
  • Animals Moving to the Sound of Drums & Other Films by Jonathan Schwartz

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    Jonathan Schwartz is an American experimental filmmaker who has been making poetic non-fiction 16mm films for over a decade. In both his travel films and his more diaristic work he draws influence from certain traditional approaches to observational filmmaking as well as from mentors Saul Levine and Mark LaPore. The soundtracks to his films are stitched together from rich textural field recordings and subdued synch-sound that slides above the images. In Den of Tigers, filmed in Calcutta, India, the clang and hum of an outdoor marketplace gives way to a quick jam of tablas and chengilas, or a man’s voice explaining that perhaps “…where you are sitting right now, it might have been the den of a tiger.” But what we see are haircuts performed on the side-walk, books stacked floor-to-ceiling, eggs boiling in a broad black pan. The perceptual experience is condensed by layering images and sound from different moments, but in the very same way it is expanded and a third space created through the happy montage. Where one moment in Nothing is Over Nothing an open door is abruptly closed by a disembodied hand, in another the filmmaker himself is smiling into the camera and offering flowers; perhaps it is an unspoken reconciliation between the intimacy of shared personal experience and the slight melancholy of being in a foreign place. In other works, like his 33 1/3 series of in-camera edited films, the aural and visual attention paid to color, shape, and texture is more explicit. What remains familiar throughout is the lyrical sense to editing and the opaque layering of sound and image. Based in Brattleboro, Vermont, Jonathan joins us in Portland for a two-night survey of his films and discussion of his practices.


    Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 19:30
    Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - 19:30


    Shattuck Hall Annex - Portland, United States
  • Restless Journeys

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    Join Sonic Circuits for an evening of experimental cinema from around the globe in room A5. 

    - Narita Morning (Chris H. Lynn)
    Images from Narita, Japan between the hours of 5 and 6 a.m. near the bamboo forest.

    - Hudson River Landscapes (Patrick Tarrant)
    Recorded from a 24th-floor window on Broadway, Hudson River Landscapes maps the elevated terrain of Manhattan's Upper West Side where laborers and layabouts, while displaced from the city beneath them and framed by the river behind them, function like secret agents in an unscripted spy drama. Patrick Tarrant is a filmmaker and lecturer in Digital Film and Video at London South Bank University.

    - Hull (Tara Nelson)
    A journey between layers of corporal consciousness, Hull explores the physical memory of trauma, and the psychological repercussions of a surgical disaster.

    -A Rolling Mind, a collaboration between South Korean sound artist Una Lee and Chris H. Lynn
    Shot on black-and-white Super 8 film, audio visual rhythms and restless abstractions create a space for inner reflection.

    Plus live Super 8 projection taken from Journal of Drifting Hours reel 5. 


    Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 19:30


    Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library - Washington DC, United States
  • Alexandra Cuesta: Films & Influences

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    At the invitation of art cinema OFFoff, Courtisane is very pleased to present a program composed of films made and chosen by artist and filmmaker Alexandra Cuesta (EC/US). Inspired as much by Walker Evans‘s reticent street photography as by Bruce Baillie’s sensuous film poems, her work manages to strike a delicate balance between the mundane and the poetic, the material and the intelligible. Public places and urban landscapes are observed in their splendor and singularity through the abstract and vernacular figures of everyday life, exploring the constructions of space and structures of time that can be found in the order and disorder of people’s daily movements and environments. These filmic portraits in motion, elegantly composed of textures of light and fragments of bodies, are reminiscent of an approach that Flaubert once referred to as an “absolute way of seeing things”, manifesting the sensible intensities of the most ordinary things, on the point of disentangling the connections that make them into functional objects. It is precisely in this point of tension that the sensibility of Alexandra Cuesta’s work is situated, perpetually oscillating between a fleeting play of correspondences and a surface of percepts and affects that is there for us to engage with.


    Monday, February 17, 2014 - 20:30


    OFFoff Cinema - Ghent, Bélgica
  • Xcèntric: Paul Sharits and Carl E. Brown. Scopic discharge

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    Paul Sharits developed a materialist, stroboscopic cinema based on the technique of flickering images and colours, denying the illusion of film and stressing the subjective perception of the spectator. Carl E. Brown, conversely, has explored the expressive nature of cinematographic material by reinventing procedures and tools. This session brings together two of their films that address the experience of various individuals with mental illnesses and the electroshock therapy they receive. Alternating monochrome stills and images of patients with epileptic attacks taken from a medical study of the activity of brain waves during convulsions, in Epileptic Seizure Comparison Paul Sharits presents the spectator with the experience of the electric shock of these disorders. Inspired by the book The Myth of Mental Illness by psychiatrist Thomas Szasz, in Full Moon Darkness Carl E. Brown juxtaposes expressionist views with Szasz’s accusation of his profession of abuse of power, and interviews with patients who “survived” his treatment.

    - Epileptic Seizure Comparison (Paul Sharits, 1976, 30 min)
    - Full Moon Darkness (Carl E. Brown, 1985, 90 min)


    Thursday, March 6, 2014 - 20:00 to Friday, March 7, 2014 - 19:55


  • To Be Here: The Films of Ute Aurand

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    The playful and poignant films of German filmmaker Ute Aurand, a key figure in Berlin’s experimental film scene since the 1980s, emerge from her intimate relationship with people and places. Drawing on traditions of the diary film, feminism and artisanal practices, her handcrafted 16mm films are filled with joy at the small details of life – from observations of landscapes to friends filmed over many years. Her exuberant films reflect on memory as much as they celebrate the here and now. These screenings presented by the artist will highlight the range and breadth of Aurand’s filmmaking.

    Curated by George Clark, Assistant Curator Film, Tate Modern


    Friday, February 21, 2014 (All day)
    Saturday, February 22, 2014 (All day)


    Tate Modern - London , Reino Unido
  • MuMaBoX #29: Performative body

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    In the history of contemporary art, the body has been a particular medium in the sense that it implies a physical engagement of the artist who is not necessarily present with other media: it isn't just action painting and the rise of Abstract Expressionism in the United States in the 50s that made us realize that the painter paints (also) with his body. With Gutai in Japan, the Vienna actionists, Fluxus and body art - or corporal art, and many other artists out of any movement, the body becomes all or part of the artistic language.

    This performative body, filmed under various schemes - of the acquisition to the intimate theater,, we will give an overview of creation in the field of performance,  territory of the art or History, sexuality and gender are examined.


    Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - 20:00 to Thursday, February 13, 2014 - 19:55


  • Barbara Hammer: Early Short Films

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    As part of the Free to Love: Cinema of the Sexual Revolution series
    Filmmaker Barbara Hammer will appear in person to introduce her work and hold a post-screening discussion.

    - A Gay Day (USA, 1973, 16mm, 3 min.)
    - Menses (USA, 1974, 16mm, 4 min.)
    - Dyketactics X 2 (USA, 1974, 16mm, 8 min.)
    - Women I Love (USA, 1976, 16mm, 27 min.)
    - Multiple Orgasm (USA, 1977, 16mm, 10 min.)
    - Double Strength (USA, 1978, 16mm, 15 min.)
    - No No Nooky TV (USA, 1987, 16mm, 10 min.)

    Free to Love: The Cinema of the Sexual Revolution has been supported by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage


    Thursday, February 13, 2014 - 19:00 to Friday, February 14, 2014 - 18:55


    International House Philadelphia - Philadelphia, United States
  • Connectivity through cinema: Stephanie Gray

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    Join Mono no aware for an intimate screening presentation of recent works by Stephanie Gray presented with live poetry readings. Among the works being shown are several city-symphonies about her former hometown, Buffalo, NY; a film of a certain vanishing Coney Island; pockets of mysterious places in lower Manhattan; and atmospheric and wind-driven portraits of streetscapes in Queens and Chinatown. Her work is motivated by a sort of philosophical conversation with the city, “even if I don’t always know what it means or what it is, the filming makes sense of it in a kind of magic way. The city speaks and makes meaning, of both the past, present and future and where do memories fit in?” Her relationship with New York is intimate, and her ability to capture the subtle whispers amidst the chaos allows one to see the invisible.


    Monday, February 17, 2014 - 19:30


    Center for Performance Research - New York, United States
  • Xcèntric: A camera of one’s own. Film portraits and diaries by Ute Aurand, Margaret Tait and Marie Menken

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    A central figure on Berlin’s film scene, Ute Aurand makes her films in the tradition of the diary and the filmed portrait, strongly influenced by Margaret Tait, Marie Menken and Jonas Mekas. Films that explore the private lives of her friends, the beauty and sensibility of light and the textures of spaces, meticulously edited and structured “that evoke the specific rhythms and the personality of people and places captured by the camera”. This programme centres primarily on the recent filmed portraits of Aurand, whose work has just started to become known internationally in the last few years. It is brought together with that of Tait and Menken, with the presentation of a little-known film made on a trip to Spain with Kenneth Anger and left unfinished. Ute Aurand will be present at the screening.


    Thursday, February 6, 2014 - 20:00 to Friday, February 7, 2014 - 19:55


  • Difraktion 2014

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    After three successful editions LaborBerlin once again presents DIFFRAKTION, its very own annual showcase of new works on film by its members and friends. This year, DIFFRAKTION will encompass a full­day event with various film programs, talks, film performances and live music. 

    LaborBerlin is a nonprofit, independent film collective, open to any and every individual interested in artist­run initiatives and analogue film practices. With this in mind, the goal of this event is to be an open invitation to anyone that’s interested in preserving the artistic use of analog film, and in supporting collective initiatives that seek to make these types of practices open, accessible, non­hierarchical and non­commercial.

    We believe that the present moment, when most traditional film labs are closing and digital media has become the dominant option for audiovisual production, is not a time of crisis for analog film but a moment of opportunity. Film and the knowledge around it, now free from the demands of the commercial sector, can begin a new life as a truly independent medium to be openly shared and collectively developed. However, with this opportunity come many morechallenges. Which is why we want to present this event as an open forum for discussions and suggestions on how to overcome the challenges that LaborBerlin, and many other organizations like it, face today. LaborBerlin in particular is currently at risk because of upcoming rent hikes. Therefore this event also serves as a fundraiser to guarantee that we can keep an open and economically accessible space.


    Saturday, February 1, 2014 (All day)


    Villa Neukölln - Berlin, Germany
