

    By on

    RE/NIGHT/LIVE/MARE re- considers your nightmares; re- examines your daydreams; re- contextualizes pre-existing (video art? videotaped performance work? found footage?) through re- presenting, re- editing, re -mixing. Featuring works that re- search, re- consider, re- examine, re- contextualize nightmares, daydreams, flying-fancies, hyper-realities. Also included: live re- mixing pre- existing work with new live footage to re- consider it in under the cold, hard, clinical (or soft warm fuzzy *wicked grin ) light of the telematic screen.


    De Martes, Noviembre 1, 2016 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Diciembre 31, 2016 (Todo el día)


    ACRE TV - Chicago, Estados Unidos
  • Visual Sunday: Gaëlle Rouard's handmade experimental films on 16mm

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    French filmmaker Gaëlle Rouard is an alchemist specialised in the film editing process: she develops different methods on how to chemically process film into a completely new artwork. At the same time she experiments with new possibilities in live multi-projection. Her films are barred from solid structures: they all have a dark and mysterious atmosphere. Visualisation of nature and human beings are reoccurring themes in her work.


    De Domingo, Octubre 30, 2016 - 15:00 hasta Lunes, Octubre 31, 2016 - 14:55


    Filmhuis Cavia - Amsterdam, Holanda
  • OFFoff Cinema: G/R/E/A/S/E

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    - Twelve Tales Told (Johann Lurf, AT, 2014, 4', colour, digital)
    - G/R/E/A/S/E (Antoni Pinent, ES, 2008 - 2013, 22', colour, 35mm)
    - «[...] craving for narrative» lässt sich einfach nicht gut übersetzen (Max Grau, DE, 2015, 24', colour, digital)


    De Lunes, Octubre 24, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Martes, Octubre 25, 2016 - 19:55


    OFFoff Cinema - Ghent, Bélgica
  • Dreamlands: Expanded

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    Microscope Gallery is pleased to announce Dreamlands: Expanded, a series of expanded cinema events organized in collaboration with the Whitney Museum of American Art as part of the exhibition "Dreamlands: Immersive Cinema and Art, 1905-2016”. The ten event, two-and-a-half month long series complements and extends the scope of the exhibit, from the installation works on the museum’s fifth-floor and the film screening program in its third-floor theater, across the East River to include historical and contemporary performance works that collectively propose alternative ways to perceive, conceive, and consider the image in motion.


    Lunes, Octubre 31, 2016 (Todo el día)
    Sábado, Noviembre 5, 2016 (Todo el día)
    Viernes, Noviembre 11, 2016 (Todo el día)
    Lunes, Noviembre 14, 2016 (Todo el día)
    Viernes, Noviembre 18, 2016 (Todo el día)
    Domingo, Noviembre 20, 2016 (Todo el día)
    Sábado, Diciembre 10, 2016 (Todo el día)
    Sábado, Diciembre 17, 2016 (Todo el día)
    Lunes, Diciembre 19, 2016 (Todo el día)
    Domingo, Enero 15, 2017 (Todo el día)


    Microscope Gallery - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • From Chance to Deal by Chris H. Lynn

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    Su Art Galleries & New Media Film: 'from Chance To Deal'

    Landscape filmmaker Chris Lynn presents a selection of short films shot on Super 8mm and HD video in Chance and Deal Island, MD, while in residency at John Cage Memorial Park in Chance. For details visit www.salisbury.edu/universitygalleries.


    Martes, Noviembre 1, 2016 - De 19:00 hasta 20:15


    Salisbury University - Salisbury,, Estados Unidos
  • Format Expanded: Karel Doing - Gaëlle Rouard

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    Karel Doing & Gaëlle Rouard have both earned their stripes in experimental film and as advocates of this medium and shown their works at various locations in Europe. OFFoff brings them together now for a night that will show the experimental possibilities of the 'expanded' format that is not 'limited' to display a work on 16mm, but to actively engage in the projection, to question the film medium.


    Karel Doing
    - Pattern-Chaos (UK, 2015, 18', colour, live 16mm performance)


    De Jueves, Octubre 27, 2016 - 20:00 hasta Viernes, Octubre 28, 2016 - 19:55


    LUCA - Gent, Bélgica
  • Work in Progress: Alex MacKenzie's The Hallow Mountain

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    Don’t miss this relaxed and intimate talk with Iris Film Collective member Alex MacKenzie as he discusses in-progress non-camera models for light capture as well as an excerpt from his most recent two-projector performance Apparitions (which he recently toured across the Eastern US/Canada and will have its West Coast Premiere at Anti-Matter in Victoria later this month.)

    This is a FREE event: tea, hot apple cider and Oreos will be served!


    De Sábado, Octubre 22, 2016 - 14:00 hasta Domingo, Octubre 23, 2016 - 13:55


  • Xcèntric: Let Your Light Shine

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    La cineasta experimental Jodie Mack, especializada en animación abstracta, muestra un interés particular por los objetos cotidianos más banales, que con su meticuloso trabajo manual, su imaginación y su cámara Bolex dan lugar a alucinantes espectáculos lisérgicos de luz, ritmo y color. Este programa de proyecciones, que incluye una performance musical, da buena muestra de ello.

    Proyección en 16 mm. Con presentación previa a cargo de Jodie Mack y charla posterior.


    Domingo, Octubre 30, 2016 - 18:30


  • Landscapes of Resistance, Time and Ecology

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    MARETIOPA & HICCUP present the film program Landscapes of Resistance, Time and Ecology, focusing on phenomenon occurring through changes of perspective and animated camera movements as a way to redefine a place and its geography. The method is a frame-by-frame-camera 'animation' where the films works with displacements of time, space and focal points, sometimes with many disparate motifs, or the same places filmed during different times of a day in order to visualize weather and light changes, addressing a political/ecological environment to agenda. The result is an interaction between the predictable mechanistic nature of technology and the unpredictable qualities of the natural world.


    De Sábado, Octubre 22, 2016 - 18:00 hasta Domingo, Octubre 23, 2016 - 17:55


    Gröndals Båtklubb - Stockholm, Suecia
