[news]: Masterworks on DVD

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Marcos Ortega's picture

[url=http://expcinema.org/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=81&I... Masterworks on DVD[/url]

Two masterworks from the last century have seen the light this month on DVD:

- [url=http://www.valieexport.org/ ][b]VALIE EXPORT[/b][/url]'s (Linz, Austria, 1940) [url=http://www.index-dvd.at/en/program/021/index.html ][i]Invisible adversaries[/i][/url] (Unsichtbare Gegner, 1976) is #21 in Index's DVD journey through austrian and international experimental cinema. Anna (Susanne Widl), a Viennese photographer, discovers that extra-terrestrial beings are colonizing the minds of her fellow citizens by raising the human aggression quotient. The outer world immediately becomes disjointed, but the inner world does too, as Anna and her love (Peter Weibel) try to hang onto their deteriorating relationship. Gene Youngblood said that[i] Invisible adversaries[/i] is "among the most innovative and important experimental narratives ever made". 1 DVD, 104 min., German with english subtitles, PAL, All regions, Colour & B&W, 30€.




- At last, the work of Netherland's [b]Frans Zwartjes[/b] (Alkmaar, Netherlands, 1927) in a 2 DVD disc edition. [url=http://www.moskwood.nl/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_i... ][i]Frans Zwartjes: The great cinema magician[/i][/url] features Zwartjes' films [i]Seats Two[/i] (1970), [i]Behind Your Walls[/i] (1970), [i]Living [/i](1971), [i]Audition [/i](1973), [i]Bedsitters [/i](1974), [i]Pentimento [/i](1972), [i]Sorbet 3[/i] (1968), [i]Birds [/i](1968), [i]Spectator [/i](1970), [i]A Fan[/i] (1968), [i]Visual Training ([/i]1969), [i]Anamnesis [/i](1969),[i] Spare Bedroom[/i] (1970) and [b]Ruud Monster[/b]'s documentary [i]De grote tovenaar[/i] (The great magician). 2 DVDs, 310 min., Dutch with english subtitles, PAL, Colour & B&W, 24.95€.

Marcos Ortega's picture
[news]: Masterworks on DVD

[url=http://www.expcinema.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=... Masterworks on DVD[/url]

Two masterworks from the last century have seen the light this month on DVD:

- [url=http://www.valieexport.org/ ][b]VALIE EXPORT[/b][/url]'s (Linz, Austria, 1940) [url=http://www.index-dvd.at/en/program/021/index.html ][i]Invisible adversaries[/i][/url] (Unsichtbare Gegner, 1976) is #21 in Index's DVD journey through austrian and international experimental cinema. Anna (Susanne Widl), a Viennese photographer, discovers that extra-terrestrial beings are colonizing the minds of her fellow citizens by raising the human aggression quotient. The outer world immediately becomes disjointed, but the inner world does too, as Anna and her love (Peter Weibel) try to hang onto their deteriorating relationship. Gene Youngblood said that[i] Invisible adversaries[/i] is "among the most innovative and important experimental narratives ever made". 1 DVD, 104 min., German with english subtitles, PAL, All regions, Colour & B&W, 30€.




- At last, the work of Netherland's [b]Frans Zwartjes[/b] (Alkmaar, Netherlands, 1927) in a 2 DVD disc edition. [url=http://www.moskwood.nl/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_i... ][i]Frans Zwartjes: The great cinema magician[/i][/url] features Zwartjes' films [i]Seats Two[/i] (1970), [i]Behind Your Walls[/i] (1970), [i]Living [/i](1971), [i]Audition [/i](1973), [i]Bedsitters [/i](1974), [i]Pentimento [/i](1972), [i]Sorbet 3[/i] (1968), [i]Birds [/i](1968), [i]Spectator [/i](1970), [i]A Fan[/i] (1968), [i]Visual Training ([/i]1969), [i]Anamnesis [/i](1969),[i] Spare Bedroom[/i] (1970) and [b]Ruud Monster[/b]'s documentary [i]De grote tovenaar[/i] (The great magician). 2 DVDs, 310 min., Dutch with english subtitles, PAL, Colour & B&W, 24.95€.

ouatitw's picture
[news]: Masterworks on DVD

Frans Zwartjes on DVD is easily the best news about a DVD release I have heard in a long time.  I am really looking forward to seeing this, I have seen some of his work and I really want to see more.

Marcos Ortega's picture
[news]: Masterworks on DVD

Yes! Zwartjes is amazing. I hope this editions has transfers from the newly restored prints. Hopefully I'll get the DVD next week. I'll post my impressions :)

Enrico Poli's picture
[news]: Masterworks on DVD

Marcos! I love this site and the news about Frans Zwartjes' DVD box is just so great! :D

Now... anybody knows a shop selling it and speaking some language other than dutch?  :P

How did you manage to order it?

Thanks again for your work, let's keep in touch, Enrico(Trep)

Marcos Ortega's picture
[news]: Masterworks on DVD

Hi, Enrico!

I ordered the DVD thorugh the Moskwood.nl site. It isn't really difficult. Just press the "in winkelwagen" button ("add to basket"), then "afrekenen" ("Checkout" or something like that) and then fill in your data like this:

Voornaam: Name
Achternaam: Surname
Geboortedatum: Date of Birth
E-mailadres: email
Wachtwoord: Password
Bevestig wachtwoord: repeat password

Adres: Address
Adres 2: Address 2
Woonplaats: City
Postcode: Postal code
Land: Country

Telefoonnummer:  Telephone number
Faxnummer: Fax number

I'll try to post some impressions tonight :)

Marcos Ortega's picture
[news]: Masterworks on DVD

A few comments about the DVD...

The edition is very good: 2 discs containing all the works by Zwartjes and a documentary about him, plus a booklet with essays and notes on the films. The picture quality is good (though interlaced). However, there's a big problem in the first pressing: the sound enconding presents some problems and is not compatible with all DVD players. Out of three different dvd players I have at home (a standalone and two videogame consoles) I managed to play it with sound in one of them. This forum's member Fitz (which doesn't post much :P) has had the same problem.

I have written to filmmuseum.nl and they've replied they have a second pressing in mind. I've asked them to give me notice when they make it.

I'll add some pictures later.

Enrico Poli's picture
[news]: Masterworks on DVD

Thanks for the info  :)

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