
  • Mike Hoolboom: Incident Reports

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    Filmmaker Mike Hoolboom in person!

    Filmforum is honored to welcome Toronto-based artist, writer, curator, poet, thinker, and filmmaker Mike Hoolboom for the Los Angeles premiere of his brand new feature, Incident Reports.  (Hoolboom will also be showing a selection of short works at REDCAT on Monday, 9/19.)

    Mike Hoolboom has forged a singular artistic and curatorial identity over the past few decades, as his various creative, intellectual, pedagogical, and research practices have overlapped and interwoven, along with the circumstances and experiences of his own life.  As a result, encountering Hoolboom's work – whether through his films, his criticism, his curating, his teaching, etc. -- is something akin to experiencing a rich, intricate, and irreducible slice of Hoolboom himself.


    Sunday, September 18, 2016 - 19:30


    Spielberg Theatre at the Egyptian - Los Angeles, United States
  • Scratch Expanded 2016

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    For the 8th edition of the expanded cinema festival Scratch Expanded, Light Cone presents a festive and eclectic evening that reflects the rich diversity of experimental cinema practices.

    On the evening's programme: performances, videos, outdoor film projections.


    Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 20:00 to Sunday, September 18, 2016 - 19:55


    Les Voûtes - Paris, Francia
  • Peter Hutton, In Memory

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    Peter Hutton (1944-2016) was a revered filmmaker and teacher whose life and work had a lasting impact on generations of moving-image artists. His films, which he modestly compared to looking at photo albums or daydreaming, are remarkably reserved, often creating profoundly moving portraits of cities and landscapes from little more than subtly shifting plays of light. His themes were focused and few—the city, the sea, and the landscape, especially the Hudson River Valley—and he brought a keen eye to them all, producing luminous images that seem to float upon the screen.


    Thursday, September 8, 2016 - 19:00 to Friday, September 9, 2016 - 18:55


    MOCA Grand Avenue - Los Angeles, United States
  • Screening night: Kate McCabe #195

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    American filmmaker Kate McCabe will come to Spektrum to present some films that have been highly influental for her own work.

    Originally from Philadelphia Kate McCabe studied Experimental Animation at CalArts, where she now is assistant of legendary US-american filmmaker Pat O'Neill. Since 1995 McCabe's films have travelled the globe and she finally managed to find some time to come to Berlin. When not making books or chasing lightning storms with her camera, Kate works on her sketch comic 'Mojave Weather Diaries'. She says "When I work with film, I play with light and time, rhythm and shadow."


    Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - 20:30


    SPEKTRUM - Berlin, Germany
  • Barbara Hammer’s Visionary Lesbian Cinema

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    Barbara Hammer in person

    We are thrilled to host Barbara Hammer who is perhaps the greatest and most prolific living “first generation” lesbian experimental filmmaker. Uncompromising and innovative,  a visual artist working primarily in film and video, Barbara Hammer has made over 80 moving image works in a career that spans 40 years. Tonight we will screen a program of Hammer’s films that sample her trailblazing political and aesthetic practice from the 1970’s to the present. Films will include Dyketactics, No No Nooky TV, Sanctus, Maya Deren’s Sink and more.


    Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - 19:30


    Exploded View Gallery - Tucson, United States
  • Another Experiment By Women Film Festival

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    Another Experiment By Women Film Festival ( & screening

    - Thunderbolt (Heidi Phillips, Canada, 16MM to digi, 3:30)
    Light explodes out of the darkness engulfing a young woman as she tries to find her way through the storm.


    Wednesday, September 21, 2016 - 18:00 to Thursday, September 22, 2016 - 17:55


    Anthology Film Archives - New York, Estados Unidos
  • Balagan presents... Formal Subversions: Films from Cologne, Germany

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    Buoyed in part by the Academy of Media Arts (Kunsthochschule für Medien, or KHM), Cologne has become an epicenter of experimental film and video within Germany. This program, organized in collaboration with Cologne-based filmmakers Lina Sieckmann and Miriam Gossing, presents nine works from the Cologne/Bonn region viewed through the lens of “formal subversion”. All included works somehow undermine basic elements of their form, structure, or the medium itself to reveal unforeseen creative potentials .


    Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 19:00 to Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - 18:55


    Coolidge Corner Theatre - Brookline, United States
  • Temporal Currents: Experimental Film and Sound at the Metropolitan Waterworks Museum

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    Balagan and Non-Event once again team up to present… Temporal Currents: Experimental Film and Sound at the Metropolitan Waterworks Museum.

    Conceived as a sort of “live installation,” this event seeks to exploit the peculiarities of the old pumping station as a non-traditional cinema space and concert venue, breathing new life into its 130-year-old brass and iron machinery by means of multiple 16mm and video projections, as well as the sonic explorations of local experimenters. Roughly a dozen members of the burgeoning AgX Film Collective will present new works specially created for the space, informed by its history and architecture, and in dialogue with its intended function and design. Projectors will be placed throughout the facilities, shining abstracted and figurative imagery onto its many curved and textured surfaces, obstructed and shaped by the geometry of its numerous valves, pistons, and gears.


    Friday, September 16, 2016 - 19:00 to Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 18:55


    Metropolitan Waterworks Museum - Boston, United States
  • Hybridity and the Performative Hand-made: Montreal Independent Cinema

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    filmkoop wien presents:
    Hybridity and the Performative Hand-made: Montreal Independent Cinema

    Sonya Stefan presents current Montreal filmmakers and video creators who are exploring hybrid techniques and the hand-made. Each artist defines their own unique process, either by hands-on film, video manipulation or via performance-based techniques such as Hamish Fulton-esque walking trajectories shot along a man-made path leading to a lake. Experimental and animation works make up this program.


    Monday, September 12, 2016 - 19:00 to 21:30


    filmkoop wien - Vienna, Austria
  • Close-Up: Storm De Hirsch - Goodbye In The Mirror

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    First of their new strand of screenings at Close-Up, and programmed by Arindam Sen, Rattis Books presents Storm De Hirsch's rarely screened Goodbye in the Mirror on a beautiful 16mm print, "A dramatic feature shot on location in Rome. Centred around the adventures and illusions of three girls living abroad, the film explores their restlessness and personal involvements in assuming the role of woman as hunter".


    Friday, September 16, 2016 - 20:00 to Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 19:55


    Close-Up Cinema - London, United Kingdom
