The Undercut Reader: Critical Writings on Artists\' Film and Vid


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The Undercut Reader is a collection of writing and visual works drawn from Undercut, the only U.K. magazine dedicated to artists\' film and video between 1980 to 1990, combined with newly commissioned articles by leading critics in the field. Undercut cri

The Undercut Reader is a collection of writing and visual works drawn from Undercut,
the only U.K. magazine dedicated to artists' film and video between
1980 to 1990, combined with newly commissioned articles by leading
critics in the field. Undercut critically explored the
aesthetics and politics of film and video practices within the context
of visual arts and independent cinema.

The Undercut Reader
includes writing by and on Stuart Hood, Michael O'Pray, Sally Potter,
Peter Gidal, Malcolm le Grice, Peter Wollen, Laura Mulvey, Stuart
Marshall, Peter Kennard, Valie Export, Mona Hatoum, Patrick Keiller,
The Straubs, Richard Long, Annabel Nicholson, John Hilliard, David
Curtis, Christine Delphy, Isaac Julien, Ian Christie, Jacqueline Rose,
Gayatri Spivak, Susan Hiller, Derek Jarman, Stan Brakhage, and Cerith
Wyn Evans.

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