Mixing archival footage with original scenes shot in Alaska, and scripted from sound clips of established works of the (mainly) Western canon, the film summons up “a mood, rather than a story, that reflects on the immigrant experience and the violence of displacement with a majestic grace" (Jason Solomons, The Observer). “Striking ... Extends, complicates, and enriches the definition of documentary. Though lofty, The Nine Muses is never grandiose, taking as its subject the primal notion of what constitutes home” (Melissa Anderson, Artforum).


    Miércoles, Enero 27, 2016 - 19:30


    DIM Cinema - Vancouver, Canadá
  • VISIONS presents Lucie Lambert + Tao Gu

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    Lucie Lambert was born on the Côte-Nord where she spent her childhood between the river and the forest. She is particularly interested in documentary that confounds all rules and categories. Paysage sous le paupières, Avant le jour and Le père de Gracile, her three major films, form a trilogy that weaves together territory and the imaginary.

    GU Tao (China) was born in Wenchuan, in the Sichuan Province. From 2004 to 2007 he studied at the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University in Montreal. After going to Canada his cinematic work shifted towards experimental filmmaking. He also worked as editor for The Vanishing Spring Light (2011) by his fellow countryman Xun Yu.


    De Jueves, Enero 14, 2016 - 19:00 hasta Viernes, Enero 15, 2016 - 18:55


    Cinémathèque québécoise - Montréal, Canadá
  • Xcèntric: Films confesionales. Joe Gibbons

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    En junio de 2015, Joe Gibbons, cineasta y exprofesor del MIT, fue enviado a prisión tras ser declarado culpable de robar un banco: su única arma era una cámara de vídeo con la que quería documentar los robos para una obra artística en proceso. Durante cuatro décadas, Joe Gibbons ha efectuado un cine de provocación, tomando su propia vida como laboratorio experimental en una mezcla cómica y reflexiva de autobiografía y fantasía, autorretrato y performance. En su obra más celebrada, Confessions of a Sociopath —escogida por Artforum y Film Comment entre las mejores del año—, analiza sus tendencias autodestructivas a partir de material recopilado durante treinta años, y en Confidential Part 2 confiesa sus remordimientos por el modo en que rodó, con una cámara super-8, su film voyerista Spying.


    Domingo, Enero 17, 2016 - 18:30


  • Loop Collective 20th Anniversary Screening & Book Launch

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    The Loop Collective is pleased to celebrate our 20th anniversary this year with a series of events designed to highlight our collective's history and development. Since our inception in 1996 with four members, Loop has contributed a significant role to Toronto's experimental filmmaking community through many programming endeavours and touring events from our 30+ cumulative members over the course of the past two decades.
    We invite you to join us on Thursday February 4, 2016, at Innis Town Hall, for the launch of a newly self-published monograph, featuring essays by Kelly Egan, Izabella Pruska-Oldenhof, R. Bruce Elder, Kathryn Elder, and a chart by John Porter, alongside posters, photographs and artist pages. This limited edition publication will be available with our recent DVD, Selected Works by the Loop Collective, distributed via CFMDC and Re:Voir.


    Jueves, Enero 14, 2016 (Todo el día)
    Domingo, Enero 17, 2016 (Todo el día)
    Jueves, Enero 21, 2016 (Todo el día)
    Jueves, Febrero 4, 2016 (Todo el día)
  • A Matter of Visibility: International Avant-Garde and Artists’ Cinema

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    Introduced by guest curator Mónica Savirón.

    This program presents new experimental films and videos not yet shown in New York, in conversation with rarely seen works by avant-garde masters such as Lis Rhodes and Chantal Akerman. These artistic views have the ability to enhance our perception through symbolism, transformation, and a keen sense of creative freedom. By shifting cinematic, private, gendered, financial, and geographical priorities, what is usually absent becomes present. These works are meditations on the act of looking, visual poems in which imposed narratives get rejected or argued against. Words, forms, and depictions of any kind are broken apart to explore and expose the language of cinema. For these artists, making films is like “writing on burning paper” (Pier Paolo Pasolini, Heretical Empiricism, 1967).


    Sábado, Enero 23, 2016 - 18:30


    Museum of the Moving Image - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Light Movement 10: Jayne Parker

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    "Jayne Parker's films, videos, photographs and installations reveal a central core of concerns that are explored in many ways. Her hallmark is the focussed gaze of the camera on the body and its actions, combined with editing that draws out inner rhythms from the shot to mould an unfamiliar sense of time. A running theme is the making of art and the production of selfhood, mirrored in the performance itself and in the formal shape of the film. By embracing such nonverbal arts as music and dance, meaning in the films is produced - and questioned - by the clash or fusion of images seen from changing viewpoints and angles." (A.L.Rees)


    De Sábado, Enero 2, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Domingo, Enero 3, 2016 - 19:55


    SPEKTRUM - Berlin, Alemania
  • Close-Up Cinema: La Région Centrale

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    Close-Up and Queen Mary University London are delighted to present a cornerstone of experimental and post-humanist film, Michael Snow's La Région Centrale. Filmmaker Nicky Hamlyn will introduce the film. 

    - La Région Centrale (Michael Snow, Canada, 1971, 190 min, Colour, 16mm)


    De Viernes, Enero 8, 2016 - 19:00 hasta Sábado, Enero 9, 2016 - 18:55


    Close-Up Cinema - London, Reino Unido
  • Collectif Jeune Cinema: Heirs of Warhol

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    Carte blanche to Collectif Jeune Cinema as part of the Warhol Unlimited exhibition organized by the Musée d'Art moderne de la ville de Paris. Through some films of the Collectif Jeune Cinéma catalogue, this programmme will seek to establish links between films and paintings by Andy Warhol and the work of various filmmakers, from the explicit reference to Warhol works to the resumption of a device previously used by the artist.


    De Viernes, Diciembre 18, 2015 - 20:00 hasta Sábado, Diciembre 19, 2015 - 19:55


    Cinéma le Grand Action - Paris, Francia
  • Luciano Zubillaga: La génesis de un cuerpo desconocido

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    Ciclo Cuerpos en C.I.A. - Canal de Interferencias Artísticas
    La génesis de un cuerpo desconocido - Función especial con films de Luciano Zubillaga

    Luciano Zubillaga es un artista argentino residente en Londres desde 1992. Recibió el London Artist Film and Video Awards (LAFVA) en 2008, otorgado por Arts Council England y Film London. Recientemente ha mostrado obra en el Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de La Habana, Cuba; Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento (BIM), Buenos Aires; Image Movement, Berlin; Whitechapel Art Gallery y Sluice Art Fair, Londres. Su trabajo explora los espacios del arte como epistemología y la telepatía expandida como instrumento de producción de conocimiento que entrelaza espacio y tiempo.


    De Viernes, Diciembre 18, 2015 - 20:00 hasta Sábado, Diciembre 19, 2015 - 19:55


    Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas - Buenos Aires, Argentina
