
  • Light Movement 13: Colour Spaces

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    Light Movement returns to Spektrum this month, and in more ways than one! Colour Spaces presents a collection of films in which colour is a key factor, either in forming the works concept, its formal structure, its depiction of space, or simply an atmosphere. This screening groups together a wide range of works by some incredible filmmakers and artists, all using colour in ways unique to their respective practices.


    Sunday, April 10, 2016 - 20:00 to Monday, April 11, 2016 - 19:55


    SPEKTRUM - Berlin, Germany
  • Xcèntric: The cinema of Marjorie Keller

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    This session presents two of Marjorie Keller’s most important films, Misconception and Daughters of Chaos, personal musings on the female experience, both intimate and everyday, constructed from domestic footage subjected to complex editing experiments and the correspondence between image and sound.

    Marjorie Keller died prematurely in 1994 at the age of 43, leaving over 25 films in 8 mm and 16 mm and a series of critical texts about the kind of cinema that interested her, such as a book about childhood in the work of Brakhage, Cocteau and Cornell, and incomplete research into experimental film by women, from pioneers like Germaine Dulac, Maya Deren and Carolee Schneemann to the young generation of her contemporaries, represented by Peggy Ahwesh, Su Friedrich and Leslie Thornton.


    Sunday, April 3, 2016 - 18:30


  • Turbidus Film #12: Dragonflies with Birds and Snake

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    Wolfgang Lehmann's Dragonflies with Birds and Snake is a powerfully vibrant film based on zoological and educational footage of insects, birds, and amphibians. The structural montage of the film, with small repititive variations and flicker effects, creating its own spatial and temporal essence.

    ”A menagerie of semiotic editing techniques employed during this exercise allows the marshy world of the dragonfly to unfold before us: dragonfly larvae hatch, whilst mere frames later, a bird slowly devours an adult specimen. We see bird and prey gradually merge forms, holding a constant value of image as all other areas of the frame flicker between positive and negative image, blue sky or green grass.”


    Friday, April 8, 2016 - 19:00 to Saturday, April 9, 2016 - 18:55


    Fylkingen - Stockholm, Sweden
  • VISIONS | 05+06.04.16 | JP SNIADECKI

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    In collaboration with the Cinémathèque québécoise and the Global Emergent Media Lab, VISIONS presents Yumen and People's Park by JP Sniadecki.

    The films are part of CHINA NOW: INDEPENDENT VISIONS, a touring programme initiated by Cinema on the Edge. From March 11 to April 6 Montreal will have access to a collection of illuminating documentaries, brilliant shorts, and spellbinding fiction features from the last four years of Chinese independent cinema.


    Tuesday, April 5, 2016 - 19:00 to Thursday, April 7, 2016 - 22:55


    Cinémathèque québécoise - Montréal, Canadá
  • Crossroads 2016

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    Founded by filmmaker Bruce Baillie in 1961, San Francisco Cinematheque is the Bay Area’s premier venue for avant-garde/experimental, underground and personally expressive film, video and performance cinema. CROSSROADS, now in its seventh year, is Cinematheque’s annual film festival, curated by Artistic Director Steve Polta. Running April 1–3 at the historic Victoria Theatre located in San Francisco’s Mission District, CROSSROADS 2016 will present 75 films, videos and performance works by 71 filmmakers from around the world, screened over 9 programs.


    Friday, April 1, 2016 (All day) to Sunday, April 3, 2016 (All day)


    Victoria Theatre - San Francisco, United States
  • Peter Gidal: Flare Out

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    A screening of four films by Peter Gidal to celebrate the publication of “Flare Out: Aesthetics 1966–2016”, a collection of his essays on film, art and aesthetics. Gidal was a central figure during the formative years of the London Film-Makers’ Co-op and made some its most radical works. His cinema is anti-narrative, against representation and fiercely materialist, and his writings are similarly polemical and unique. This programme of films from the 1960s to the present includes his most recent work, and will be introduced by Mark Webber and Peter Gidal.


    Thursday, April 14, 2016 - 19:00 to Friday, April 15, 2016 - 18:55


  • Alchemy Film & Moving Image Festival 2016

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    The 2016 Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival programme has launched! Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival is Scotland’s international festival of experimental film and artists’ moving image. Taking place from 14th to 17th April, the 4-day festival is held in the ex-industrial mill town of Hawick in the Scottish Borders region of Scotland. Alchemy is one of the UK’s only festivals dedicated to experimental and artists’ film, and draws an international crowd of filmmakers and fans of the genre.

    This year’s theme is the ‘Altered State’ including notions of transcendence, political transition and material change, mental or spiritual transformation, and excavations of contemporary counterculture. Peruse for the full details on this year’s leading features, installations, short films and everything else in-between.


    Thursday, April 14, 2016 (All day) to Sunday, April 17, 2016 (All day)
  • Xcèntric: Observations

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    Like a scientific observatory, this session brings together a series of experimental films that set out to capture the ephemeral forms, the variations in appearance of things, the modulation of light and the transformations of colour in the landscape.

    Using different filming techniques (static shots, time lapse or filters) and various treatments of the film in the laboratory (solarization, tinted, toning or overprinting), the images become optical illusions of the natural world, moving canvases that are transformed and become highly expressive.


    Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 20:00 to Friday, April 1, 2016 - 19:55


  • Young Austrian Avant-Garde Films - the films of filmkoop wien

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    Founded in 2008 by filmmakers with a love for celluloid - the filmkoop wien is the only artist-run film lab in Austria. The collective's mission is to support film arts and offer the space for cinematic experiments. Invited by Canadian filmmaker Madi Piller the filmkoop wien is very happy to present - for the first time in Toronto - a full program of films produced in this lab, created by the hands of its members. The program shows films in Super8, 16mm and 35mm format and aims to present a glimpse of recent Austrian Avant-Garde films created by the young generation.

    Stefanie Weberhofer will be there for a Q&A afterwards. Friendly supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum Ottawa.


    Wednesday, April 27, 2016 - 21:00 to Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 20:55


    Cinecycle - Toronto, Canadá
