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[news]: Abstracta 2007 awards

[url= Abstracta 2007 awards[/url]

The 2007 edition of [url=][b]Abstracta[/b][/url] ,  the international Abstract Cinema exhibition hold last week at Rome, Italy, has announced its winners. This edition's international jury was comprised by Americo Sbardella, Pip Chodorov, Javier Aguire and Simonetta Lux.[br /]
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[u]Winner[/u][br /]
- [i][url=]Mercurius[/url]  [/i]by [b]Bret Battey [/b](UK, 2007)[br /]
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[u]Honorable mentions[/u][br /]
- [i]Energie![/i] by [b]Thorsten Fleisch[/b] (Germany, 2007)[br /]
- [i]Symphonie Catenaire[/i] by [b]Didier Feldmann[/b] (France, 2006)[br /]
- [i]Exploration[/i] by [b]Johanna Vaude[/b] (France, 2006)[br /]
- [i]White Noise[/i] by [b]Dennis H. Miller[/b] (USA, 2007)[br /]
- [i]Le possede[/i] by [b]Leonardo Carrano[/b] (Italy, 2004)

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