Call for Entries for Silver Dusk 5

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Promedio: 5 (2 votos)

Silver Dusk is an experimental film experience presenting works by contemporary artists within an evening of excellent film, food, music and decor.

Started as a 16mm event during the beginning of the COVID pandemic as a solution to a lack of screening events, we serve as a gathering point for artists, musicians and film fanatics alike - or anyone interested in underground/outsider art. Contrasting the traditional film festival model, which is often stuffy and overly academic, we create a less formal, salon-esque atmosphere with our lauded "cocktail hour" in which artists across genres can meet, talk, and indulge in culinary delights by chef Rossella Mastronardi, before settling in to watch an evening of thought-provoking cinema.

For our 5th edition, we will be hosted by Whammy! Analog Media in Echo Park, Los Angeles. We encourage 16mm and films on analog media.

- All films must be 15 minutes maximum runtime.
- All formats are accepted (16mm and digital preferred), including music videos and expanded cinema performances.
- Films must be in the EXPERIMENTAL genre. Avant Garde, art films, animation.
- No limit on the date or country of completion (English or English subtitles preferred).
- No premiere status is required.

For more information and to submit a film visit or

Fecha límite: 

Martes, Noviembre 1, 2022 (Todo el día)

Submission fees: 

Convocatoria gratuita

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Fecha límite: 

Martes, Noviembre 1, 2022 (Todo el día)