The Digital Artists' Handbook

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Edward Picot's picture

The Digital Artists' Handbook - . Description: "An up to date, reliable and accessible source of information that introduces you to different tools, resources and ways of working related to digital art." This has been put together by folly (, a digital arts organisation from the North West of England. The emphasis is on open source software (the Gimp, Blender and Processing for graphics/animation/interactive animation, for example), and it would be useful to have more detailed point-by-point comparisons of open source packages with their closed source equivalents, but all the same this is an extremely useful resource.

Edward Picot's picture
The Digital Artists' Handbook

The Digital Artists' Handbook - . Description: "An up to date, reliable and accessible source of information that introduces you to different tools, resources and ways of working related to digital art." This has been put together by folly (, a digital arts organisation from the North West of England. The emphasis is on open source software (the Gimp, Blender and Processing for graphics/animation/interactive animation, for example), and it would be useful to have more detailed point-by-point comparisons of open source packages with their closed source equivalents, but all the same this is an extremely useful resource.

Marcos Ortega's picture
The Digital Artists' Handbook

Sounds like a good starting point. Thanks! :)

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