
  • Edge of Frame Programme Two: with special guest Chris King

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    Edge of Frame presents a programme of films channeling patterns of interference and compression, electronic disruption and televisual overdose, with a live audio-visual performance and Q&A from artist Chris King.

    The programme will feature work by Karissa Hahn, Sabrina Ratté, Jodie Mack, Peter Burr and others.


    De Jueves, Julio 14, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Julio 15, 2016 - 19:55


    DIY Space for London - London, Reino Unido
  • Primary Stimulus: A Robert Russett Memorial Retrospective

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    To celebrate the life and work of the singular artist and animation historian Robert Russett (1935-2015), guest curator Mark Toscano has assembled this nearly complete retrospective of Russett’s 16mm films.  This program will span his early, radical Pop hybrids of Sharits and Conner, through his fascinating and rigorous abstract perceptual explorations, to the haunting and ominous impressionistic rephotography works in which Russett explored his adopted homeland of Acadian Louisiana.

    Curator in attendance!


    De Sábado, Julio 16, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Domingo, Julio 17, 2016 - 19:55


    Echo Park Film Center - Los Angeles, Estados Unidos
  • Storm De Hirsch: "Third Eye Butterfly" and other films

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    “I don't want to put any labels on my films… I never impose on you; you need to find what you have to find.” – Storm De Hirsch

    Microscope Gallery is extremely pleased to present a rare screening of three films by seminal artist Storm de Hirsch, filmmaker, poet, painter, and a co-founder of The Film-maker's Cooperative in New York in 1961. Despite her extensive presence and influence in the avant-garde film scene of New York in the 1960s, De Hirsch's work and history has largely remained obscure, especially since her death in 2000. De Hirsch's pioneering films often involve direct scratching, coloring, etching, painting on film and animation applied to imagery shot in everyday life.


    Domingo, Junio 19, 2016 - 19:30


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Close-Up Cinema: Peter Tscherkassky & Eve Heller

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    Close-Up is thrilled to present the first full UK retrospectives of the work of boundary pushing Austrian filmmaker Peter Tscherkassky and Austria based, American poetic filmmaker Eve Heller.

    The films of Peter Tscherkassky have played a central role in the international reawakening of interest in avant-garde film. At the turn from a photographic to a digital culture of moving images, his work follows in the footsteps of Austrian masters Kurt Kren, Peter Kubelka, and Ernst Schmidt Jr. to create a thrilling filmic language that engages psychoanalysis and semiotics whilst exploring the physicality of the medium and its potential to overwhelm.


    De Viernes, Junio 10, 2016 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Junio 12, 2016 (Todo el día)


    Close-Up Cinema - London, Reino Unido
  • Black Box @ 70th Edinburgh International Film Festival

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    Black Box is the regular experimental strand at Edinburgh International Film Festival, curated by Kim Knowles. It comprises four shorts programmes dealing with the body and technology, journeys and discoveries, ritual and transformation, and matters of the environment, and two feature films. In the context of the Festival’s 70th anniversary, Black Box revisits the 1970s with two retrospective screenings and a special event celebrating one of the most important periods in the history of the Festival.


    De Lunes, Junio 20, 2016 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Junio 26, 2016 (Todo el día)


    Edinburgh Filmhouse - Edinburgh, Reino Unido
  • DIM Cinema: Brûle la mer (Burn the Sea)

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    Made at L'Abominable, the artist-run film lab in La Courneuve, France, Brûle la mer uses co-director Maki Berchache’s own experience of leaving Tunisia after the 2011 Jasmine Revolution as an entry point for a collective narrative about the harragas, North African migrants seeking refuge and a new, “better” life in Europe. “The film is a poetic quest which combines materiality (in the strictest sense of that which is material life) and abstraction: the experience of rupture, of reversal.


    Miércoles, Junio 22, 2016 - 19:30


    DIM Cinema - Vancouver, Canadá
  • Edge of Frame Programme One: with special guest Jordan Baseman

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    Edge of Frame presents an evening of films exploring ideas of experimental documentary, moving image portraiture and abstraction, featuring special guest Jordan Baseman, who will show a selection of his work followed by a Q&A. Preceding this will be a programme of films curated by Edge of Frame, connecting to the ideas of experimental documentary, moving image portraiture and abstraction which run through Jordan’s work, featuring films by Jesse McLean, Kayla Parker, Aaron Zeghers and others.


    De Jueves, Junio 30, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Julio 1, 2016 - 19:55


    DIY Space for London - London, Reino Unido
  • Bains Argentiques: International Artist-Run Film Labs Meeting

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    July 4-9, 2016, Nantes & Le Pellerin, France

    Mire invites you dive into the international waters of the effervescent world of analogue film, which is more alive than ever. It’s as much a summer camp as a summer school and this event brings together almost 50 labs, coming from 5 continents, for a week of exchange and discussions about the state of the art of film.


    De Lunes, Julio 4, 2016 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Julio 9, 2016 (Todo el día)
  • Connectivity Through Cinema with Peter Rose in person

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    “Explorations In Dimension: Recent Videos of Peter Rose”

    Join us in welcoming artist and filmmaker Peter Rose who will be presenting a program of recent work on video. The Connectivity Through Cinema series will present the work of artists, film-makers and curators who are traveling or presenting special interactive programs in-person. Our hope is to engage the community by showing work with a focus on post-screening discussion.


    Domingo, Junio 12, 2016 - 19:30


    Center for Performance Research - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
