
  • Austrian Film Museum - In Person: Deborah Stratman

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    Over the last 15 years, Deborah Stratman's (*1967) moving image works have gained increased recognition in the art world as well as the world of cinema. She has developed a unique documentary form which, though interested in the material reality of visible and audible surroundings, sees these as mirror images of an inner disposition. Natural landscapes and landscapes marked by civilization, traditional and pop-cultural rituals, and fragments of a history of cinema come together in a pointed documentary essayistic expression of the (mainly) American soul.


    De Jueves, Octubre 4, 2018 (Todo el día) hasta Viernes, Octubre 5, 2018 (Todo el día)


    Austrian Film Museum - Vienna, Austria
  • Light Industry: Seven Films by Renate Sami

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    Introduced by Robert Beavers

    I met Renate Sami when the filmmaker Ute Aurand invited me to show films at FilmSamstag in Berlin in the late 1990s, but it was only later that I experienced the calm directness of her own film and video work, and became acquainted with the emotion at its source. When I moved to Berlin, I learned more: how she came to film and what directions her filmmaking took


    Martes, Septiembre 11, 2018 - 19:30


    Light Industry - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Backbone: Vancouver Experimental Cinema 1967-1981

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    Celebrating artistic innovation in Vancouver from 1967 to 1981, this documentary follows a period when Canada was an international hub for experimental film. Vancouver artists, on Canada’s west coast, had a particularly dynamic scene that inspired an enduring body of work that resonates today.


    Sábado, Septiembre 8, 2018 - 15:45


    Vancity Theatre - Vancouver, Canadá
  • A Sentimental Punk: An Incomplete Kurt Kren Film Retrospective, 1956-1996

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    Pioneering Austrian experimental filmmaker Kurt Kren (b. Vienna, 1929; d. Vienna 1998) is an elusive yet persistent figure in twentieth-century histories of both performance- and film-based experimentation. His practice was idiosyncratic to say the least, staked in experimentation across media communication platforms in film and the visual arts no matter where that took him—from cooperative theaters, midnight screenings at commercial theaters, fringe film festivals in abandoned subway stations, and punk shows in warehouses; to art schools, artist studios, galleries and international art and film festivals, across nations and continents.


    Sábado, Septiembre 22, 2018 - 19:30
    Domingo, Septiembre 23, 2018 - 19:30


    The Lab - San Francisco, Estados Unidos
  • Cineinfinito #63&64: Vincent Grenier

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    Vincent Grenier nació en Quebec, Canadá. Ha pasado gran parte de su vida en Estados Unidos, fundamentalmente en Nueva York. No obstante, ha participado con frecuencia en la escena artística de Montreal en los 70 y 80, así como en el entorno de la bahía de San Francisco, donde obtuvo un máster en Bellas Artes del San Francisco Art Institute a comienzos de los 70. Las películas y vídeos experimentales de Grenier han ganado numerosos premios y se han proyectado en Norteamérica, Europa y China en los principales museos, muestras y festivales.


    De Miércoles, Septiembre 19, 2018 - 17:00 hasta Jueves, Septiembre 20, 2018 - 16:55


    Filmoteca de Cantabria - Santander, España
  • Cinema Parenthèse: Land/Scapes 1

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    Cinema Parenthèse presents Land/Scapes, a series in three programs with films by Claes Söderquist (Sweden), Els van Riel (Belgium), and Werner Nekes (Germany), that seeks to explore the encounter of film and the expanse of landscape. The encounter stages the possibility on the one hand of the investigation of historical and dimensional aspects of space, and on the other, a reflective reconnaissance of the film medium.


    De Domingo, Octubre 7, 2018 - 16:00 hasta Lunes, Octubre 8, 2018 - 15:55


    WIELS, Contemporary Art Centre - Brussels, Bélgica
  • Close-Up: Phased Return

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    Edwin Rostron and Supreme Vagabond Craftsman present Phased Return, a new audiovisual performance incorporating animation, video, electronic music and long-form prose poetry.


    De Sábado, Septiembre 15, 2018 - 21:00 hasta Domingo, Septiembre 16, 2018 - 20:55


    Close-Up Cinema - London, Reino Unido
  • DIM Cinema: Corin Sworn - The Spectre of Breath

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    Fascinated by the “erratic meetings and schisms” of images, artefacts and histories, Canadian artist Corin Sworn builds her research into “scripts,” sometimes as objects and propositions in a gallery, sometimes as characters and narratives in a film.


    Miércoles, Septiembre 5, 2018 - 19:30


    Pacific Cinémathèque - Vancouver , Canadá
  • Radicales Libres - Freedom: el cine de Yoko Ono

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    Las películas de Yoko Ono ocupan un lugar capital en la historia del cine experimental estadounidense en la década de los años sesenta del pasado siglo, un momento de especial efervescencia creativa, una época de desafíos formales, industriales, artísticos y políticos, y una época en la que el cine comenzó a ser visto, sin tapujos, por muchos artistas como un medio de expresión y experimentación al mismo nivel que la performance, las artes plásticas o el arte sonoro.


    De Sábado, Septiembre 8, 2018 - 21:00 hasta Domingo, Septiembre 9, 2018 - 20:55


  • NewFilmmakers: Short Experimental Documentaries

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    Please join our screening event "Short Experimental Documentaries," Curated by Tova Beck-Friedman at Anthology Film Archive, NYC. Tuesday, September 11 at 7:15PM

    - Marketing to Death, by Braddon Mendelson & Jerry Danielson —06:25
    An exploration of consumerism and the consumers it consumes.

    - Notes on Violin, by Avital Oehle — 09:36
    "Notes on Violin" explores the life of a violin-obsessed teacher, who wants to spread "the gospel" of classical music


    Martes, Septiembre 11, 2018 - 19:15


    Anthology Film Archives - Nueva York, Estados Unidos
