Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis

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Marcos Ortega's picture

I watched Mary Jordan's documentary about Jack Smith yesterday. I had read some reviews about it before, both good and bad, and after seeing it, I have to say I agree with the later.

"Jack Smith..." to me failed as a documentary: it is more of a hagiography. Smith's works and life are treated in a rather superficial way, without really delving in what must have been a complex personality. At some times the montage even manipulates the information, like a propaganda work; the information is usually presented one-sided (the Mekas segment, the "lobster", etc...). Strangely enough, Ken Jacobs only appears in a handful of scenes and there is no mention of their work together.

Have you seen it? What are your thoughts about it?

Marcos Ortega's picture
Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis

I watched Mary Jordan's documentary about Jack Smith yesterday. I had read some reviews about it before, both good and bad, and after seeing it, I have to say I agree with the later.

"Jack Smith..." to me failed as a documentary: it is more of a hagiography. Smith's works and life are treated in a rather superficial way, without really delving in what must have been a complex personality. At some times the montage even manipulates the information, like a propaganda work; the information is usually presented one-sided (the Mekas segment, the "lobster", etc...). Strangely enough, Ken Jacobs only appears in a handful of scenes and there is no mention of their work together.

Have you seen it? What are your thoughts about it?

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