Visual Music Award 2011

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Imagen de Mia Doe

Hi Everyone!!

take a look..the VMA is inspired by experimental film pionier Oskar Fischinger.
If you are talented, you should try..maybe your experimental film wins a prize??
[b]application deadline: 29.08.2011, [url=]Visual Music Award[/url]
The "Visual Music Award 2011" is an international call for proposals addressing young talents. Invited for participation are young independent creative artists and designers as well as students for example in the disciplines of new media art, [b]experimental film[/b] and music video and allied disciplines.

Imagen de Mia Doe
Visual Music Award 2011

Hi Everyone!!

take a look..the VMA is inspired by experimental film pionier Oskar Fischinger.
If you are talented, you should try..maybe your experimental film wins a prize??
[b]application deadline: 29.08.2011, [url=]Visual Music Award[/url]
The "Visual Music Award 2011" is an international call for proposals addressing young talents. Invited for participation are young independent creative artists and designers as well as students for example in the disciplines of new media art, [b]experimental film[/b] and music video and allied disciplines.

Imagen de Mia Doe
Visual Music Award 2011

Hi everyone,


for the "Visual Music Award 2011" there were a total of 90 contributions. Most of them came from Germany (60) but one-third (30) came form Austria, Switzerland, England, Ireland, Italy, South-Korea and Israel.

The jury decided on October 4th 2011 to give two first prizes and one special prize, as well as six honouring prizes in the category "visual music".
Additionally the jury decided to group all installations, live performances and all interactive works in the „visual music live contest". In the category "live & interactive" we have four honouring prizes.

for further information, check:

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