5th Edition SSF Early Bird call

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5th EDITION SSF is open for submissions!!
Calling all Early Birds!!!

We are a short film festival based in Hackney, London. We will screen the finalist films on a specific Hackney venue. 

At Screener Short Films we showcase the best and most  outstanding international short films.
Our mission is to encourage and support filmmakers throughout their creative process in order to provide the recognition they deserve.
We are a platform whose main goal is to provide a space for short independent films which create their own unique language and content.

We will give recognition awards to those film voted more popular in our network, and to do so we will take in account four major categories :
*Best Narrative
*Best Documentary
*Best Animation
*Best Experimental

Our Early bird deadline is on the 12/04/2023


Wednesday, April 12, 2023 (All day)

Submission fees: 

Submission fees are charged

Contact Email: 

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Wednesday, April 12, 2023 (All day)