Alternative Night of Experimental Film

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After three successful screening events attended by wonderful creators, the Alternative Night of Experimental Film is back - once again inviting submissions of short experimental films and moving image works that will compose the programme for an informal screening in an alternative music venue in Kingston upon Thames, London.

We are particularly interested in works by emerging filmmakers and artists based in London; the aim of the event is to create a platform for conversation and networking for those who are exploring the alternative creative paths through experimental cinema.

This will be the platform's final screening instalment (for now) and we're so excited to welcome moving image enthusiasts of all kinds to a night of immersive films and engaging conversations. The screening date is scheduled for Friday 3 June 2022.


In open and imaginative interpretations we ask for films to be engaged with definitions of the word. Below are some examples:

1. direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of knowledge
2. something personally encountered, undergone, or lived through
3. the conscious events that make up an individual life
4. the events that make up the conscious past of a community or nation or humankind generally
5. the act or process of directly perceiving events or reality

We are looking to present a programme comprising of diverse voices and original visions.

We are aware of limitations of access and challenges of both the film industry and the art world, and our mission is to support the emerging talent in the field of moving image as a multidisciplinary endeavour, creating a community that provides space for growth and mutual encouragement.

Our event will include a screening, artists' talks, and a space for informal networking opportunities for filmmakers, moving image and sound artists, musicians. Everyone welcome.


This is a non-competitive showcase of the best recent short experimental films with informal networking opportunities.


ilms should be no longer than 15 minutes.

We encourage submissions from students, recent graduates, or those without formal film education.

Films have to be in English language or be subtitled in English. All films with dialogue are asked to provide a subtitle file.

Films should be produced after January 2019.

Currently we will prioritise submissions from filmmakers based in London who will be able to attend the screening event on the 3rd of June 2022 in Kingston Upon Thames.



Saturday, April 30, 2022 (All day)

Exhibition dates: 

Friday, June 3, 2022 - 17:30

Contact Email: 

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