
  • Kiss me, gentlemen - In Pursuit of Realness

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    In one way or another all the films in this programme deal with the mechanisms and technologies of entrapment: the destitute body, the incarcerated body, the body as a self-replicating system, bodies of soldiers performing military rituals, Greek mythology made contemporary through performative acts of defiance. Strategies in the pursuit of ‘realness’ range from injecting humour; others incite horror, follow a performative impulse, or straddle precariously on the ethical tightrope of representation. All point powerfully towards the condition of embodied subjects that have become specular, schizoid, internally disjointed.

    In attendance: filmmaker Chelsea Knight, and Jess Wilcox, curator at the Brooklyn Museum. With films by Alexander Lorenz, Nelmarie du Preez, Sirah Foighel, Daniel Mann, Eitan Efrat, Miranda Pennell, Chelsea Knight, Michel Wenzer, Yaron Lapid, Elise Rasmussen.


    Friday, September 4, 2015 - 19:30 to 21:30


    UnionDocs - New York, United States
  • Zach Iannazzi/Margaret Rorison: Amateurs of the Impossible

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    The film/video work of Margaret Rorison — co-founder and curator of Baltimore’s Sight Unseen screening series — is described as “an impressionistic exploration into the visceral nature of memory and experience.” A featured artist in Crossroads 2014 and ’15, Rorison appears in person for the first time visits San Francisco to present a selection of her hypnotic works including the celestial elegy The Waiting Sands; PULL/DRIFT, “an immersive experiment in movement, rhythm, and ritual” made in collaboration with the Effervescent Dance Collective; vindmøller, a dense hand-wrought study of weather and Danish wind power; the landscape-based portrait films Gowanus Haze, The Birds of Chernobyl and SCANSION and her latest film Funes el memorioso. Rorison is paired tonight with Oakland-based filmmaker Zach Iannazzi who will present examples of his masterful hand-made cinema including California Picture Book, a drifting found footage compendium of Nor Cal seasons past; Seed Catalog, a graphic and abstract imagining of a visionary cinema inventor; and II, an foreboding double-projected home movie collage reflecting on accidental impressionism, mid-century male bonding rituals and the hubris of hunting culture.

    Zach Iannazzi and Margaret Rorison In Person


    Sunday, August 30, 2015 - 19:30


    Artists' Television Access - San Francisco, Estados Unidos
  • Light Movement 7: Jonas Mekas

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    This month we are delighted to be presenting Walden, a major work of the late 60's by Jonas Mekas, widely regarded as one of the central figures of the American underground movement and more recently recognised further afield with major retrospectives at galleries and institutions worldwide.

    Walden: Diaries, Notes, and Sketches is in many ways a quintessential Mekas film, taking it's energy and spirit from the celebration of life in the present moment, through homages and portraits of close friends and colleagues (including many familiar names from avant guard cinema and the arts in general). Within this outward looking eye and heartfelt sentiment, at the centre of all its flux and energy is the inner life of the poet, reflecting in solitude on both the inherent beauty and the essentially transitory and temporary nature of all things.


    Thursday, August 20, 2015 - 20:00 to Friday, August 21, 2015 - 19:55


    SPEKTRUM - Berlin, Germany
  • Altered States

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    Toby Tatum & Mark French are proud to announce the programme for Altered States.

    Altered States is an immersive multi-screen show of the latest experimental film and video work curated by the Hastings-based filmmakers Toby Tatum and Mark French. Altered States features moving image by over seventy of the most fascinating international moving image practitioners working today, much of it unseen in the UK.

    This exhibition includes the fruits of a worldwide search for works that articulate film’s power to initiate heightened states of consciousness, transporting us across the threshold into a mind-expanding visionary state. The programme features a selection of cutting edge films that imaginatively reshape the base materials of the everyday world into something rich and strange.


    Saturday, August 29, 2015 (All day)
    Sunday, August 30, 2015 (All day)
    Saturday, September 5, 2015 (All day)


    Electro Studios - St Leonards on Sea, United Kingdom
  • VISIONS presents: Mapping The Intimate: The Films Of Josh Weissbach

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    Filmmaker present |16mm prints | english audio | 60 mins

    "Weissbach’s films are impeccably composed and paced, with an airiness that allows for both tension and relief. There is an inscrutable intensity to much of the work, using the same breath to express both data and drama, as Jack Webb says just the feelings." - Jesse Malmed, Nightingale Cinema


    Thursday, August 20, 2015 - 19:30


    Cinéma Excentris - Montreal, Canada
  • Kino Palais: Martin Klapper

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    Kino Palais, with the collaboration of Pablo Mazzolo and Benjamín Ellenberger, present a special programme with films of the renowned Czech experimental filmmaker Martin Klapper. Screened in their original format and with the presence of the artist.

    "A selection of my films from the period 1992-2002, documenting different approaches and efforts to find a new cinematic vocabulary, using found materials, in-camera edit and a wide variety of radical techniques (many of them my own inventions) to re-work the surface of the film itself. These techniques include overlays, scratching, printing, colouring, tinting, painting, Batik or hand-made development, including various chemical and mechanical treatments. All films are the original prints in Super 8 mm and 16 mm "(Martin Klapper).


    Saturday, August 15, 2015 - 19:00 to Sunday, August 16, 2015 - 18:55


    Palais de Glace - Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Screens/Selves/Séance: Experimental Films of Tzuan Wu

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    Screens/Selves/Séance: Experimental Films of Tzuan Wu is a series of solo screenings of experimental filmmaker Tzuan Wu. The title refers to the inward-looking, self- conscious yet self-reflexive tendency of experimental cinema. Filmmakers in the history of Experimental/ Avant-garde cinema tend to investigate into the self/selves to achieve a personal vision(s) on/against the world. Learning through the lens of the heretics, the Hermetics, the punks, and the other, these no-budget works represent the first 10 years of Tzuan’s filmmaking on the path of his cross disciplinary cinematic pedagogy with hybrid influences.


    Thursday, August 13, 2015 - 20:00 to Friday, August 14, 2015 - 19:55


    CultureHub - New York, United States
  • Joseph Cornell: White Magic Filmmaker

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    Joseph Cornell was a cinephile, film collector, filmmaker and pioneering American assemblage artist. He called his work ‘white magic’ to distinguish it from the darker arts of the surrealists with whom he had a dialogue. From the late 30s onward he reworked Hollywood movies, travelogues and education films to create touching, sophisticated edits and juxtapositions. The first programme includes Rose Hobart which Dali accused Cornell of stealing from his dreams, and the newly rediscovered The Wool Collage. The second programme shows collaborations with other experimental filmmakers such as Stan Brakhage and Larry Jordan. Gnir Rednow and other titles here draw on material shot by Cornell’s collaborators which he then edited and reworked according to his particular aesthetic.


    Thursday, September 3, 2015 - 18:00 to Friday, September 4, 2015 - 17:55


    BFI Southbank - London, Reino Unido
  • Argentine Experimental Filmmakers

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    The series "Argentine Experimental Filmmakers", curated by Claudio Caldini will start next August 7 at 20h, and will continue every Friday of August, at the MAR Auditorium. Each screening will be introduced by Caldini and include several films organized under four concepts: Concrete forms; Signs of life; Landscapes in trance; and Light and time.

    "Experimental film, avant-garde, nonfiction: definitions and categories are insufficient to describe a practice that involves multiple ways of perceiving (and thinking) through film images. These films made outside of production infrastructure are individual works that reinvent the gaze in every experience. They require of the viewer a similar provision in its responsiveness," explains Caldini on the cycle.


    Friday, August 7, 2015 - 20:00 to Saturday, August 8, 2015 - 19:55
    Friday, August 14, 2015 - 20:00 to Saturday, August 15, 2015 - 19:55
    Friday, August 21, 2015 - 20:00 to Saturday, August 22, 2015 - 19:55
    Friday, August 28, 2015 - 20:00 to Saturday, August 29, 2015 - 19:55


    Museo MAR - Mar del Plata, Argentina
  • Recycled and Borrowed: Videos by Roger Beebe

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    Microscope Gallery is very pleased to welcome filmmaker and curator Roger Beebe back to New York and the gallery, this time for a rare program of his video works. The night features the debut of Beebe’s just completed “REVERSED RITES/RIVER RIGHTED”, which as indicated by the title re-reverses “River Rites” by Ben Russell; New York premieres of “Congratulations (One Step at a Time”), which will be playing pre-show, and of “Historia Calamitatum (The Story of My Misfortunes), Part 2 “The Crying Game”; as well as a handful of earlier works made during the past decade or so, including “Touch Me Karakoke” (2008) and “Dirty Harry and the Hendersons” (1998).


    Friday, August 7, 2015 - 19:00 to Saturday, August 8, 2015 - 18:55


    Microscope Gallery - New York, United States
