
  • Fuera de formato: Fluxus I

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    En torno al dadaísmo y a la figura de John Cage, el movimiento Fluxus nace, informalmente organizado por Georges Maciunas, entre 1961 y 1962, haciendo dialogar la música, las artes plásticas y visuales, la literatura y la acción performativa. A lo largo de dos sesiones, se presentará la antología más completa de los films Fluxus, integrada por piezas de duraciones muy diversas realizadas entre 1963 y 1970 por autores tan dispares como Nam June Paik, el propio Maciunas, John Cavanaugh, Yoko Ono, Robert Watts o Paul Sharits.


    Sunday, December 13, 2009 - 18:30
  • YBCA: Short films by Curt McDowell

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    Short films by Curt McDowell
    Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
    701 Mission Street, 94103
    San Francisco, California
    December 17th,. 19:30

    "Curt was curt, cute, controversial, and not celibate,” wrote his former friend and collaborator George Kuchar. McDowell (who died in 1987) was a key San Francisco underground filmmaker whose work is rarely revived. Bawdy, funny and sometimes explicit, this program of some of his best short films are infused with joy and fearless intensity of raw emotion.


  • Thomas Demand at Teatro Lara

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    Thomas Demand
    Rain / Lluvia (2008)

    December 15, 2009 6pm - 11pm

    Teatro Lara
    Corredera Baja de San Pablo 15

    Rain patters onto the stage in the venerated Teatro Lara in Madrid.

    It takes a while to realise that no water is falling: these are raindrops animated by hand!

    The film projection washes over the stage, hundreds of drops splashing onto the seamlessly wet surface. But nothing is as it seems. Simulation is the very stuff of theatre, and in the empty auditorium the pattering drops echo the sound of applause.

    The artist Thomas Demand, famous for his photographs and films of meticulously detailed cardboard models of places known only as mediated images, is presenting his latest film installation "Rain / Lluvia" (2008) at Teatro Lara in Madrid on December 15, 2009.

    The artist shows a 35 mm film featuring something completely common: rain. It is, however, an animation. Projected as a continous loop in a classic theatre space. What is artificial about it and what is real? Spontaneously one begins to ponder the relationship between the two.

    The work was part of the installment of "Il Tempo del Postino" in Basel (2009) and premiered in Berlin at the HAU (2008).

    This event has been made possible through the support of Galería Helga de Alvear in Madrid and coincides with a show of his recent works (November 27, 2009 - January 10, 2010).


  • VideoSur II: Experimental Video from Latin America

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    The MassArt Film Society and Discordiafilms present VideoSur II, a selection of Latin America experimental video that includes documentation of performance and art actions, noise video and stop motion animation from Chile, Argentina and Mexico.


    Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - 20:00 to Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 21:55


    MassArt Film Society - Boston, Estados Unidos
  • Double Negative Collective: Parataxis

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    The Double Negative Collective presents a selection of recent experimental films and videos by Montreal filmmakers at Cinéma Parallèle.

    * Thursday 17 Dec. 2009, 21h30
    * Cinéma Parallèle [3536 Boul. St-Laurent, Montreal, QC]

    Parataxis is the juxtaposition of dissimilar images or fragments in language, creating new meaning with the odd pairing. In cinema, filmmakers usher in many surprising marriages of visual and sonic ideas with each depression of the splicer, as many curators articulate new meanings in a varied program of film and video work. With this program, the Double Negative Collective presents a selection of recent experimental films and videos by Montreal filmmakers at Cinéma Parallèle.

    - Perceptual Subjectivity | Philippe Léonard
    - Columns In The Sea | Nancy Baric & Nicolas Renaud
    - À L’Est Des Vents | Émilie Serri
    - Lacuna | Shannon Harris
    - Through Three Eyes | James Schidlowsky
    - 1 To 8 | Amy Schwartz
    - j. | Alexandre Larose & Solomon Nagler
    - Hydromorphone 8MG | François Miron
    - Over No Things | Yen-Chao Lin
    - Oparine | Stéphane Calce
    - Universe Of Broken Parts | Richard Kerr
    - Strips | Félix Dufour-Laperrière


  • eluparcettecrapule présente: Patrick Bokanowski

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    eluparcettecrapule présente :
    Courts métrages de Patrick Bokanowski
    en présence de Patrick et Michèle Bokanowski
    Jeudi 17 décembre à 20 h 30 au Studio - 3 rue Général Sarrail, Le Havre, France

    - La Plage (1991, coul, 14' 00)
    - La Femme Qui Se Poudre (1970-1972 , n&b , 18' 00)
    - Déjeuner Du Matin (1974, coul, 12')
    - Éclats D'orphée (2002, coul, 4'35)
    - Battements Solaires (2008, sonore, 18'40)

    entrée : 4 euros

    «Cet auteur acharné à travailler l’image “réelle” au moyen de techniques empruntées à la peinture et au cinéma d’animation est de taille à mettre sur pied un univers de démence et de cataclysme d’une beauté sans discussion...» Michel Perez

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