Films that I'd like to share: 16mm&S8

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Imagen de Matthew O'Shaughnessy

Hi, I just recently joined this forum, and thought it'd be nice to share some of my own work.





Imagen de Matthew O'Shaughnessy
Films that I'd like to share: 16mm&S8

Hi, I just recently joined this forum, and thought it'd be nice to share some of my own work.





Imagen de Marcos Ortega
Films that I'd like to share: 16mm&S8

Thanks, Mathew
I find your work very interesting, specially the way you mix multiple media. Do you hand-process the film? Why is 'Winters session' in 16:9?

Imagen de Matthew O'Shaughnessy
Films that I'd like to share: 16mm&S8

[quote author=Marcos Ortega link=topic=10606.msg10999#msg10999 date=1275576018]
Thanks, Mathew
I find your work very interesting, specially the way you mix multiple media. Do you hand-process the film? Why is 'Winters session' in 16:9?

Hey, thank you Marcos. I do hand process all of my films, and the 16:9 was an accident that I just never got around to fixing hahaha. I'm kinda confused on what you mean by mixing multiple media?

Imagen de Marcos Ortega
Films that I'd like to share: 16mm&S8

Very spectral.

Imagen de margar8e
Films that I'd like to share: 16mm&S8

wow!nice work.

[url=]Home Theater Consultant Sag Harbor[/url]

Imagen de Matthew O'Shaughnessy
Films that I'd like to share: 16mm&S8

Thank you!

Imagen de Matthew O'Shaughnessy
Films that I'd like to share: 16mm&S8

New film, tell me what you think..


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