
  • Serpentine Cinema: William Raban and Amy Granat

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    Take measure (William Raban, 1973)Serpentine Cinema: William Raban and Amy Granat
    Sunday 7th Feb, 1.45pm
    The Gate Cinema, 87 Notting Hill Gate, London
    Tickets £6, Members, Students and Concessions, £5

    We are delighted to continue our series of monthly screenings of artists’ films in collaboration with The Serpentine Gallery. This month sees William Raban and Amy Granat presenting a selection of their work. Final programme details are yet to be confirmed but will include a performance of ‘Take Measure’ by William Raban. For more information and to book tickets please go here..

    Serpentine Cinema: CINACT is a series of monthly artists’ film screenings and events at The Gate. CINACT is named after American artist Henry Flynt’s 2007 cinema manifesto. Each programme focuses on two artists who investigate and experiment with the medium of cinema. It is a collaborative event with the Gate Cinema, The Serpentine Gallery and Sketch.


  • 16beaver: Informe, Abstraction, Ecstasy III - Narcissism

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    16beaver: Informe, Abstraction, Ecstasy III - Narcissism
    Sunday January 24th 2010, 20h
    16Beaver Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10004
    Free and open to all

    This sunday will be the third in a four-part series investigating the role of abstract and affective processes in a contemporary revolutionary politics, featuring performance and experimental film and video. The evening, as did our last two events, mixes lecture elements with screenings in order to recontextualize select works from the experimental film and video canon, and set them to work for an idiosyncratic, political activism.

    Continuing our investigation of linkages between politics and abstraction, tonight will examine the critical category of narcissism.


  • Queer Films. Retroalimentación. Desintegración

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    Queer Films. Retroalimentación. DesintegraciónDe los paisajes espacios oníricos de Matthias Müller al delirio surrealista de David Domingo; de la nostalgia de Ming-Yuen S. Ma a la militancia a ritmo de tecno de Virginia Villaplana, y del intimismo irónico de Benning al humor de Scheirl, Pürrer y Marie Losier, este programa es una muestra de la vitalidad y la pluralidad de la estética queer.


    Domingo, Enero 17, 2010 - 18:30

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    Friday 12th February 2010, 20h
    Kulturpalast Wedding
    Freienwalder Str. 20, 13359 Berlin

    The project´s idea is base on the encyclopedia, knowledge pool of the 18th century put together in a multi volume book project. The encyclopedia aimes making world´s phenomena understandable and put them into a larger context beyond religious explanations, which usually had been the first and only world interpretations in the middle ages provided by the catholic church. By this encyclopedia is the first try in modern time shaping the world.

    In our time knowledge is provided by scientists and changes everyday. Today it would be impossible to bring together the different concepts in order to understand the world from a unique position. Nevertheless the encyclopedia is still a distinct concept, which more than in the old days presents an utopia to us.

    ENCYCLOPEDIC CARTOONS provides for each letter of the alphabet a more or less abstract word. Loosely connected to the word is a single film running from a few seconds to 4 minutes. There are 26 films, for each letter one film.

    This are the words, representing the aphabet.




    1. Alison Williams, RSA
    2. Alberto Guerreiro, Portugal
    3. Vienne Chan, HK/Can
    4. Debbie Douez, Can
    5. Elisabeth Eberle, Switzerland
    6. Fancynot, France
    7. Beate Goerdes, Germany
    8. Kim Dotty Hachmann, Germany
    9. Marty McCutcheon, USA
    10. Matthias Roth, Germany
    11. Paul Rascheja, Poland/Germany
    12. András László Weil Fischer di Palotta, Hungary/The Netherlands
    13. Joas Sebastian Nebe, Germany

    More detailed information at
    and on twitter


  • Manipulated Image #10: Exquisite Corpse Video Project Vol.1

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    Exquisite Corpse Video Project Vol.1Manipulated Image #10: Exquisite Corpse Video Project Vol.1
    Friday, January 29 2010, 7pm
    Santa Fe Complex: 632 Agua Fria Santa Fe, NM, USA, 87501
    $5 suggested contribution

    ECVP screenings and exhibitions have been taking place in various countries since June 2008, such as Sweden, USA, Greece, Canada, Brazil, Australia and South Africa. The second volume of the project with 12 new videos has just been released in October 2009 in Sweden.

    Juliana Monachesi writes:
    “The Exquisite Corpse Video Project, having embraced random and chaotic processes, departs from the Dadaist method of creation. Each artist responds to the ten seconds of video sent by the previous artist with one minute of his own, from which he sends the last ten seconds to the next artist. The result is video that runs about ten minutes. The power of a video made by twenty hands surpasses the current vogue of the collective practices in the visual arts. Notably, the artists involved in this project each have a “solo” career, participating in important festivals and exhibitions worldwide. Beyond emerging as a new “collective,” the ECVP experience distinguishes itself by gambling on the possibilities of sharing and creating through the platform of decentralized social networks that have spread through the world wide web. And it offers an aesthetic answer to the mayhem of audiovisual content jamming the same www by showing that there is intelligent life on the You Tube channels.”



  • Just look around this place

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    Just look around this place
    Curated By Kenneth White
    Friday January 22nd 7pm
    Baer Ridgway Exhibitions of 172 Minna Street, San Francisco, USA

    Just look around this place

    "Just look around this place" is a collection of seven short works in video that explore the transformation of social relations by the video medium. Using a diverse range of methods, including video-diary, home video, animation, direct address, and appropriation, the artists dissect their means of creative production and the mutations of social performance that their medium instigates. Video is an environment through which interaction is conditioned. In each work, we are beckoned to “just look around this place,” and recognize the (often hilarious) scenes of life performed for electronic media. Works and artists include “Let’s watch this guy at a coffee shop.” (Julie Perini), “HOME / VIDEO” (Michael Hession), “Video Terraform Dance Party” (Jeremy Bailey), “Pine Point” (Kenneth White), “Beauty Plus Pity” (Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby), “West Nile” (Tom Sherman), and “The Frills 3.0” (Jimmy DiPasquale). Curated by Kenneth White. Running time 1 hour. Free and open to the public.


  • Cinémathèque française: Ken Jacobs performance

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    KJ_CFCinémathèque française: Ken Jacobs performance
    Saturday, January 16th  2010, Salle Henri Langlois
    51, rue de Bercy, 75012 Paris, France

    Major artist of the experimental scene in New York, Ken Jacobs is the author of numerous films, including Tom Tom the Piper's Son, an exploration of a film from 1905, and the pamphlet on U.S. policy after the war, Star Spangled to Death.


    De Sábado, Enero 16, 2010 - 20:00 hasta Domingo, Enero 17, 2010 - 19:55
  • José Antonio Sistiaga, en conversación con Francisco Javier San Martín

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    José Antonio Sistiaga, en conversación con Francisco Javier San Martín

    imagen de José Antonio Sistiaga

    José Antonio Sistiaga. Ere erera baleibu icik subua aruaren, 1968-70. 35 mm, pintada a mano, color, sin sonido, 75’
    José Antonio Sistiaga. Documental Encuentros 72, Pamplona, 1972. 16mm, transferida a DVD, b/n, sin sonido, 51’44’’


    Viernes, Enero 15, 2010 - 19:30
