Elevation Film Festival - Open For Entries

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The first ever Elevation Film Festival celebrates emerging voices in artistic, experimental, and expanded cinema across southwest England, the UK and internationally.

We aim to bring together exciting creative talent, welcoming filmmakers to showcase work across a weekend of screenings, workshops and seminars. These cover a range of cinematic topics, connecting regional and international artists in a vibrant community celebrating moving image culture.

Elevation is an in-person film festival with screenings held at Patchwork Studios and other spaces in the historic Barrack Block.
Taking place from 4 to 6 October 2024, Elevation is supported by Patchwork Studios, Maker Camp, Rame Conservation Trust, and the wider community of artists based at Maker Heights

We welcome submissions of artist films, moving image proposals and expanded cinema events. The submission deadline is July 31, 2024.

To submit, please do so via Film Freeway: https://filmfreeway.com/Elevationfilmfestival

Fecha límite: 

Miércoles, Julio 31, 2024 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

De Viernes, Octubre 4, 2024 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Octubre 6, 2024 (Todo el día)

Submission fees: 

Se cobran tasas de convocatoria

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Fecha límite: 

Miércoles, Julio 31, 2024 (Todo el día)
To event remaining 25 days

Fechas de exhibición: 

De Viernes, Octubre 4, 2024 (Todo el día) hasta Domingo, Octubre 6, 2024 (Todo el día)