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Experiments for a Single Projector

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If you are in Barcelona, Vienna, Plymouth, London, Frome or Newcastle in the next weeks, come check out Alex MacKenzie’s EXPERIMENTS FOR A SINGLE PROJECTOR, as he tours this live expanded cinema show to a few select stops in Europe (see below for links) and presents workshops along the way.

Exploring the potential of the 16mm film projection apparatus and amplifying the possibilities of this refined and precise tool, EXPERIMENTS FOR A SINGLE PROJECTOR is a suite of expanded and performed works that use the mechanism to its fullest potential; manipulating, modifying and enhancing various aspects of its functionality. Found footage, painted filmstrips and light are transformed with beam interference, bipacked looping, focus, lens and shutter alterations to create radically transformed and dreamlike spaces—epic, immersive, and abstracted. The results shimmer across the screen, uniting “the cosmic with the microscopic...in an ecstatic splendour of light” (Marilyn Brakhage).

“Alex MacKenzie is the unequivocal master of contemporary Canadian expanded cinema: using rare and outdated technology with the deft touch of a visual alchemist, MacKenzie spins his stunning and mesmerizing anti-narratives using the detritus of cinematic history to create a completely unforgettable, and undeniably powerful, alternate vision.” -Antimatter Media Art

Experiments for a Single Projector DATES AND LOCATIONS:

  • 28 July Barcelona - Crater-Lab Hangar, door T 8pm
  • 31 July Vienna - filmkoop wien 7pm
  • 02 August Plymouth - CAMP/37 Looe Street 7pm
  • 07 August London - Close-Up Film Centre 8:15pm
  • 09 August Frome - Bennett Centre 7:30pm
  • 11 August Newcastle - Star & Shadow Cinema 7:30pm


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