Twice-told Tales - The Hyperliterature Exchange, May 2007

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Imagen de Edward Picot


New on The Hyperliterature Exchange for May 2007: a review of 'Croatian Tales of Long Ago, Part Two', edited by Helena Bulaja; written by Ivana Brlie Mazuranic; and animated by Edgar Beals, Mirek Nisenbaum, Laurence Arcadia and Helena Bulaja.

"Every animation on this CD is worth seeing for its own sake; but when they are viewed in conjunction with the original Tales, and the background information about Mazuranic herself, then a much more rich and complex picture emerges..."

To read the whole review, go to .

The Hyperliterature Exchange is an online directory and review of new media literature for sale on the Web. More than 120 works are now listed. Please visit and browse at .

- Edward Picot
personal website -

Imagen de Edward Picot
Twice-told Tales - The Hyperliterature Exchange, May 2007


New on The Hyperliterature Exchange for May 2007: a review of 'Croatian Tales of Long Ago, Part Two', edited by Helena Bulaja; written by Ivana Brlie Mazuranic; and animated by Edgar Beals, Mirek Nisenbaum, Laurence Arcadia and Helena Bulaja.

"Every animation on this CD is worth seeing for its own sake; but when they are viewed in conjunction with the original Tales, and the background information about Mazuranic herself, then a much more rich and complex picture emerges..."

To read the whole review, go to .

The Hyperliterature Exchange is an online directory and review of new media literature for sale on the Web. More than 120 works are now listed. Please visit and browse at .

- Edward Picot
personal website -

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