
  • Cambridge Film Festival: Mike and George Kuchar

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    Mike And George Kuchar
    Cambridge Picture House
    24-25 September 2009
    38-39 St Andrew's Street, Cambridge, CB2 3AR
    Tickets: £6.60 / £5.70 concessions
    Telephone: 0871 704 2050

    Cambridge Film Festival will screen a selection of rare, classic films in tribute to the work of George and Mike Kuchar, leading figures in the 1960s US underground film movement, and acknowledged pioneers of the camp/pop aesthetic. The Kuchar Brothers influenced practically all who came after them, from Andy Warhol to John Waters, Guy Madden to Roger Vadim, Atom Egoyan, Wayne Wang and David Lynch. However despite having such high profile fans, the Kuchars remain largely unknown. The programmes include several recent 16mm preservation copies of the Kuchar's early 8mm films.

    The 29th Cambridge Film Festival runs from 17 to 27 September 2009.


  • FNC Lab: De Frescobaldi à Pollock, de Rembrandt à Steve Reich

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    Le Festival Du Nouveau Cinéma with the support of Délégation Wallonie-Bruxelles presents:
    De Frescobaldi à Pollock, de Rembrandt à Steve Reich, un dialogue poétique entre images et musique, improvisées ou pas.
    Thursday October 15th, 9pm
    At Agora du Cœur des Sciences of UQÀM
    175 Avenue President-Kennedy, Place-Des-Arts metro
    Montréal, Québec

    Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven (Belgium), piano
    Jean Detheux, images

    A painter-filmmaker and a pianist who (re)discovered each other and (re)connnected somewhere beyond time and space and who very much look forward to the unexpected possibilities of their visual and sonic interplay. You will have the chance to hear a wide range of music, from Frescobaldi, Dowland, and Couperin to the more contemporary Jean-Luc Fafchamps, John Adams, Steve Reich, Maurice Ravel, Claude Ledoux and Collard-Neven himself.
    There will be free improvisation, music that yet doesn’t exist but is however there, somewhere, as a ‘possibility’ of music.


  • Impakt Festival 2009: Accelerated Living Exhibitions

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    “All will be now. Dreams are too fast. You are the first. We are the last.
    No sequence to follow. No fear of tomorrow. Kiss of neverness. Life of timelessness
    We’ll break the speed of change. we’ll tame eternity.”

    - The Pop group, ‘We Are Time’

    We Are Time

    In the context of the programme “Accelerated Living”, part of IMPAKT FESTIVAL 2009, 14-18 October 2009, Utrecht, NL. Preview here. Via Diagonal Thoughts.

    14-18 October, AAMU, Flatland Gallery, Academie Galerie

    The passing of time is something we feel intimately familiar with, and yet it continuously slips away from us. Centuries ago, St. Augustine already caught this tension in words: “What is Time? If nobody asks me, I know; but if I were desirous to explain it to one that should ask me, plainly I know not.” The invention of clock time provided a partial solution: time was rationalised, adjusted to the rhythms of growing industrialisation. This transformation – symbolically completed with the introduction of standard time and the division of the world into time zones – resonated deeply in our social and cultural lives. The experience-based understanding of time was replaced by a rigid, linear and numerical logic which has gradually become embedded in our subconscious. The arrival of ICT and globalisation has pierced this unilateral and troublesome relationship. Ironically enough, the dawning of the computer age –the main source of today’s acceleration – has allowed for new perspectives on the role and potential of time. This exhibition takes that openness as a starting point and presents a series of works which each in their own way strive for a particular time awareness. Different dimensions of time, both social and natural, objective and subjective, are unfolded, deformed and combined, in search for new forms of perception and imagination of time.


  • LaViolaBank Gallery: Ouside in

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    Tunnel light (Leighton Pierce) (from Agrancy of Time series)Outside In
    Curated by Mary Dailey Pattee
    September 17 - October 18, 2009
    Private view 6-9pm, September 16
    LaViolaBank Gallery / 179 East Broadway / New York NY 10002

    LaViolaBank Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of “Outside In,” a group exhibition curated by Mary Dailey Pattee and featuring the work of six artists: Daphne Arthur, Marina Berio, Diane Carr, Mira O’Brien, Leighton Pierce and Christopher Saunders.
    Outside In is a multi-media exploration of the connection between real space and the landscape of the subjective mind. Drawing on land, sea, sky and the atmosphere of imagined vistas, the artists in this exhibition engage the landscape tradition as a means of addressing broader questions related to entropy, destruction and renewal in the contemporary world.


  • Views from the Avant-Garde 2009

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    night side (Rebecca Meyers, 2009)The NYFF's experimental film strand, 'Views from the Avant-Garde' that will be held next October 2-4 in the Walter Reade Theater reaches its 13th edition with eleven programmes of experimental film and video.
    Among the many highlights of the festival, a tribute to the figure of Chick Strand, a reconstruction of Passolini's found-footage essay film La Rabbia and new works by Phil Solomon, Peggy Ahwesh, Lewis Klahr, Michael Robinson, Deborah Stratman, Lynne Sachs, David Gatten, Harun Farocki,Leslie Thornton, Ernie Gehr and many others.
    Curated by Mark McElhatten & Gavin Smith.


  • LA Filmforum: A tribute to Chick Strand

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    September 13, 7:30 pm at the Egyptian Theater

    Los Angeles Filmforum presents A Tribute to Chick Strand

    Chick Strand, photo by Neon Park, from Canyon Cinema

    Chick Strand, photo by Neon Park, from Canyon Cinema

    At the Egyptian Theatre, 6712 Hollywood Blvd. at Las Palmas, Los Angeles, 90028  $10 general, $6 students/seniors, free for Filmforum members

    Filmmaker, artist, teacher, joyful marvel, force of life… Chick Strand passed away on July 11, and our city and our lives won’t be the same. For those of you who knew her, and those of you who didn’t, Chick was a marvelous and inspirational filmmaker and person, the artful person whom one was always delighted to see, an essential person who made the world a better place.

    “With her camera, Strand does not “document” her subjects–she creates lyrical representations. She is not afraid to look through her lens as a person; questioning, admiring, and honoring what she sees. Just as she brings poeticism and the personal into ethnography, she infuses an integrity, honesty, and selflessness into her works that few people can manage.” – Pablo de Ocampo

    “…For most of her filmmaking career, the integrity of Strand’s vision lay aslant of prevailing fashions, so that only belatedly did the full significance of her radically pioneering work in ethnographic, documentary, feminist, and compilation filmmaking – and above all, in the innovation of a unique film language created across these modes – become clear.  Though feminism and other currents of her times are woven through her films and though her powerful teaching presence sustained the ideals of underground film in several film schools in the city, hers was essentially a school-of-one.” – David James, in The Most Typical Avant-Garde: History and Geography of Minor Cinemas in Los Angeles (University of  California Press, 2005) p. 358.

    Appreciation by Holly Willis:

    Article by Pablo de Ocampo in the Portland Mercury from 2001:

    Paintings by Chick Strand:

    There is an extensive discussion of Strand and her films in David James’s The Most Typical Avant-Garde: History and Geography of Minor Cinemas in Los Angeles (University of  California Press, 2005), pp. 357-367.

    Tonight we’ll be running a wide range of the glorious gamut of her work, and one treat from her husband.  Curated by filmmaker Amy Halpern.  Prints courtesy of the Academy Film Archive, by arrangement with Canyon Cinema.

    ANGEL BLUE SWEET WINGS (1966, 3 min., 16mm)

    An experimental film poem in celebration of life and visions. Techniques include live action, animation, montage and found images.

    GUACAMOLE (1976, 18 min., 16mm)

    Poetic surrealism. Approach is experimental in relationship of image and sound. A film about the loss of innocence and the search for the essence of the human spirit.

    CARTOON LE MOUSSE (1979, 15 min., 16mm)

    “Chick Strand is a prolific and prodigiously gifted film artist who seems to break new ground with each new work. Her recent “found footage” works such as CARTOON LE MOUSSE, are extraordinarily beautiful, moving, visionary pieces that push this genre into previously unexplored territory. If poetry is the art of making evocative connections between otherwise dissimilar phenomena, then Chick Strand is a great poet, for these films transcend their material to create a surreal and sublime universe beyond reason.” – Gene Youngblood

    WAR ZONE by Marty Muller, aka Neon Park (1971, 3 min.)

    Made with Chickie nearby.

    BY THE LAKE (1986, 9,5 min., 16mm)

    A collage film made from Third World images and found sound from a 1940s radio show (”I Love a Mystery”), live recordings of an operation on a horse, and a 1970s church service, all taken out of context and reconstructed into new relationships and meanings. An Anglo woman’s interpretation of magic realism.

    WATERFALL (1967, 3 min., 16mm)

    A film poem using found film and stock footage altered by printing, home development and solarization. It is a film using visual relationships to invoke a feeling of flow and movement. Japanese Koto music.

    KRISTALLNACHT (1979, 7 min., 16mm)

    Dedicated to the memory of Anne Frank, and the tenacity of the human spirit.



    ELASTICITY (1976, 25 min., 16mm)

    Impressionistic surrealism in three acts. The approach is literary experimental with optical effects. There are three mental states that are interesting: amnesia, euphoria and ecstasy. Amnesia is not knowing who you are and wanting desperately to know. I call this the White Night. Euphoria is not knowing who you are and not caring. This is the Dream of Meditation. Ecstasy is knowing exactly who you are and still not caring. I call this the Memory of the Future.  This is an autobiographical film funded by the American Film Institute.

    After graduating from Berkeley with a degree in anthropology, Strand threw herself into the cultural ferment of the Bay Area in the 1960s, especially Canyon Cinema, where she was one of its founders and instigators, with Bruce Baillie.  After four years she moved to Los Angeles to study at UCLA and joined the newly formed Ethnographic Film Program.  Meeting Pat O’Neill, who was at that time beginning his experiments with the optical printer, she made Waterfall (1967), a film that solarized and otherwise re-worked both live-action and found footage in the vein of contemporary West Coast psychedelia.  This overall aesthetic continued to inform Strand’s work, but it was sharpened and made more serious by her encounter with what seemed an entirely contrary idiom, that of documentary ethnography.  She did not get involved with the Hollywood film industry, but taught film for twenty years at Occidental College.  She also painted extensively.  Her second husband was Marty Muller, known more widely as the artist Neon Park, and she had one son, Eric Strand, a film editor. – Largely drawn from The Most Typical Avant-Garde: History and Geography of Minor Cinemas in Los Angeles (University of California Press, 2005), pp. 358

    “Her passing comes to me and others at Canyon Cinema with great sadness….Chick was one of the founders of Canyon Cinema and the Cinematheque. She always supported Canyon in all of the endeavors that have been done in the past. Personally she and I became close over the years and I could always count on her for advice in matters of Canyon and also on a very personal level.
    I will miss her greatly and her passing is a loss to the entire community. The experimental film community has lost a great human being. Her absence will be felt for some time.” – Dominic Angerame, Executive Director, Canyon Cinema

    Chick Strand changed my life. A great teacher, a great filmmaker, a great human being. I am so grateful to have met her and learned from her. I would not be who I am today had I not met her. I was just one of so many students, but she was and will forever be a gigantic presence in my soul. – Brook Hinton, filmmaker

    This screening series is supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission and the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles.


  • Light Industry: Ulrike Ottinger's Taiga

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    Ulrike Ottinger, 16mm, 1991/2, 501 mins
    Light Industry
    Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 1:00pm
    220 36th Street, 5th Floor
    Brooklyn, New York

    Presented by Ginger Brooks Takahashi

    "Taiga is Ulrike Ottinger's eight hour documentary film on life in Northern Mongolia, a journey to the yak and reindeer nomads. For this presentation at Light Industry, we will watch the film in its entirety. Food will be served, but please also bring things to share. Attempts and interpretations of the region's cuisine are encouraged--yak butter and various ferments? English translations of the transcript will be provided to the audience to read along.


  • LFF: Experimenta 09 programme

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    FILM IST. a girl & a gun (Gustav Deutsch, 2009)Compared to previous years' editions, the 53rd London Film Festival's avant-garde and experimental film section Experimenta 'opens up', offering this year a wide selection of feature and short films emphasizing the 'avant-garde' versus the 'experimental' strand.
    Nevertheless, the Experimenta section offers this year the possibility to watch wonderful films such as the restored new prints of Hollis Frampton's Hapax Legomena, the 13th part in Gustav Deutsch's series FILM IST, A girl and a gun, and other works by Mara Mattuschka & Chris Haring, Ken Jacobs, David Gatten, Matthias Müller & Christoph Giradet, Laida Lertxundi and Jim Trainor among others.


  • 4th Annual ATA Film & Video Festival

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    My Tears Are Dry (Laida Lertxundi, 2009)Artists' Television Access has announced the full programme of its 4th Annual ATA Film & Video Festival, to be held next October 21-23 in San Francisco. Three days full of activities including an interesting workshop on experimental film distribution and exhibition, gallery installations and two programmes of experimental film from local and international filmmakers, such as Paul Clipson, Kerry Laitala, Tommy Becker, Maarit Suomi-Väänänen, Chris Kennedy, Laida Lertxundi and Martha Colburn.
    Complete information available at the festival's website.


  • Impakt 2009: Accelerated Living screenings

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    pohjola_routemaster2In the context of the programme “Accelerated Living”, part of IMPAKT FESTIVAL 2009, 14-18 October 2009, Utrecht, NL. Preview here.

    All screenings @ Filmtheater ‘t Hoogt

    It seems as if time is increasingly out of joint. We no longer experience time as a succession or an acceleration of events, but rather as something adrift in a fragmented world of information stimuli, out of the realm of chronology and linearity. What is the impact of this evolution on our perception patterns? How do the different internal, natural, social and technological rhythms relate to each other and influence our daily sensory perception? What is the role and potential of cinema, together with music, the art form most particularly devoted to the shaping force of time? These and other questions will be explored through a series of contemporary and historic film and video works addressing the relation between space, movement, technology and (our experience of) time. Via Diagonal Thoughts.


